New Semester

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Fatima's alarm went off and she pressed snoozed! She was then woken by a text from Zac "good morning gorgeous are up"...she texted him back and said now i am!  He ok I'll see u in a bit babe! She yes u will papi!  Fatima got up, took her shower, did her morning routine, and got dressed! She didn't wear make up because today starts back basketball practice.  

It's January so it's still a lil chilly outside

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It's January so it's still a lil chilly outside.  Especially early in the morning.  She texted the girls to see where they were.  They both responded they would catch her in the union for lunch.   Fatima texted back ok...she started walking towards class, not paying attention and bumped into this guy.  Still not picking her head up she said u could at least say good morning, he said my bad, maybe u should watch where ur going...That statement made her look up! When she looked up it was Zac trying to disguise his voice!  Fatima said really papi...he just laughed, grabbed her face and kissed her! She gave him a soft smack on the shoulder! They then walked to class.  Zac asked her wat time she think she would be finish with practice tonight and she said around 8. Why babe wats up? He told her he wanted her to come sleep to his room tonight.  She said of course i will.   They finished wit class and headed to the union.  When they got in there she seen a few unfamiliar faces!  She found a table and then texted the she was texting, Keyra and her girlfriend was walking up.   April texted back and said her and Micheal would be there in bout 5 minutes...Zac for up to go get him and TIMA some food! As he was standing in line there was a group of girls standing behind him! One of the girls tried her hardest to get his attention BUT he knows how his bae is so he ignored her.  She kept at it but he still ignored her! He paid for the food then went to sit by TIMA.  The girls found a table close to them!  As they started eating Zac could hear the girls mumble some bullshit.  He wasn't having that, so he grabbed TIMA by the face and licked her lips before tonguing her down! Fatima said ohhhh papi that's what type of time u on.  Zac said I'm always on that type of time when it comes to u!  One of the girls stood up from there table and rolled her eyes at Zac.   He just busted out laughing.  Unaware of WTF was going on TIMA asked Zac wat was funny? He said them chics over there tryna take yo man! TIMA said "WHO MAN, WAT CHICS?? Zac said calm down gorgeous, I'm not up for grabs.  Ain't nobody taking me from you! Im on u all the way!  NEVER COMING UP OFF YOU! They got me all the way fucked up if they think they can take me away from u!  TIMA smiled...she ain't trip because she knows Zac love her and she loves's them til the wheels fall off!  They finish eating and TIMA went to nap before practice! Zac said he was going shoot some basketball he would call her later! He got up and left! TIMA left Keyra and her girlfriend at the table and told Keyra to call her later.  April never showed up! Fatima texted April and asked her what happened? April said her and Micheal decided to go to his apartment off campus to chill til later.  TIMA said ok cool.  I'll see u later after practice!
TIMA woke from her nap, got dressed and headed to basketball practice! After practice she called Zac and told him she was going to shower then head by him.   TIMA stopped by Aprils room before she made it to hers.  April answered and TIMA went in!  She said hey girl wats up? Where yo ass been.  April said i been chillin with Micheal, i really do like him BUT something seems off wit him April tells Fatima.  TIMA was like wat u mean? April said he just feels too good to be true.  Like he's hiding something.  Fatima told April they gone check it out.  Just let her know if she needs anything.  April said ok, gave TIMA a hug and TIMA headed to her room! She showered and called Zac and said she's on her way!
He met her outside in front the dorm and they headed to his room.  Zac popped a movie in and TIMA ordered some pizza and wings for them!  After about 2 hours TIMA went back to her room to prepare for tomorrow classes! As she was getting out of her truck she sees April and Micheal arguing.   Micheal grabbed April by her hair and slung her in the car!  Fatima hurried and put her car in park and ran over there! Micheal told Fatima look bitch, this don't have shit do with u.  Fatima said call me a bitch again and wat WTF gone happen.  He said i dare u bit.....before u know TIMA punched him in the face and kicked him in the balls.  TIMA grabbed April and they ran to Fatima's room.   Fatima asked April what was that? What the hell is going on?  April told Fatima the story of how her and Micheal got into an argument because someone kept texting his phone and blah blah blah...but she left out one MAJOR part!!! The person who was texting his phone was DUDE!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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