Move In Day

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It's Thursday morning on August 10th, the day freshman move into their dorm rooms. Fatima pulls up with her parents Alex and Alora. They are in a small uhaul truck because Fatima had so much stuff she was bringing with her. Alex parks they haul and all 3 exit towards the building that read "BONIN HALL" it was and all girls honor dorm on the campus of SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY. Fatima see so many other girls moving into their rooms she was so excited! She gets to the desk to check in. One of the RA's are their to assist her to the first floor to give her the key to room 139. Fatima didn't have a roommate so she had ample amount of space for her things. When she opens the door she was impressed because the room smelled really good and it was so spacious she had her own bathroom with a shower. Her and her parents left to room to start hauling things to her room. Once they emptied the uhaul, they helped her set up her room. Her bed sat high enough to put containers underneath so she can save on space. She had decorated her room in black, white, teal, and a touch of gold! She sat up her tv, fridge, and microwave! She also had a hot plate. She put the groceries in the fridge and cabinet that they stopped and got on the way there. She hung some art work and decor all around trying to make it feel like she's at home! She a MacBook sitting on her desk along wit a printer! She lit a bath and body works candle while she tried to relax...she gave her parents a hug and kiss as they left to head back home! About an hour later she blew the candle out and headed out the door. She wanted to walk around to see if she can meet people. She saw a sign that that read "meet and greet being held at 7pm in the reception area" ALL IS WELCOME!! Food, fun and games....She made a mental note to be in attendance. She walked out the building to get some fresh air then headed back to her room to finish unpacking what she didn't unpack previous. She noticed the time was 6:15pm. She hurried and took a shower got dressed and headed to the reception area. When she got there, it was pretty packed. She had fun and met a few people. She headed back to her room to get ready for bed.

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