Last day of the trip!

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After they ate breakfast they got dressed to go sightseeing before they leave.

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They headed out the resort and just walked around

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They headed out the resort and just walked around.  They had some hot chocolate and held hands as they walked and sightsee.  They did that for about an hour and headed back to the room!  Fatima lit some candles and played some slow music and her and Zac undressed.   They both put some comfy clothes on.   As Fatima was walking from the bathroom Zac grabbed her and asked her to dance wit him!  They danced, slowing moving to the music.  She laid her head in his chest.   Zac grabbed her face and told her to look into his eyes.  He said gorgeous thank you for this trip! Thank u for the watch, thank u for the suitcase of things, and lastly thank u for choosing me to be your PAPI.   U are an amazing person! I love and worship the ground u walk on! I never wanna lose you! U are my heartbeat! Promise me that no matter wat happens between us, we will always be able to come to the snow to get back to our love! Fatima looked at him and said ur welcome and i promise to never hold nuthin from u! And to come back to the snow if we every feel like we're losing each other! They kissed and Fatima walked him to the bed! She straddled him and started kissing him some more! She can fell his manhood raising as she starts to moan from the kiss.  She stands up, she seductively undresses.  She grabs his T-shirt and pulls it over his head, he pulls his pants down.  She walks back over to him and his face in facing her pussy.   He spread her legs and and put one leg on his shoulder...he bends down to lick her fold!!! She pushes his head back and gets on top of him!  She slowly brings her body down the shaft of his dick.   She starts to move up and down slowly.  As she moves Zac had her breast in his hands licking from breast to breast taking her nipples in his mouth.   Sucking and licking her neck! Fatima is moaning.....papppppiiiii it feels so good.  Ohhhhhh papppiii, shiiittttt! Fuckkkkkkkkk!!! As her walls start to tightens Zac grabs her ass bringing her down more!! He starts to thrust her from beneath her.   She holding on to his neck biting his ear...Zac moaning gorgeous get up get up I'm boutta cummm..Fatima not listening just keeps bouncing....she grabs his neck tighter and holds on because she about to cum as well!!! Before u no it she squirts!! And zac grabs her ass holding it tightly as he came inside of her.  the squirting caught her off guard because she never did that the first time.  She kisses Zac and they get up to shower.   After they shower and put their clothes back on they park all their things because they leave in the morning. Fatima was dickmatized because she hadn't called her parents to wish them a merry Christmas! And neither did Zac! When they realized they facetimed their families and chatted for a bit then they ordered room service for dinner and watched a Christmas movie! They snuggled in front he fireplace and fell asleep in each others arms!! Zac kissed her forehead and said a small prayer thanking god for sending him Fatima. The. He fell asleep!

The next morning the woke up did their morning routines and got dress to head back home!

The next morning the woke up did their morning routines and got dress to head back home!

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They call the car service to bring them back to the airport

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They call the car service to bring them back to the airport....45 minutes later they arrive at the airport...they made it to their flight and got situated to head back to NOLA.  

They made it back to NOLA  her dad was at the airport waiting on them.   She ran up to her dad and gave him a hug and kiss! Him and Zac dapped off and they made their way to Fatima's house! Wen they made it their her mom was in the kitchen sitting st the island reading some mail.   She ran to her mommy and gave her a hug! Zac also gave her a hug. Her dad put the suitcase in the garage until later when Fatima and Zac unpack them!  Wen her dad came inside they asked how was the trip and they both said it's was nice! Really fun!  She showed her mom and dad her ring and he showed them his watch! Her smiled because TIMA really looked happy! After a while zac headed upstairs wit Fatima to chill because they was tired from the flight!! The my both laid across the bed.. she laid her head on his chest and he hugged her.  They fell sleep!
About 2 hours later they woke up so Fatima could bring Zac home.  They left and made it to his house! They both got out and walked inside.  His mom and dad was in the living room and the girls was on the floor playing a board game!  They heard the door open and started running screaming Zac and TIMA here them both hugs! Zac gave his mom a kiss on her cheeks and his dad a hug! Fatima spoke to both of his parents then headed to zacs room!  The girls asked TIMA to come play the game wit them she said sure.  It was getting late so Fatima told Zac she was leaving and she would call him wen she gets home! She made it home about 20 minutes later.  She called Zac then she went to take a shower and get ready for bed! They said they love each other and good night! Fatima was exhausted! She didn't know if it was from the flight, the dick, or playing wit Zac's sisters.  But she beat!  

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