Its all about US!

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GORGEOUS.......are u serious?? It's 3am and we have to be to the airport for 8am....its time to get back to Chicago! U have to start practice with your girls.."come on papi"....Pleaseeeeeee just 15 minutes is all i need, she says as she straddles Zac...Fatima loves to be on top now! Her favorite position is when she rides his face!! 👅💦....but this morning she wanted her dick....u think u slick going to bed naked every night! But i got something for that ass....he laughs, he turns them over and pulls her to the end of the bed!  He lifts her up as he turns to sit on the bed....Zac sits Fatima on his lap reverse cowboy style....he scoots closer to the edge of the bed, he wraps her legs around his waist as he push her down.  Her hands are now on the floor!! FACE DOWN, ASS UP!!! Zac begins to spread her cheeks as he admires her pretty sweetness.. he begins to lick and suck all over her sweetness.  He's giving her the lick of her life...he slowly begins to insert himself...bouncing her ass up and down in him until she gets her rhythm...SHITTTTTTT, fukkk Fatima says as she grabs his ankles...she plants her knees firmly in the bed besides Zac's legs and starts to bounce!! She's going at it, holding on for dear life to Zac's ankles...gorgeous i swear you gone be the death of me! This pussy so wet and warm!! Good thing yo ass prego already because FUKKKKKKKKK!!!! After going at for about an hour they both climax then hurry to shower!!! Everything is packed..
As Zac lets Fendi out and gets Saint ready, Fatima fixes Saint some fruit and juice to hold him until they make it to the airport to get breakfast!  After another hour they pack the truck and head to the airport...
They check their luggage in and make way to their gate...they stop to chick fil an and get breakfast!!! After eating they board their plane.  They arrived in Chicago 4 hours later.  They make way to Fatima's condo and get settled in...Zac has Saint on the sofa playing with him.  And Fatima feeds Fendi then walks her downstairs to the doggy park to do her Fatima is sitting on the bench, a young lady approaches her....excuse me ma'am are u Coach Taylor? Fatima looks up and gives the young lady a smile and nods her head YES I AM...omggggg she says as she admires Fatima are even more beautiful in person...thank you Fatima says as she gets up to take Fendi back inside..the young lady still smitten by how beautiful Fatima is she asks can she get a selfie to post on her instagram...SURE!! They take the selfie and say their good byes!!
Fatima gets back upstairs and washes her hands and go straight for PAPA....heyyyyyy mommas big boy!! She plants kisses all over his face!! Zac gets up to go to the computer to handle some business....He's been thinking about retiring...don't get me wrong he loves football but he loves his family MORE! And now that Fatima is on child #2 already he wants to be home with his babies full time...he talks to his agent all the time about it...Zac feels like because they won the Super Bowl already he has accomplished what he wanted to do from the beginning...he rather his GORGEOUS keep coaching and doing her thing! He loves to see her in her element! Fatima fixes PAPA some lunch (ravioli) and a juice box before she puts him down for his nap! She orders some Uber eats for her and Zac...after about an hour their food arrive and she goes to let him know...he was just finishing up on the laptop! Babe, the food is here..."ok" he said as he walked towards the kitchen. Fatima set their food up and Zac sits down...she walks over towards him and sits on his lap...since her pregnancy she wants to be all in Zac's skin. They start to eat and Fatima begins to feed him some food off the fork...he wraps his arms around her waist...kissing on the back of her neck...PAPIiiiiii...STOP! U know i can go from 0-100 on that dick with u doing that! Zac smiles and bites his bottom lip! Nooooo, babe i have a meeting to get to! I just wanted to make sure u and Saint ate before i leave. I'll be back no later than 6pm....ok gorgeous, I'll order some instacart and make dinner tonight so don't worry about it...just bring that sexy ass back home to me wen u finish with ur meeting....
Fatima left to go handle her business at her meeting...the meeting went as planned and the ladies start practice in a few days....she calls Zac to tell him she's on her way home. She gets to the condo, takes her shoes off and puts her briefcase on the table by the door...she walks over to Zac, hugs him and gives him a kiss...dammmm papi it smells so good in here....what is that ur cooking....he made some crabmeat stuffed chicken breast, yellow rice, string beans, and cheddar biscuits...he also made a pitcher of tropical kool-aid...Fatima went to pick up Saint from playing on the floor with his toys...but he was tryna run from her...COME HERE YOU LIL STINKA YOU!! She playfully yelled...he stopped in his tracks and sat on the floor looking up at her...

he stopped in his tracks and sat on the floor looking up at her

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She picks him up and squeezes him tight as he laughs...she kiss his cheeks, "ur so stinking cuteeeeee".....they walk to the kitchen to eat....after they eat they all get ready for bed!! Fatima was tired at this point...she hurried and showered while Zac got PAPA ready for bed and put him to sleep....he kisses his forehead and says "i love my lil man"...and walks back to him and Fatima's room....wen he came back in the room Fatima was knocked out across the bed with just a towel wrapped around her....he left her there until he finished his shower.  He came back and tried to wake her....she wouldn't budge! He pulls the covers back as he picks her up bridal style.  He lays her down and unwraps the towel....he pulls the cover back over her body...he goes to the other side to get in...he pulls her close to him as she's  in the little spoon position....his hands wrapped around her waist rubbing her belly...he kiss her cheeks, "i love you forever gorgeous "...and "Princess, daddy loves u too"...he doses off while still rubbing her belly!!

*****time jump next chapter******

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