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A few months has pass by and Fatima is now 6 months pregnant...

Today is the day they go to the hospital to find out what baby Taylor is

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Today is the day they go to the hospital to find out what baby Taylor is...Fatima told the doctor to email Keyra with the sonograms results..she will be i charge of the gender reveal that will take place on Sunday evening...because Fatima has her maternity photo shoot on Saturday!  Once they leave the doctors office, Fatima calls Keyra and told her to check her email....Keyra did and she had the results!!
Papi can we go to SMALLS, i want a burger ...their burgers sooooo good!! Of course we can pretty girl...Fatima smiles!  After she got her food, they went home so she can contact the photographer that will do the photo shoot on Saturday...she called her hairstylist (hairbymarchae) and makeup artist (beatsbymiranda). to make sure they knew what time to be there for...she had just gotten her lashes done (glamwitlaney) and also her nails and toes done (tipsanddipsbyche).  She was basically ready....
Keyra had everything under control...everything was in place for Sunday! The decorators (eventsbybri) listen to exactly what Keyra was saying.  She trusted them with the process...

***************PHOTO SHOOT***************

It's now Saturday, PRETTYGIRL (Zac loved calling her pretty girl because for some reason this baby had her looking more beautiful and younger).  It's time to get up and get urself situated for today...5 more minutes papi pleaseeeeee......ok I'm boutta go take Fendi out and u better be in the shower wen i get back...uuummmm all she said...20 minutes later Zac came back wit Fendi and of course Fatima was still sleep...he went over to her side of the bed, turned her feet facing him...he spread them open so he could get in between...he lifted her up and placed her arms around his neck...kissing her neck he said come baby we gotta get to the studio...he lift her off the bed by her ass...she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bathroom.  He sat her on the counter while he started the shower....he went back over to her kissing her face...he pulled her off the counter so she can get undressed out her silk robe...thank you papi...I'm up now, I'll see u after i get out...Fatima took her shower and did her morning routine...she got dressed in some joggers and a hoodie, she slipped her Gucci slides on and was ready to leave...she left Fendi because she wanted this shoot to be all about Fendi, no Zac...after 30 minutes they arrived at the studio.  Zac had it set up to where Fatima and the crew had plenty of food and drinks....he had a fruit tray, sandwich tray, veggie tray, hot meatballs, fried shrimp, fish and chicken.  Sodas and water!  Zac kissed her as she prepared to get her hair done first...then she got her make up was time to get the shoot started...Zac just sat mesmerized by her beauty...dammmmm my wife is so MF'n gorgeous is all he kept saying...he was looking at her wit so much love and lust.  Just everything about Fatima made his heart flutter....after 3 hours she was finished and exhausted....



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