Telling the Parents!

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A few weeks have past by, Fatima and Zac has been going to her appointments. Everything is looking good as far as Fatima and the baby's health...Fatima has been coaching and the team has been winning. Zac managed to graduated from his online college..he now has his masters degree...Fatima had another semester before she gets hers...
Good morning papi! As she kisses his lips and rubs his face...good morning gorgeous, he plants kisses all over her face and her stomach...he rubs her stomach as he says his morning prayer.

Dear God,
As we have created a new life, let your wonderful plan cover my wife and aid her during her pregnancy. Let your great peace grant my wife good health, and let your grace protect the delicate soul inside my wife's womb. With your living miracle, allow us to feel perfect peace, knowing that you will be with us every step of the way.
We praise you for your glory in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN!

Fatima and Zac hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy yet....she wanted to wait until she was past her 1 trimester....PAPI, i think it's time we tell our family and friends. Sure gorgeous let's book a trip back home to New Orleans and let everyone know...ok babe can u pass me my laptop so i can book the flight for us...gorgeous it's literally sitting on the table next to the bed..just reach over and get it...but papiiiiii i want u to get it for me....Zac shakes his head and says to himself "ole spoiled ass"....Fatima laughs because she knows what he's thinking...gorgeous if this baby is anything like u it's gonna be spoiled AF!! She smiles.....papi i was thinking we should make a bet...i know we both want a happy and healthy baby...but I'm leaning more to a BOY, and ur leaning more to a girl....sooooooo i was thinking..........if it's a boy i get to pick out my push gift and if it's a girl u can have watever u want? Noooo nooooo noooo, ya ass think ya slick because i was getting u a push gift anyways....i already have one on lock! He says as he walks to the bathroom to do his morning routine...okkk okkk....well we don't have to's cool...Fatima continues to book the flight and tells him they leave tomorrow morning...Fatima was thinking that gives her time to go run to the mall to get some things she needs...she gets ups and goes to do her morning routine...Zac goes to let Fendi out while TIMA gets dressed....once Zac comes back they head to the mall...
After leaving the mall Fatima ask Zac to stop so she can get a hotdog..for some reason that's what she he finds a stand and pulls over...beautiful what would you like on ur hotdog? She smiles and says chili, cheese, and extra mustard..with a few jalapeños...oh and can u get me a mango punch drink! Zac gets out to go get the food...he comes back to the car to open her door..he wanted to go sit by the lake and eat...

he wanted to go sit by the lake and eat

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They walk over to the lake...Fatima sits in between Zac's lap as she eats her food!! He rubs her stomach and kisses her neck as they sit and take in the sights...she leans back on him and looks in his eye and tells him there's no other place she'd rather be..she kisses him and he kisses her back...BUT of course he had to be extra!!! Shittttt papi!! I'm ready to go home...Zac laughs and gets up. He grabs her hand to help her up...Papi can u carry me back to the car? I don't feel like walking...Zac let's out a sigh and bends down so she can get on his back!! He pulls her up by her ass and she wraps her arms around his neck while kissing the back of his neck...they make it back to the condo...Zac gets on the laptop and handles his business while Fatima lets Fendi out...once she gets back she gets on the sofa and within minutes is knocked out...Zac goes to get her a blanket and covers her up...he notices Fendi at the other end of the sofa looking at him...he just shakes his head and says "i gotta be outta my mind to want Fatima to have a princess"..cuz look at this!! This dam dog is just too cute!!

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