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It's the next morning, Fatima rolls over to feel Zac isn't in the bed..she's confused but quickly snapped outta her thoughts by running water! Zac is in the bathroom brushing his teeth and washing his face. He comes out and jumps in the bed! Good morning gorgeous!!!! I see somebody slept like a baby. Fatima smiled and said, after last night of course i did! I got my papi back! And papi got his gorgeous back! I've missed u so much Fatima said as she started hugging and kissing all over Zac. She gets up and gets on top of him...his hands rubbing her ass as she kisses his lips!!! He grabs her thighs and lifts her up to slide her on his face!  Fatima positions herself to where she is now pussy deep in Zac's face...she grabs on to the head board of the bed so she can balance herself! Zac licks her from her entrance to her clit in one long slow lick! Fatima throws her head back...rubbing her breast with one Zac is licking he takes his thumb and rubs circular motions around her clit.  He is devouring that pussy!! Fatima moans, pappppiiii make ur pussy cummmmm...this your pussy papiii!! Aahhhhhh FUCKKKKKKKK!! Zac squeezes her ass, licking, sucking and slurping on her pussy! He moves his thumb and replaces it wit his tongue!! Fatima leans back and grabs Zac hard dick out of his shorts ..she starts to rub it up and down, up and down!! She stops because she wanted to suck on his manhood!! So without hesitation she flips over and leans down.  They are now in the 69 position...she adjust herself to where her face is now met wit his ROCK  hard dick....she makes sure her knees are bent on both sides of his head!! He leans down and licks the tip of his dick...she starts of slowly but then uses her hands to get a rhythm.  She's having a hard time concentrating because Zac is doing his thing so good her legs start to shake!! Zac can fell it!! He grabs her ass and spreads her ass cheeks open! He's giving her head like he's never ever before!  As he's givin her head he rubs her asshole!! As he licks it, that sends Fatima in over drive!! Ooihhhhhhh aaahh papiii wat are doing to me!! Zac muffles "im making sure yo ass never leave me again"'s US, it's always gone be US! Fatima just holds his dick in her hand........she regains her concentration and begins to do her thing, shes sucking and licking and slurping! Taking all of his manhood into her mouth as her tongue licks his balls!  She can feel Zac about to cum and she feels she's cumming(actually this bout her 3rd nut) 🤣....Zac's still doing his thing! He squeezes her ass and tells her to relax...pappiiii i can't iiiiitttt shitttt!!! Fuckkkk fatima cums....but still sucking on his manhood! She feels him about to reach his breaking point so she goes up and down faster and twisting her hands...shit gorgeous I'm bout bust...he grabs her ass tight wit his tongue in her puss and cums all down Fatima's throat!! She just falls off to the side of him and says babe WTF!!! Zac said i ain't finished being yo ass her!!! She gets up and gets on all four! She's standing at the edge of the bed, he pulls her closer to the edge and thrust into her slowly!!! Her arch is something serious!! As soon as he enters her he just stops! Fatima said babe wats wrong? He said let me just marinate in this pussy for minute!! Fuckkkkk babe u feel so good! U so fuckin wet! Fatima starts the move her ass!! She's throwing that ass back...Zac starts to fuck her back...he grabs checks and spreads them ..running his thumb up and down her asshole!!! He tells her to relax, he licks his finger and slowly and gently inserts it into her ass...ohhhh papiiiiii...wat are u doing!! Relax babe just relax for me!! As he thrusting inside her wit his dick shes grabbing and biting on the sheets...his thumb in her ass is making her REALLY wet...Zac couldn't hold on any longer he bust all inside her!!! Fatima falls to the bed and he falls on top of her!!! Both outta breathe!! They wait for about 10 minutes then they both get up to go shower!  F
Fatima does her morning routine and goes to see if the girls are awake!  Keyra had fixed breakfast for everyone so her and April was already at the table eating and talking.  "Good morning favs" wat y'all up in her talking about? Keyra looked at Fatima and said "yo ass wit all that moaning and shit".  Fatima just laughed!  They continued to talk until Zac made his presence.  Good morning ladies how are u guys?  They both said not as good as u!! And busted out laughing!  Zac just smiled...he told Fatima that her had to head back to the hotel he was in because his plane leave for 3pm.. she said ok cool because our plane leaves 5pm...Zac gave Fatima a kiss and a hug and went on bout his business.  The girls finished eating and cleaned the kitchen! They all headed to their rooms to get dress and pack their luggage! 
Zac made it safely back to the US, he also made it back to his dorm!! As he got to his room he saw a note attached to his door!! Zac grabbed the note and started reading it.  After he read it, he tore it up and trashed it.  Meanwhile back in Jamaica, as the girls were heading to the airport, they ran into the guys...Fatima couldn't look at Deuce, she turned her head away and kept walking.  He ran up to her and asked if they can talk.  She said sure wats up? Deuce asked her wat happened and who was the guy.  Fatima said look Deuce imma be straight up wit u, i was feeling u...i think ur cute, sexy, and handsome.  But the guy that u saw was my boyfriend...well we were going through some shit but the love we share for each is something I've never see no one have before...and yes we was having problems and yes he flew here to look for me! Im sorry if I've lead u on...but me and him are back like we never left! Deuce felt a lil salty and said, well where is he now? Fatima said really nigga!!!! Deuce said look im sorry, i just thought we had a lil moment that's all..Fatima said u are correct A LIL MOMENT THATS ALL!  look deuce we gotta go our plane leaves in a few hours so we gotta head to the airport..he said fine it's cool..just know if we are meant to be we will be! Fatima just smiled and walked off. 
The girls finally made it back to the US, and back to their dorms. Fatima dropped Keyra off at her dorm and her April went to there' they were unpacking Fatima's truck they see kimmie.. she's standing in the front porch of the dorm..April and Fatima rolls their suitcase towards the dorm!!  Fatima gets up the stairs she's is going towards the door kimmie doesn't move, Fatima said not again, this bitch must be delusional.  She rolls her eyes at Fatima.  Fatima said look here bitch i just got back from a wonderful vacation i don't need this shit!! Kimmie moved and mumbled some BS under her breathe.  Fatima turned around and said "wat was that". Kimmie said don't worry about it, I'm due time u gone see...Fatima dropped her luggage and went in Kimmie's face and said WTF u mean in due time imma see??? April grabbed Fatima's arm and said let's go TIMA! Fatima turned and said u no fuck this hoe! Nobody and i mean nobody about to fuck up my mood!! I'm high off my nigga too!! 😜..Fatima liked her tongue at kimmie and walked into the dorm!! She made it to her room and she facetimed Zac...hey papi I'm here..we made it back safely!! Wat u doing! Zac had a disgusted look on his face.  Papi wats wrong u need me to come over? He said put his head down.  Fatima jumped up and headed to see wat was wrong wit her papi!!!

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