Tonight is the Night...

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As Fatima walks from her luggage and takes a seat on the floor next to Zac, she gives the bag to Zac.  She tells him before he opens the box she just wanted to tell him that she loves him and she's extremely happy he's a part of her life.  Zac opens the box and BOOM!!!

Issa ROLLY!! She told him Merry Christmas babe

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Issa ROLLY!! She told him Merry Christmas babe.  His mouth was still wide open because he didn't expect a Rolex...he said TIMA, how? Why? When? Are unsure i want to gift me a rolly..she said yes Zac!! I love you and want to show u how special you are to me.  Zac grabbed her face and gave her a kiss! He got up and went to his jacket pocket that he wore the beginning of the trip and pulled out a small box...he handed it to Fatima and told her before she opens it he just want her to know how much he love her.  He knows they are young but no girl has ever had his heart by the strings like she did.  He said TIMA you are my baby, i love you so much, we in this thing together, FOREVER! And wit this gift i promise to never hurt you, or break you heart.  To treat u wit respect, love, and admiration everyday forward! Fatima was ready to open the box!

  To treat u wit respect, love, and admiration everyday forward! Fatima was ready to open the box!

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She opened the box and said babe u didn't have to.. he said yes i did! TIMA look at me, u are my world and i PROMISE to cherish each and every moment wit you! She was speechless! He put the ring on her finger and got up!! She started walking away but turned and looked back at Zac wit a smirk and said come on papi NOW IM READY FOR YOU!   Zac got up and grabbed TIMA by the waist.  She hopped on his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed him passionately...not breaking the kiss they made their way to the bed....he laid TIMA down on her back..he started kissing her neck, breathing in her ear.  He then went back to her lips, placing soft kissing then licking her lips softly...he had one hand roaming her body rubbing it oh so softly!!! He unbutton her bra and grabbed her breast!  He had one breast nipple in his mouth sucking soy and twirling his tongue around her nipple while rubbing the other breast!  He was flicking his tongue all around her nipple. TIMA was swarming all around the bed!! He body temperature raised.  Her breathing started getting heavy.   He starting moving his way down licking her stomach.  He got between her legs, where her underwear had an opening ..he kissed her inner tights and all around her pussy.  He took his hands and spread her freshly waxed pussy lips apart!! He licked her fold from her opening to her clit!! He started kissing her pussy like it was the lips on her mouth.  He paid special attention to her clit...making a circular motion wit his tongue around her clit!  He started slurping and sucking gently.  He then took a finger and inserted it into her opening.  She jumped a lil but started moving her hips in a rotation rhythm.  He went in and out her opening wit his finger...he felt Fatima about to cum so he took his finger out and rubbed it on Fatima lips so she can taste her juices!  While doing that he took his tongue and inserted it into her pussy as deep as he can go!! He started tongue fucking her while he rubbed her clit!  Fatima was quite because she was so nervous but she was still able to concentrate on getting her nut.  At this point Fatima was no mor good she came all over his face!!  He started licking her body making his way back to her mouth! He's kissing her neck whispering in her ear asking her is "ARE YOU SURE BABE" she whispered back "I've been waiting for this moment, so yes PAPI" ..Zac lined up to her opening and slowly and gently inserted himself! Fatima let out a gasp.  Zac said gorgeous if it hurts I'll stop.  Do u want me to stop? She said no papi give me all of u! I'm ready .  He continued to give her inch by inch until he was fully in her....Fatima had a tear fall from her eyes because of the pain but after a while the pleasure over shadowed the pain!! As Zac was giving her the business she started to rolled back...he said that's it gorgeous that's it...get into it! Give me pussy...she started kissing and sucking on his shoulder blade as he was pumping inside her! She started to moan shhhiiitttt papi this feels so goodddddd....don't stop! After a few more pumps she came...and Zac pulled out!! They lay there both outta breath.  Fatima noticed he pulled out and wondered why.   He knew she was on birth control.  They lay there for a minute until she rolls on top of him... she starts to kiss him again and then down his body til she was face to face wit WOOD...she grabbed his dick and started licking it from bottom to tip...she circled around the tip teasing him getting him harder..she slowly  started going deeper until his dick was dam near down her throat! With one hand she held his dick twisting and turning while her mouth was doing wat it do!  The other hand gently crested his balls... she got her rhythm and started sucking and slurping! Zac was moaning as he grabbed her head pushing it further down his dick!! She was sucking him so good his toes was curling up!  Ooohhhhhh Fatima babyyyyyyyyy I'm cuuuuunmmminn...she kept going not tryna hear wat he was saying.   Zac came and Fatima swallowed all his swigglies!!!she got up and laid on his chest! They both fell asleep after!!
The next morning they got up and both got in the shower together! They bath each other off then got the tub...both walking around their robes on! Zac sat on the bed to order room service breakfast! As he was hanging up the phone, Fatima straddled him and started kissing him..Zac said now come gorgeous just cuz i finally gave u the zacblizzy don't mean it's gone happen all day everyday!!! Fatima put her finger to his mouth to shut him up.  She said papi i wanna ride my dick...Zac said let's save some for tonight because now that i don't broke u in yo ass gone get it all the time!! She pouted and said ok bae u got that!  Let's get ready to eat breakfast!

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