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Fatima's hospital room was a suite...she had a huge bathroom with a walk in shower and bath tub. The room also had 2 extra beds for Zac and Saint!! ......Zac why is the baby's car seat in that box? Fatima asked....well u haven't seen the room so u don't know the gender and I'm not about to ruin it!  U wanted to wait so the only option u have is when yo ass PUSH!! He says.....Fatima smirks, but is hit with a sudden contraction...SHITTTTTTTT...papi, that hurts she's says...now that the POTOCIN has started its job, the contraction are coming and they aren't waiting...
Dr. Jackie walks in, hello Fatima how's everything going? It's going....she barely said as another contraction comes...Dr. Jackie checks her and sees that she's ready to push...she's 10 cm...the nurse, surgical tech and doctor get the room ready to prepare for baby!! Zac holds Saint in one arm while the other is intertwined with Fatima's hand....he leans down and presses his forehead against hers as he says a quick prayer...
"Father God, as i come to you as humbly as i know, i ask that you please allow for a safe birthing process, give my baby the strength that she needs. I ask these prayers in your darling son Jesus name AMEN"..he kisses her lips..
It's now time for Fatima to push! After pushing for about 20 minutes baby Taylor #2 was born!!

It's now time for Fatima to push! After pushing for about 20 minutes baby Taylor #2 was born!!

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*******WELCOME TO THE WORLD*******

................🎀ISLAH REIGN TAYLOR🎀..............
6lbs. 14oz. 19in

Fatima looks up at Zac as the tears run down his face...Baby we got our princess! Our family is complete...our PRINCE, our PRINCESS, and Fendi.....well Saint kept jumping up and down, Zac couldn't stop kissing Fatima....he couldn't stop the tears from falling....as ISLAH lay on Fatima's chest they both are so in love!!!
The nurse takes ISLAH to the nursery to run all the test she comes back in the room after about 2 hours and Zac wants to do skin to skin!! He takes his shirt off and lays her on his chest.  He keeps kissing the top of her head saying a silent prayer!! Meanwhile Saint is cuddled under Fatima and knocked out!

It's time for the TAYLORS to leave the hospital! Zac finally pulls out the car seat

It's time for the TAYLORS to leave the hospital! Zac finally pulls out the car seat

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Before they leave they take a family photo!!

Before they leave they take a family photo!!

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