Still in honeymoon bliss...

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They made it home from Greece...they are still in honeymoon bliss...Zac can't keep his hands off Fatima...every chance he gets he's kissing and licking all over her. They are currently in Chicago at Fatima's condo. " Come on papi" i gotta get back to the office...we have a meeting...we'll let me at least taste it before you leave...she rolls her eyes and give in....shiiiittttt papiiiii I'm cumminnnnnn dammmmmm!! WTF u be doing me like that. Fatima gets up and goes shower..she gets dress, gives Zac a kiss and make her way to the office for the meeting...

she gets dress, gives Zac a kiss and make her way to the office for the meeting

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Fatima made it to the office..they started the meeting that lasted all of 2 hours...they discussed the up coming season. Fatima knew she had it make some changes for the new season so she was getting straight to business..she made a few calls and was able to get 2 new players...once everything was finalized she was on her way home...she called Zac to see what he was up to but he didn't answer the phone...she texted but he didn't text back...MEANWHILE...Zac was out getting Fatima a gift...he was tryna be secretive about he had to hurry and call her back so she wouldn't think nothing.  Heyyyyyy gorgeous sorry i missed your call I'm in target getting some groceries for the house...i wanna cook for my WIFE tonight...Fatima was cheesing up on the other end of the phone wen she heard WIFE...awwwwhhhh HUSBAND, that's so sweet...can't wait til u get home...they hang up and Fatima makes it home before Zac...Zac wasn't at no dam target, he was somewhere else getting Fatima a gift...but since he said it he was at target he made his way their...he got the groceries and some other things....Zac's car was full to the max...
Wen he pulled up to her condo she was in the shower...THANK GOD Zac said as he made a few trips to the car to unload all the things he brought....he put the groceries on the table the. Went into the other bedroom and set up his didn't take long....when Fatima got out the shower she went looking for Zac...he was in the other room ...he hurried and shut the door before Fatima could go inside the room.  He grabbed her and kissed her...Fatima went in her study to do some work for the team while Zac decided to prepare dinner...he decided to make some fried chicken and shrimp pasta, wit Texas toast...wen the food was done he played Fatima's food and brought it to the study...he saw that she had her glasses on and when that happens he knows she means business...he made a pitcher of strawberry lemonade also....he sat her food down, kissed her and left out the study...Fatima heard Zac fumbling around the other room but she ignored it until she heard a noise....she got up and walked to the room.  She was wondering why it was locked!! Zaccccc papi wat are u doing in there...I'll be out in a few gorgeous chill out...Fatima said Zac come on what the hell is going on...he opens the door but eases he way out the room...he grabbed her by her waist and told her he had a surprise for her....he said on the count of three I'll open the door for u!!


Fatima was in shock...awwwwhhhh papiiiiiiii!!!

awwwwhhhh papiiiiiiii!!!

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