Boo'd UP!! In MIAMI!

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It's been a few days since Fatima came home from the was time for Zac to go back to LA to get ready for the Super Bowl.....
Good morning gorgeous, i really don't wanna leave you but i have to get back to practice...good morning papi, and it's fine i understand....I'm feeling a lot better the pain has subsided.  Thank you for everything and taking care of me..BABY, u never have to thank me for doing what I'm supposed to do..u are my world, my heart, i got u! There's nothing else i would rather do than to be here with and for you! Awwwwhhh papi, i love you so much. I couldn't imagine my world without u in it...they hug and kiss...well what u gone be doing while I'm gone? Nuthin much! Training camp resumes in a few days.  Then i have a break to come to Miami for the Super Bowl.  Zac starts smiling! With a smirk he says, maybe we can start working on them babies you gone popping out! Fatima looks at him and says BABIES???? Nahhh papi it's only gone be 1 and done...Zac smacks his teeth....maybe 2 and that's a strong maybe she says! But in all other seriousness iMma do some research on black women and the effects it has on them...i wanna know and learn all i can to be prepared for our first baby. I understand gorgeous i really do...well I'm boutta head out and I'll call u soon as i make it to LA.
After Zac leaves, Fatima gets on her laptop and starts her research.....some interesting things she's found out is ....

....Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—and a big reason for the disparity may be racism, say experts.

...Lack of access to care and poor quality of care play a role in the disparity, particularly among women at lower socioeconomic levels. (Which Fatima wouldn't have to worry about).

...Black women are undervalued," she said. "They are not monitored as carefully as white women are. When they do present with symptoms, they are often dismissed."
.......5 most common symptoms Black women deal with while prego are...
1. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy in women who did not have diabetes before they were pregnant. This condition affects insulin, a hormone that helps your body use glucose (sugar) for energy.

2. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are potentially dangerous complications involving a sudden spike in blood pressure. Pre-eclampsia can occur during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. This condition can cause extremely serious — and sometimes even fatal.

3. High blood pressure develops often during pregnancy, and although it should be monitored, it is usually not harmful to mothers or their babies. If you had high blood pressure before pregnancy, however, it increases your risk of pre-term birth and pre-eclampsia.

4. Preterm labor occurs when contractions start after the 20th week and before the 37th week of pregnancy. Babies born prematurely are more likely to develop serious, long-term health problems.

5. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is excessive bleeding after childbirth, resulting in a potentially life-threatening loss of blood. PPH usually happens within 24 hours of giving birth but can occur up to 12 weeks after having a baby.

Almost 40% of Black mothers and birthing people experience maternal mental health (MMH) conditions. It's essential to have a support system and to recognize when something isn't right! Emotions are on high and changes occur wit the body and the mind after birth..

Fatima takes some notes as she reads..she gets a FaceTime call from Zac letting her know he's made it back to LA..heyyy papi! What u doing gorgeous? I'm just reading up on some things about pregnancy and the effects it has on black women..OHHHHH BABYYY! I like, that means u are serious about having my babies...she smiles and said of course papi!! I'm ready.....they talk a lil while longer and then hang up!
A few days pass and it's time for Fatima to head to Miami...she gets dressed and gets Fendi dressed!! She grab the bags she packed for the 2 and head downstairs to Uber to the airport!

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