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As the weeks pass by they crew got ready for graduation! April (B.S in nursing), Keyra (B.A in Business Admin), Zac (B.A. in Finance) and Fatima (B. A in Accounting with a minor in Health Care Administration). April, Keyra, and Zac all was graduating cum laude and Fatima was graduating summa cum laude.  They all met up with their families and had a mid morning church service.  Then they all went to have brunch at  TOAST.  After brunch they made their way to the auditorium to line up.  After the graduation Zac parents waved for him to walk towards he walked he noticed a car.."DAMMMMMM that MF niceeeee....his parents hugged him and told him how proud they were of him.  They gave him a set of keys...he asked what's this for? His mom turned and said hit the button.  When Zac hit the button it was to the car he noticed wen he was walking towards them!!

  When Zac hit the button it was to the car he noticed wen he was walking towards them!!

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He said MA, POPS!!! This mines??? Yes baby boy u worked hard for it...i know now that your in the NFL you can afford these type of things but ur mom and dad wanted to get u ur first car! Zac couldn't believe it...he hugged them and said thanks.  He couldn't wait to show Fatima...he hurried and called her, as she was opening the door to her truck she notices......

he hurried and called her, as she was opening the door to her truck she notices

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She knew they were from Zac...babe thank u!! He smiled and said congrats baby, u deserve so much more and i promise i got u! Whatever u want! But i need u to do me a favor and walk back over towards the back side of the building.  Ok papi on my way.  When Fatima got there she saw Zac standing by a car.  She ran towards him and jumped in him with her legs around his waist.  Papi is this yours? Yes gorgeous this is mines.  She kisses him, OMG i love it!!! They said their hood byes to their parents and headed towards their hotel.  Fatima got a call from Keyra telling her that her mom and dad got her a white Mercedes coupe..she said she would see her tomorrow.  And April parents got her BMW.  Everybody was gone be riding fly.  
Fatima and Zac make it to her room.  They start to pack.  As they were lacking Fatima's eyes filled wit tears.  Papi, we have so much to do before we get our life started..we are adults now and on our own.  I'm scared.  I know we both still have our parents but I'm still scared.  You gonna be at training camp this summer and I'll be at training camp also.  I know our schedules gonna be hectic papi.  I afraid!!! I'm afraid u won't miss me, I'm afraid I'll lose you to the fortune and fame!! Look at you! Ur fine AF , and now the starting quarterback for the RAMS.  These hoes gonna try u.  He lifts her head and brings her to his lap as he sits on the bed!!! With his hands around her waist he turns her so that she straddles him...look at me gorgeous, there is nothing for you to be afraid of.  I'm not going anywhere.  I told you that u will be by my side the whole time! And when u start i will be by your side the whole time.  She kiss Zac.  As he rubs her back!!! She lays on his chest for awhile before she packs some more things.  Zac told her that in the morning they have to fly to LA to find him a place to stay.  He told her he doesn't want a house because the house he buys will be for them and their kids.  "KIDS" Fatima says!! Yea gorgeous we will have at least 2...she smiled and said of course!  After awhile they shower and get some rest!! Fatima is all over Zac...she has one hand in his boxers right by the rim.  That's her favorite spot now! 
The next morning they woke up and headed to the airport.  Zac had to get on it because training camp starts in 2 weeks.  They made it to LA...they got a rental car and drove around until they found a condo...Zac didn't want anything to fancy because he knew he wasn't making LA his permanent home...after hours of looking he found this .

after hours of looking he found this

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He was cool wit a one bedroom condo...after he signed the papers and got the keys...they headed to the hotel...Zac had booked them a hotel wit a view of the hills.  They checked in and headed to the elevator! They got to the room and decided to have a night out on the town.  Since both graduated and about to live their best lives....after  showering and getting dressed they headed downtown....

after  showering and getting dressed they headed downtown

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Fatima and Zac was having a time.  They was drinking and dancing! Just enjoying each other!! They make their way back to the hotel because they were tipsy and couldn't keep their hands off each other!!! Zac couldn't concentrate because Fatima keep kissing his neck and rubbing his dick!!! Gorgeous chill, u gone make me wreck!!! She said no I'm not u good...she start to unzip his pants.  And pulls out his already hard dick!! She begins to twirl her tongue around the head of his dick.  Zac couldn't take it...thank god he pulled into the hotel parking lot.  Fatima gave him a devilish smile and waited til he got out to open her door.  Zac fixed him self and went to open her door, as she got out he grabbed her by her neck and leaned in for a passionate kiss.  Gorgeous u gone make me fuck u up wen we get upstairs...she bites his lip and says we'll handle yo business then!!! Let me see wat u working wit!! Let me get that zacblizzy outcha ...she smirked and he smacked her ass as they headed to to the room!! They couldn't even get in the door good!!! They both hurried and undressed!  Standing before Zac, Fatima was naked and all he could do was lick his lips!!! FUCKKKKKKKKK SHE SO FUCKIN FINE! And she's ALL MINE!!! Lord i don't no what i did to deserve this beauty QUEEN but thank u in advance for everything you done and will do.  He walks over to her and lays her on the bed.  As bad as he wanted to fuck da shit outtta her he opted to make love to her!! He wanted her to feel the love he has for her! 
The next morning they get up and head to target, they wanted to shop for the condo...Zac had money but Fatima's parents gave her 1.5 million for graduation.  She didn't no until she got a alert from the bank on her phone...she called her parents and they said yes baby that's for u! You are an awesome princess and we love you! Enjoy ur adulthood...make us even more proud!! And don't forget to make us some grandbabies.  Fatima laughed and told them she love them and hung up!!! While in target they run into KIMMIE..she's back out there doing her fellowship.  She has one more year then she can go back over seas.  They spoke and chatted a bit..once they walked off, Fatima said to herself, this hoe. BET NOT try me!! Cuz I'll fuck her and Zac up!! Zac notices her mood change and grabs her.  AHT AHT, we not doing that!! Gorgeous look at me!! He grabs her face and kiss her as he grabs her ass.  Zac stop!! No gorgeous i won't! U got me u hear me!! Yea yea yea!! She says!  They leave target and head to the condo!! They decorate the condo and chill for a bit!! They order some door dash because Zac had intentions on breaking the condo in.  

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