Adjusting to adult life!

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It was now the day Zac starts summer training camp.  They both wake up and shower.  They do their morning routines.  Fatima puts on lounge wear while Zac is in the closet looking for something to wear. 

After he finishes he kisses Fatima and heads down to the practice facility

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After he finishes he kisses Fatima and heads down to the practice facility.  The practice faculty is located in Thousand Oaks which is one hour and 15 minutes away from Zac's condo.  He wanted to make an impression so her got early enough to stop and get some breakfast from a Mc Donald's drive through.  One thing about Fatima and Zac they not afraid to eat regular shit and go regular places.  I guess because they feel they aren't "that famous".  YET!! Zac made it to the training camp and walked in..
Meanwhile at the condo Fatima called April back.  This time she answered. Heyyyy frienddd wats up? How are you! Well I'm good, I'm in Chicago now. I got into the program at Chicago are u here yet? Fatima said no not yet I'm still in LA wit Zac. He started training camp today. Speaking of Zac hold on, answer ur facetime...she answered and Fatima had her ring blinging on the screen!! April said bihhhhhh I'm so happy, she started jumping up and down so happy for her. Yesss bihhh u no I'm super happy, that's my baby, wen i say i love that nigga!! I LOVE THAT NIGGA!! Lawd!! 👅💦..April said oh trust me i no! But for real friend I'm so proud of u...and happy for u both..since I'm out here i grab me some season tickets so i can be court side to cut up for my friend!! Yes bihhh u better. Well i have to go I'll talk to u later, WAIT, have u talked to Keyra yet? I've been trying to call her. Yess i have. She's in LA working on her real estate journey...oh ok I'll call her later.  Ok chic I'll call you once I'm back in Chicago so we can link up! They hang up and Fatima calls Keyra...hey boo, wats up? Wat u doing? Nuthin girl but reading these books.  We'll come over.  I'll send u my about to cook us some brunch.  I'll call down to tell the doorman to let you up.  Ok cool.. see u in a bit...Fatima and zac got some groceries delivered the other day.  So she decided she wanted to cook them some shrimp and grits, fresh fruit bowl, and toast.  She put some champagne in chill, she had orange juice because Keyra liked mimosas but Fatima like poinsettia's which is cranberry juice and champagne.  After about 45 minutes Keyra was knocking at the door...heyyyyyy bestieeeeeeeee they hugged! They missed each other!  Keyra loved her some Fatima, like REALLY loved her! Fatima loved Keyra too but y'all now NOT like that.  This lah crib nice AF.  I love it! And i can tell u put ur touch on it...Keyra was just in time the food was just finishing.  Fatima fixed her and Keyra a drink while she toast their bread.   They sat at the table and ate, drank, and chatted.  Soooo TIMA what's gonna happen wen u have to go to Chicago? Are u ready to be away from Zac? Fatima put her head down because she knows she wouldn't be away from him that long but it's gonna be times wen she's not here in LA with him..."well i really haven't thought about that".  I know the WNBA league don't really last long, so imma work on getting my masters degree, then my doctorate degree.  I don't wanna be in the league long anyways...because i most definitely wanna have this nigga babies..I'm thinking 2 at the most! They both laugh! They drink some more...and Fatima asks ... so Keyra what are your plans as far as relationships..Keyra said, well I'm dating.   Didn't run into no one that's worth my time...but yea I'm dating.  Fatima grabbed Keyra's hand and said "look bestie you have to open your heart, there's somebody out there for you".  Keyra removed her hand as said yes TIMA i no.  BUT!!! But wat? Fatima said!  Keyra said u already no don't make me say it.  Keyra look at me..u can't keep holding out for me.  Keyra said dam TIMA u don't think i no that already.  I've been came to my senses about my love for you.  I'm no longer in love with u TIMA,  i told u that.  I cherish this friendship and you.  I would never let nothing come between us.  Or jeopardize it in no way.  I love Zac like a brother.  I know he's the best thing for you and reverse..y'all are perfect for each other and i adore that.  I'm just not in the head space right now to fall head over hills for no one yet!  And also I'm thinking about trying a nigga out.  Fatima spit her drink out! Bihhhh i no we drunk but not that dam drunk! 🤣 ...Keyra said, no seriously Fatima i think i want a man.  Well u no Zac is at training camp and he's gonna make some new friends and maybe just maybe...we can get u hooked up!  Keyra said that sounds like a winner!! At this point they tipsy TIMA turns on some music.  She got the beats rolling and they drinking..before u no it they both was passed out on the couch...Zac walked in after practice and sees them!! Fatima half on the sofa with her legs dangling over the side and Keyra on the other end of the sectional head deep in the pillow!  Like she boutta suffocate.  He looks around and see the food in the table and champagne bottles..he just busted out laughing...these girls wild!  He walks over to Fatima and licks her lips to wake her..she jumps up! still groggy, papi ur home! How was practice? I missed u!  It was good babe.  What y'all got going on here?  Oh babe we had brunch.  I made enough for u if want some I'll fix it while u shower!  Ok gorgeous..Fatima walks over to Keyra to wake her..ohhh bihhh u got me drunk in the middle of the day!! They both laughed.  Keyra got up and went to the other bathroom and washed her face.  After Zac finished his bower he came in to eat and talk to the ladies.  So Keyra hey girl wats up?  Oh nuthin, let me ask u a question Zac.  Dammm just like that Keyra! She laughed and said nigga chill, soooo i was thinking about getting me a man ..Zac looked a Fatima and smiled.  Zac knew how Keyra felt about Fatima.  Ok go on what's up? Zac said!  Well i was thinking that u could hook me up with someone that's single on ur team.  Zac said ok, let me wat i can do i don't really no these dudes like that so let feel them out and get the scoop on them and I'll hook something up for you.  I got you girl...well imma head out.. Keyra gets up hugs Fatima and Zac and leaves.  Zac looks at Fatima and says is she serious? Fatima said why u asked that? Come gorgeous i knew she was stupid in love wit you wen we was in college.  Yea but she also knew i was head over hills for you! She knew i ain't play that shit.  And she respected that that's why i fucks with her and she's my bestie.  Well I'm glad u didn't give her my sweetness cuz shit ..that's all mines!!! 👅💦🤤...boy stop Fatima playfully smacks Zac...she walk to the room because at this point she had a headache and Zac wanted to nap because he was tired from practice.  Babe wats wrong? I have a headache and i don't have anything to take.  Well let me go run downstairs to the front desk they have a lil convenience store area, they should have some Tylenol.  Zac came back with Tylenol and a glass of water.  Thanks papi! Zac got in the bed.  Fatima cuddles up under him she couldn't stop thinking about the conversation her and Keyra had about her being in Chicago without Zac....but she decided to just let it go and cross that bridge wen they get there.  She knows Zac is her peace and she's his peace so Eventually she dosed off. 

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