Chicago Trip!!

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With a few months left before PAPA makes his 1st birthday, Fatima had to leave to go to Chicago...she had to have a board meeting about her upcoming season. Fatima took a year off for the baby. She's been loving it so much she's not sure if she wants to go back to coaching...I mean don't get me wrong, she loves coaching but she also loves spending time wit her PAPA!!
Ahhhhh shhiiittttt....papi! Right there!!!! Fatima woke up to Zac between her legs, he had her legs spread open wit his face deep in her sweetness. Licking, slurping, and sucking!!! He kisses his way up to her face!! Not even caring about her morning breathe. He kisses her sloppy letting her taste her juices. He slowly enters and begins to give her slow strokes...Fatima wraps her legs around his back and begins to move to his beat. Fatima is fucking Zac from the bottom while Zac kissing and sucking on her neck...Fatima grabs his face and gives him a kiss .. ...they going at it, trying see who gone tap out first!! Fukkkkkkk gorgeous I'm boutta bust...nahhhhh papi hold that shit.....Fatima flips them over and makes her way down Zac's body so he can finish his but down her throat! Within 5 minutes of Fatima giving Zac one of the best morning blow jobs, he bust down her throat!! She goes back up to kiss him...and he picks her up and takes her to the bathroom. He turn the water on and they both get in...before Fatima can do anything, zac pushes her body forward so she can be facedown ass up! He enters her....fukkkk papiiiii yessssss!!! As Fatima grabs her ankles, she begins to throw that ass much that she had Zac pinned against the wall...he pulls out and slides down and start licking her pussy.....he tongue and finger fucks her til she comes....FUKKKKKKK PAPI that was the best morning I've had in a while...he kisses her and says I KNOW!! They shower and both get out...
Zac had an away game so Fatima decided to get ready to head to Chicago...she goes in the room to wake PAPA up to feed him, bathe him, and get him packed and dressed....Zac went to let Fendi out...after Zac finished wit Fendi, he fed her. He asked Fatima wat she was wearing for the trip and put her out for on her.

Fatima got PAPA situated and ready

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Fatima got PAPA situated and ready.....then she called Keyra because she called her a couple of days ago to ask her would she come to Chicago with her since Desmond and Zac had away games...of course she said yes...Keyra answered the phone and was actually on her way to the house...

Keyra answered the phone and was actually on her way to the house

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Now it was time for her to get dressed

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Now it was time for her to get dressed.....she threw on some leggings and a hoodie...all the bags was at the door and Keyra and Zac was waiting on Fatima to come to leave for the airport. Zac packed the car and buckled Saint in his car seat then everyone headed to the airport...they made it to the airport...Fatima had Saint in his carrier hooked to the front of her while Fendi was in her doggie bag...(which Keyra carried). Zac had checked the luggage at curbside so Fatima wouldn't worry about it.. she gave him a kiss and told him she would see him in a few days...they headed inside...
After a few hours they made it to Chicago and to Fatima's condo. Fatima quickly sent Zac a text letting him know they made it to the condo. Keyra let Fendi out while Fatima changed and wiped Saint down...she made him a bottle and laid him down to nap...

she made him a bottle and laid him down to nap

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Keyra came back with Fendi. She went i the bathroom to shower and change...while she was in the bathroom Fatima ordered them some Chinese food. Once Keyra came out Fatima went in...just as Fatima was getting out the shower the food arrived. They ate and talked about what's been going on the last couple of months. Keyra told Fatima that her and Desmond have been trying to conceive. Fatima told her to keep the faith. It's all in gods timing! Fatima went to check on Saint, he was still sleep so she hopped in the bed wit she rubbed his head and sang a sweet Lullaby...after the song she said a prayer for her baby boy!! ......father GOD, as i come to u...i ask that you Please bless him with your protection as he grows up. She's kisses his cheek. As she rolls over she gets a few time from Zac.. hey gorgeous! Hey Sexyface! They chat for a bit. She faces the camera towards Saint. Zac says a few words as she places the phone to Saints ear! Then they say their goodbyes and hang up..Keyra walks in Fatima's room and asks her if she's ok...Fatima said she was good and Keyra walked over to her and kissed her cheek..good night sweets see ya in the morning!
The next morning Fatima gets up to get dressed to head to her meeting...Keyra was up already because she took Fendi out, then she made TIMA a smoothie and Saint some oatmeal and juice...after Fatima got dressed she hugs Keyra and heads to the meeting!! Once Fatima mad wit to the meeting all eyes was on her. Dammmmmm, this bitch just bounce back like it ain't nuthin, one of the women say. All the men was drooling as she walked in like the BADD BITCH she is...good morning everyone, y'all ready to get this meeting started?? As the meeting proceeded Fatima noticed a different in the atmosphere of the room. It felt like they was tryna hide some shit from her. She quickly picked up on it..she looks over to Mr. Lewis (who's HEAD of the board) and asks him what's going on? Why do i feel like something is not being said? Is there something you guys would like to let me in on?  Well Fatima.........

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