Junior Year of college

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Zac and Fatima made it back to campus after their trip.  Pulling up to zacs dorm, Fatima parks her truck.  She looks over to Zac and grabs his face...she gives him a kiss but not a regular kiss.  She licks his lips, she teases his lips wit her tongue then she goes in for a regular kiss. Papi thank you for this wonderful trip.  I love you and I'm forever grateful that you are apart of my life!  Zac stops the kiss and tells her gorgeous there ms nothin in this world i wouldn't do for you! I love to see you smile, I'm so happy that i can be a part of the process that it takes to make u smile.  They get out and walk to his room...Zac unpacks and goes to take a shower.  Fatima is laying across the bed watching tv.  Zac comes out in just his boxers.  Fatima look him up and down and bites her bottom lip!  Paaaaaapi wat are u tryna do! He said girl come here.  She said no babe! I have to shower to!! Fatima jumps up and runs to the bathroom!! She get out the shower and put a pair of Zac's boxers and one of his beaters on!  They lay down and watch tv for a bit!  Zac starts rubbing on Fatima and she tries to stop him!  Everytime he try to make a move she stops him!  Babe I'm tired, let's take a nap first! Then I'm all yours!! He said ok gorgeous i no u are tired and so am i.  We can take a nap!  After about 3 hours they both get up!  Fatima got o e of zacs hoodies amd some joggers so she can go to her room to get ready for classes in the morning!  Zac gave her a hug and kiss and walked her downstairs to her truck! 
Fatima made it to her room, she unpacked and texted the girls!  April and Keyra met up in Fatima's room!  All 3 had class tomorrow, all of them classes started at 8am!!  They chatted for a while, she told them all about the trip and everything that happened! April looked at fatima and said girl I'm so happy for you! I swear you and Zac are the "it" couple! I love y'all relationship!  U got that nigga hooked.  Fatima said just like he got me hooked! 😜...but no seriously y'all i live that nigga ain't nuthin making me come up off him! We gone work through any and everything!  It's just something about us! Like i think we are meant to be FOREVER! Imma marry his ass watch and see!  Keyra just sat there quite!  She looked at TIMA and said , I'm happy for u TIMA i truly am! And u already know how i feel about u! 10 toes down, u mines but u not mines type shit! I love your sexy ass...she looked at Keyra and smiled! I live i too sweets! That's TIMA nickname she gave Keyra!  After about 2 hours they called it a night! April and Keyra headed to their rooms and Fatima called Zac!  Hey papi just calling to say i love you and I'll see u in the morning! 
The next morning TIMA got up showered and did her morning routine! She got dressed and headed to class! 

she looked at Keyra and smiled! I live i too sweets! That's TIMA nickname she gave Keyra!  After about 2 hours they called it a night! April and Keyra headed to their rooms and Fatima called Zac!  Hey papi just calling to say i love you and I'll s...

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After class she met Zac in the cafeteria to get some breakfast!  They was always in their own lil bubble wen they would be around each other!  They talked about this upcoming football season! They had a lot of away games.  That meant zac would be gone most weekends.  Fatima was in her feelings because she knows she gone miss him.  They chatted and then headed back to classes.  Fatima ran into kimmie on her way to class.  Hey girl, are u ok? Fatima asked.  Yea I'm good kimmie responded.  Well nice seeing u I'll see u around.  Kimmie just walked off.  Once classes was over for the day she wen t back to her room.  She texted Zac but didn't get a response because he was at football practice.  Fatima noticed she had a letter on the floor.  She picked it up and it read "meet me in my office ASAP" coach Carter!  Fatima dropped her books and ran to the gymnasium..she knocked on coach Carter's door!  Hey coach i got the letter u wanted to see me? Yes please take a seat.  First off fatima let's get straight to business....fatima sitting nervous wit their legs shaking.  Coach then proceeds to say, i wanna tell u congratulations, the WNBA wants u to enter the draft! Fatima said wattttttt??? Are u sure?? What am i supposed to do?? I still have another year left to get my business and finance degree.  Coach i can't go pro- without something to fall back on! You no that's not a good idea.  What if something happens to me and i get hurt and can no longer play? I'm sorry but imma have to decline and wait til next year! It's a must i finish my degree program.  Coach looked at her and said are you sure this is wat u wanna do? Fatima stood up and said with all due respect, yes coach I'm sure! If they want me this year just imagine how much they would want me more next year! Coach gave her a hug and said that's my girl, I'm happy wit your decision.  Fatima walked out and walked back to her dorm! She had tears in her eyes because she didn't no if  she made the right decision! All kinds of WAT IF's was running through her head!  But Fatima was always about her education.  She knew that she could of went through wit joining the draft and that if anything happened to her, her parents would be there! But Fatima wanted to move at her pace and take care of herself once she finishes school.  This decision had nothing to do with Zac! She knew that their love would stand the test of time if she would have left to another city!  She made it back to room and called Zac.  He could hear it in voice that she was crying.  He said babe I'm on my way! He hung up and ran all the way to her dorm.  He knocked on her door and soon as she opened it her grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug!  Gorgeous I'm HERE! Wats wrong? .....Fatima was hugging him so tight!  They went in the room and sat in the bed! Fatima told Zac about the WNBA wanting her to join the draft and that she turned it down and how she's not sure she made the right decision.  Rubbing her head and looking her in the eyes, he said babe, if that's what u wanna do I'm behind u 100% .  U are correct about wanting to finish ur degree first, but babe imma take care of us, imma be in the NFL, so u don't have nuthin to worry about! Fatima smiled and gave him a kiss!  But papi, Fatima said! But papi nuthin!! Zac said grabbing her face!  I GOT US! if anything WE NEED, imma take care!! Fatima smiled...they hugged and cuddled until they fell asleep in each others arms!!

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