Saturday fun day!

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Fatima woke up around 12:30ish. She took a shower and laid across the bed! She texted Zac and asked did he want to get some Waffle House and he said yes! She got dressed and headed to pick him up! Zac didn't have a car yet because he really didn't need one at this time. They made it to Waffle House, they sat and started talking. Zac asked Fatima to tell him all about her. She said ok...She started with she's the ONLY child, her mom is a big shot lawyer and her dad is a pharmacist! BOTH legal and street. They lived in the Eastover subdivision. She's was spoiled rotten, she got everything she ever wanted and asked for! For that she made sure her grades were good and she played really hard in basketball! Her scholarship was both academically and sports! Hence she lived in the honors dorm! She went to Cabrini High (all girls private catholic school) Wer she graduated salutatorian. She said enough about me, tell me something about u Zac? Zac said well as u no I'm from the 7th ward NOLA all day everyday babyyyyyyyy!!! He was the oldest of 3 siblings but the only boy. He had younger sisters that was twins. He graduated from Warren Easton with honors.. He was the star player on his football team. The quarterback at that! Hence the football scholarship. He didn't come from money but he did have a 2 parent household that did pretty well. His mom is a registered nurse and his dad worked for the city as a councilman.  They talked some more after they finished eating. Fatima asked Zac did he wanna go to the movies tonight and of course he said yes! They left Waffle House and headed back to campus. She dropped him off and went chilled til it was time to go to the movies.

She stared getting ready for the movies, the movie started for 8:15pm.

She headed to pick Zac up

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She headed to pick Zac up. She texted him but he was already standing by the stairs waiting for her.

He got in the truck and they headed to the movies

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He got in the truck and they headed to the movies. She decided to watch MAGIC MIKE the last dance. Zac paid for the tickets and asked did she want anything. He got them some popcorn and a large coke to share! They walked in and found seats at the top in the corner. The movie started, they watched and ate the popcorn and drank the coke! Towards the middle of the movie Zac started rubbing on her legs. He turned her chin towards him and gave her a kiss! He licked her lips and she felt chills! He couldn't keep his hands off her! They made out throughout the movie! At one point Fatima felt chills as Zac started rubbing between her legs! She had on a skirt so it was easy to get to her puss! He pulled her thong to the side and started rubbing her clit!! Fatima was moaning softly in his ear..Zac removed his hand and licked his fingers and put them back between her legs. At this point he inserted 1 fingers and she gasped closing her legs! He asked was she ok and she said yes..he continue to kiss her and finger her, she got comfortable and spread her legs back open.. it's continued til Fatima climaxed and Zac felt it. He removed his hand and rubbed his finger on her lips as he kissed her! The movie was over and they was the last to leave out! They headed back to campus and Zac asked her did she wanna come up to his room. As bad as she wanted to she declined knowing it would lead to something! He wasn't upset, he understood and gave her a hug and kiss goodnight! She headed to her dorm. She made it inside and texted Zac she made it and good night! He ok gorgeous talk to u tomorrow! As she hung up . She just couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the movies.. she was on cloud 9!!

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