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A few days later The Taylors went to look for a tree for their house...Fatima decided to get 3 trees...1 for her and Zac, 1 for Saint, and one for Fendi.....they pulled into the tree yard and made way to pick out the trees...Zac didn't care which trees Fatima picked. He was tired and just said YES to any tree she pointed out....After about 2 hours they finally found the trees. They paid and got the guys to deliver them to the house...
They made it back to the house within 30 minutes...Fatima fed Saint then laid him down for a nap.  After she made some shrimp scampi pasta and Texas toast for her and Zac...they ate and Zac went let Fendi out.  He sat out on the patio porch while Fendi did her thing...he cleaned her mess then went back inside...Before going to take a nap he washed his hands then went to give Fatima a kiss.  While everyone was napping Fatima was online shopping for Christmas decor and gifts....after spending 2 hours on the computer shopping, Fatima decided to take a nap as well. 
Zac was the first to get up, he walked to the living room and saw Fatima knocked out on the sofa...he heard Saint from the monitor.  He walks to get him out his play bed that Fatima had set up in the living room towards the TV. He picks him up and changes his diaper. Then proceeds to fix him some food and a juice bottle...after he finished eating, Zac wipes him down and puts him in his walker...he walks over to Fatima and kiss her lips..she moves around..turning to wake up...hey Sexyface! She sits up as he sits next to her.
So prettygirl when we leave for the holidays? They decided to spend thanksgiving with Zac's family and Christmas with Fatima's parents!! Fatima, Saint, and Fendi would be flying out in about a week, but because Zac have games he would fly in and out during the months of Nov. and Dec. Fatima usually does stay at her parents house but with the baby she wanted to be "home"...
Before they left for the NOLA, they decided to decorate their house( the decor was delivered the next day that she ordered...Fatima was so excited to get to decorating... and have a lil holiday time with each other at their house......the first tree they started on was Saint's.....i took them a good bit because Saint was a lil fussy.  Fatima felt his forehead and he had no fever so she was he shim down and rubbed his body with some Dr. Teals Soothing lotion and fixed him a warm milk bottle...she brought him to his room and placed him in his bed...she turned the lullaby on and turned the lights out...she took the monitor wit her and made her way back to the area where she was setting his tree up...

she took the monitor wit her and made her way back to the area where she was setting his tree up

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She decided to now decorate her and Zac's tree...because he had practice she had to do it all by herself....she didn't mind because although she orders some gifts for her and Zac, she didn't know he ordered her some stuff too....everything came wrapped it was really easy to set up....

But the time she was finished with both trees, Zac was coming in from practice

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But the time she was finished with both trees, Zac was coming in from practice...he walks to her and gives her a kiss, of course he had to be nasty and tongue her down...(dude have no chill wen it comes to her)..CANT BLAME HIM THO 😜!! But anyways...gorgeous this tree is just as beautiful as u are. U did an amazing job baby...thank you handsome! he snacks her ass as she gets up to go check on Saint!  Zac goes to take his shower.. after his shower he goes to let Fendi out...Fatima picks Saint up so she can see if he feels better...he starts rubbing his eyes and still she lays him on her chest she rubs his back...they go to the living room and he sees his tree...he begins to try and get down out of Fatima's arms...She puts him down but carefully follows his crawls...
Zac is now back inside with Fendi and she runs to Fatima...Zac comes to pick up Saint so he can spend some time with him...they go to the living area to play with his toys on the floor...Fatima goes and joins them...Hey handsome i was thinking i wanna take some Christmas pictures of Saint and Fendi..what u think...of course babe i think u should...ok let's do that tomorrow..Fatima goes to cook dinner..they eat and she showers and gets in the bed....

The next morning she gets up to do her morning routine...Zac has practice so she's gonna set a background up to take the pictures of Saint and Fendi herself...she wasn't really tryna go to any studio to have them taken.  Zac comes to the bathroom and hugs her from behind and kiss her neck...good morning gorgeous, good morning Sexyface! I'm bout to head to practice I'll see you later...ok she turns and kiss him!! Of course he gently smacks her ass...and leaves!  She starts with Saint first, she goes to his room, he was standing in his bed holding onto the sides, heyyyy momma PAPA bear...good morningggg....he smiles and reaches for her...she picks him up head to his bathroom.  After getting him dressed she feeds him then puts him in his play pin...she goes to decorate so she can take his pictures...

she goes to decorate so she can take his pictures

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Then she starts on Fendi......

After this she was exhausted

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After this she was exhausted....she fed Saint again and changed his diaper...she let Fendi the time she got back Saint was in his play pin knocked out...she decided to take a nap as well...she later on the sofa but was quickly woken by the licking of her face...she thought it was Fendi but of course it was Zac...he was rubbing her thighs while kissing her lips...gorgeous I'm home...i stopped and got us some jamician food..because i know yo ass didn't eat yet!  Handsome I'm tired can u check in Saint and give me 15 more minutes....of course babe he said...Saint was still sleep so that gave him time to go shower then come back to fix Fatima her food...he played the food (oxtails, rice and peas, cabbage and plantains) he also fixed her some of the mango ice tea he got from the restaurant as well...he walked it to the living room and sat it in the tray. She woke up to wash her face and go brush her teeth...she sat and ate her food...saint woke up and Zac fed him and gave him his bath.  After a few hours they all went to sleep...

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