Who is "the friend" and April yo ass boutta get it!!

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It's the beginning of a new week at school.  Fatima and Keyra was walking to class wen they spotted Zac walking towards them, but before they made their way towards him, here comes April walking around the corner towards Zac. Fatima grabbed Keyra by the arm and stopped her. Fatima told Keyra hold up let me see wat this bitch boutta do! Zac not knowing Fatima was looking at them. April walked up to Zac and rubbed his chest saying something, Fatima couldn't hear or make out wat was being said! She just watched and paid attention. As April was rubbing Zac's chest, Zac smacked her hands away from him.. At that point Fatima started walking towards them. April noticed Fatima coming and started walking away, she looked at Fatima with a grin on her face! Keyra pulled Fatima by the arm and said don't do it! Zac grabbed Fatima and kissed her. He said good morning gorgeous. Fatima is kissed, she burnt..she knows she gone see April around and it's on site!!!! She started to calm down and hugged Zac and kissed him back! Fauna and Zac went in class and Keyra went to her class! After class they all met in the union to eat lunch.  Fatima and Zac was talking about wat happened! Zac told Fatima i don't know wat is April problem but babe i promise u i don't mess with her nor do i like her! I only have eyes for my gorgeous face! You're the only one i see...the only one i love! Fatima knows it's not Zac and it's April's fault so she told Zac don't worry she gone handle her once and for all...Zac told Fatima to chill out because it can ruin her scholarship. Fatima said no because April not gone stop until she puts her foot on her neck! Enough is enough with that bitch!! And speaking of bitches, which one of them niggas you hang around with took that video and sent it to my phone! How the fuck did they get my number? Then they sent it through a text free app! Zac said it had to be Nate because he remembered he used Nate phone one day to Fatima.  Fatima said ok I'll handle that mutha fucka too! Zac said no no no babe let me handle his bitch ass and u handle April bitch ass! Fatima said ok babe BET!!! She got up from the table hugged and kissed Zac and left! She had basketball practice to head to!

After basketball practice she headed to dorm room and she saw April and her friends coming out the dorm! April said something under her breathe and Fatima stopped dead in her tracks! She turned around and said u know wat imma see u later believe that! April laughed and went walking.  Fatima knew April was going to dinner in the cafeteria so she went to her to shower and change clothes!

  Fatima knew April was going to dinner in the cafeteria so she went to her to shower and change clothes!

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She got dressed and waited inside the building for April! She knew they didn't have cameras...she waited til she saw April and her friends walking back! Fatima pulled her hair up in a pony.  As they got closer Fatima stepped in the view so they can see her.  April asked her wtf u want. Fatima told April I'm sick of u bitch and i promised u it was on site wen i see u! I don't believe in sneaking no hoe so imma let u get prepared for the ass whoopin before i dish it to u! April started laughing and said girl love u ain't gone to do shit! Fatima grinned and grabbed April by her hair and booped the Mario coins out that hoe head! Fatima had her in a head lock giving her all upper cups to the face! April was swinging, she was giving Fatima a fight but not good enough. Fatima was screaming "bitch u thought because i was on scholarship i was gone let u keep playing me huh? BOP!! But no bitch u don't fuckin no me, my parents have money i don't need no fuckin scholarship. BOP!! Fatima slung April on the ground and got on top her and started choking her...Fatima looked her dead in her eyes and said NOW LOOK HERE BITCH STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY MAN! This is ya last and final warning! Fatima got up and kicked April in her face.  April on the ground crying asking her friends why they let her get beat up like that and one of the girls said, that's goody for yo ass because we told u to leave that girl man alone u don't fuckin listen. Now look at you! Busted lip and black eye! With a bad ass headache! They all laughed at her ass! And walked to their rooms! April felt like shit because she really thought Fatima wasn't gonna do her anything! So she decided she wanted to apologize to Zac for everything! And she also wanted to apologize to Fatima but definitely not right now!

Fatima made it to her rooms and she called Keyra and told her everything that happened. All Keyra could do is laugh! And said i bet that hoe k ow who to play with now .   They hung up. Fatima was so scared to tell Zac so she decided she wasnt! She knew he would trip about the whole scholarship thing.  Meanwhile Zac and his boys sitting in the lobby of the dorm talking and bullshittin.  Zac asked which one of them sent a video to Fatima from a text free app of the other night wen April was in front the dorm! They all got quite! They knew it was Nate because truth be told Nate would say lil slick shit everything Zac left them to go be with Fatima...Zac yelled imma ask u Niggas one more time...WHO DA FUCK SENT THAT FUCKIN VIDEO! everybody got up and walked away except Nate! He looked at Zac and said yea nigga i did it AND??? Before he could finish Zac knocked Nate head off his shoulder (figuratively) ...Nate got up and said nigga u trippin, i did it because Fatima to good for u! Zac told Nate u don't even no me like that so get the fuk on with that bullshit! I love my gorgeous and ain't no MF'r coming between us! Zac walked off. He called Fatima as soon as he made it to the room! She answered on the first ring thinking he may have heard something about the fight! He spoke.." hey gorgeous wats up? I miss u" Fatima said same here and I'm not doing anything but studying...Zac ran it down to Fatima and she got quite thinking about if she should tell Zac wat happened...Zac said hello, hello, gorgeous u ok! She said yea I'm good but i have something to tell u!

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