Christmas Trip

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Fatima woke up early the next morning and facetimed Zac.  She asked if he was up, he said he's getting dressed and that he would be ready wen she gets there!  Fatima got up took her shower and did her morning routine. Before she got dressed she went downstairs to ask her Dad could he put their suitcases in the car.  Fatima had packed a suitcase for her and a suitcase for Zac.  He said sure princess where are the suites? She said their in the garage next to the folding table.   Her dad left to go to that and she went back upstairs to get dressed. 

She knew it would be cold where they were going so she dressed accordingly

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She knew it would be cold where they were going so she dressed accordingly...she texted Zac to tell him that her and her dad is in route to his house and to make sure he dressed accordingly...She made it back down stairs and her dad said princess where are u guys going..seems like it's gonna be cold wherever y'all going.  She gave her dad the information on the flights and resorts just in case they need to reach her.   They pulled up to Zac's house and he was on the porch waiting.  Fatima got out to say hi to his Mom who was on the porch with him because she was nosey.  And gave Zac a hug! His mom told them to be safe and have fun.  Fatima wrote the flight details and resort info on a piece of paper and gave it to his mom wen he turned his back. 

Zac  got into the car and dapped her dad off and said good morning Mr

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Zac  got into the car and dapped her dad off and said good morning Mr. Wilson.  He in return said good morning back.  Fatima gave him a kiss and they held hands til they got to the airport!  Once her dad pulled up, he got out and helped get the suitcase! Fatima pulled up the tickets in her phone to check their suitcases in.  They made it through TSA then headed to their gate...Zac was super quite because he couldn't believe what she was doing and he still had no clue to where they were going.  They made it to the gate and Zac looked up and it said Albuquerque ..he had a confused look on his face.  TIMA just smiled and said yes papi we're at the right gate! And hour later it was time to board the plane.  They rode DELTA first class (of course).   The plane ride was about 3 hours non stop.  They landed and went to baggage claim to get their suitcases.  Fatima called the van service that she had set up and the guy said he was out front waiting for her wit her name on a small board.   They got the luggage then found the van service.  Which was a black Mercedes van.  The van shuttled them to the resort! When they arrived Zac eyes got big.  He had never been anywhere where it snowed before! He look at her and said babe are u for real right now? Are u serious?  She said yessss babe this is our home for the next couple of days!

  He had never been anywhere where it snowed before! He look at her and said babe are u for real right now? Are u serious?  She said yessss babe this is our home for the next couple of days!

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She went to the counter to check in and get their room key...she was gonna get one of the housekeepers to set the room up tomorrow night wen they come from dinner..For today's event she had planned to go skiing and tubing.  So they mad wit to the room and changed into their ski clothes and boots she got them.   They also had their ski googles and gloves.  Before they left the room Zac grabbed her and gave her a passionate kiss...squeezing her tight and rubbing her ass.. she got lost in the kiss..but then realized they have to go before it gets to dark! They made their way to the ski lift, they had lessons before they actually skied.  Zac did good but Fatima was almost a pro because she's been here many of times with her parents.  After awhile they went to get some hot chocolate and relax.  They turned their ski rentals in then headed to tubing.  When they got to tubing the line wasn't that long...Zac told the man to make sure their tubes are tied together!  Fatima took out her phone to record them coming down the hill. When they made it to the bottom they got out and hugged each other so tight! Zac told her that was amazing babe!  It started getting late so they headed back to the room! They changed out of their clothes and took a shower.  They put their night clothes on and just cuddled! Zac playing in Fatima's hair and rubbing her body said "babe i can't believe u did this for us". She said PAPI u ain't see nothing yet!  She smirked and kissed him..they both were tired so they just feel sleep!

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