Yea lah bihhhh....u gone get it!

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A couple of days has passed and Zac was released from the hospital. He still was a lil sore but all and all he was ready to get at the dudes that did. Fatima helped him in her truck and brought him to her dorm room. She made sure he was comfortable before heading to her classes...

  She made sure he was comfortable before heading to her classes

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She gave him a kiss and left.. she meet April in the hall. Hey chic wats up how is Zac doing? April asked! He's fine he's in my room for now. As they made their way to class word of what happened to Zac was circulating campus! Nobody was really saying nuthin much of who was involved, but Fatima thinks it was Courtney dumb duck ass. She recalls the convo she had with Zac. She asked Zac did any of the guys look familiar and Zac got quite. He told her no he didn't recognize any of them! Fatima and April split up and went to their classes. After class TIMA called Zac and asked him what did he want for lunch? He told her a smoothie. She went to the Smoothie King that was located in the union to get him a 44oz. Muscle Punch. As she was walking back to her dorm an unknown chic ran up to her and gave her a piece of paper. She ran off! Fatima couldn't tell who she was because she had on a black hoodie! Fatima opened the paper and it read "COURTNEY PUNK ASS WAS RESPONSIBLE ". HOPE ZAC IS OK!! Just then Fatima's phone was ringing, it was Trigger! Hey my Angel how are you? I'm good Fatima said! Trigger said Angel i found out wat happened and who was responsible. I'll take care of that i don't need to know any specifics. I will call u once everything is done! Fatima said thanks cousin. I love you! She mad wit back to her room to see Zac walking around! A big smile came across her face! She said hey papi ur up! He said yea I'm up how was class gorgeous? It was cool! She never wanted to hide nothing from Zac so she told him wat the chic did and gave him the letter. She said papi u no we never hold secrets or withheld any information from each other. She also told him she got her cousin to take care of Courtney and his goons! Zac looked at her then put his head down. He said babe i knew it was him, i just didn't wanna tell u because i was gonna handle it. She grabbed his face and said papi we in this together...we are TOGETHER! U also no if u hurt, i hurt! It's HANDLED BABE! I got u and i got us! He grabbed her by her waist pulling her closer to him and kisses her! She deepens the kiss but then she pulls back. She told Zac DONT START NO SHIT WONT BE NO SHIT! U can't handle me in the shape ur in right now! He laughed and smacked her on her ass! He told her he was going take a shower. TIMA facetimed Keyra to let her know Zac was out the hospital. She didn't tell Keyra nor April she got her cousin trigger to handle Courtney ass! They chatted then Zac came out the shower wit just a towel wrapped around him! TIMA told Keyra she gone talk to her tomorrow! She looked and Zac biting her bottom lips, saying come to momma PAPI!! Zac started walking towards her as she sat on the bed!!! He had the biggest smile on his face! He knew it was time for the THROAT GOAT 3000! After Fatima did her thing she went took a shower! She came out the shower with just a silk robe on....Zac was laying on the bed watching tv, Fatima got in the bed to cuddle Zac! Fatima had he r back towards him but pushing her ass on his dick! Zac said TIMA i know wat u doing, u no i don't have the strength to wear yo Ass out so chill out!!! Fatima wasn't listening, she turned to face him and started kissing him!! He pulled back and said gone head wit all that TIMA.. she kept grabbing his face, he turned her on her back and pinned her arms over her head!!! He started kissing her neck!! Gently biting her ear ...licking down to her breast! He took her hands and put them in one of his while his other hand grabbed one of her breast and put it in his mouth! He sucked and licked. He moved down to her pussy, giving it a long slow lick! He took his fingers and inserted 1 in and out a few times before he inserted another...he had 2 fingers going in and out! While his thumb rubbed her clit!! Fatima was in a trance and this point! Zac didn't stop til she shaking!!! He came back up kissed her and they both fell asleep!
The next morning Fatima got up to shower and get ready for class, Zac noticed her MVP plaque.  As she came out the bathroom he got up and hugged her, she was like Zac wats wrong? He said babe I'm so proud of you! I'm happy for you! All pointing to her MVP plaque.  He said i promise as soon as I'm 100% we will celebrate!  I'll plan something!! This was a huge accomplishment for u babe so i have to do my part! Fatima just smiled.  Zac asked her to bring him to his dorm so he can relax and get situated for class tomorrow because he was ready to go back to class!  She said of course babe i got u! Soon as i get outta class I'll be back !  She got dressed and headed to class!
After class she came to pick Zac up to bring him to his dorm room.  Wen Zac got to his dorm room one of his boys came and asked him how he was doing and did he know wat happened to ole boy! Zac said who da fuck is ole boy? He said Courtney! Zac said fuck him, and fuck what he got going on.  Zac boy was like nahhh, that nigga in the hospital with 2 broken legs, 2 broken arms, 4 broken ribs.   Truth be told Fatima didn't want him to die! She's not cold blooded like that! She just wanted him to feel the pain he caused!

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