PAPI...where are you!

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After about an hour, Fatima called campus police because no one seen or heard from Zac since he left Fatima's basketball game.   Campus police took everyone's statement, they called they parish police and also the state troopers.  They said if he don't show up within the next 24 hours they gonna put out a missing persons report.   As time pass Fatima felt sick to her stomach! She didn't know wat to do! She didn't think her night would end like this! She wanted to celebrate her MVP wit her MVP love! She wanted to be with him all night! But she couldn't because she didn't know where he was.   About 2 hours later the police called fatima and informed her they found Zac and he was at UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL.  They aren't sure wat happened as of now but to head down as soon as she can! Her and the girls headed down to see wat happened and to make sure Zac was ok!   About 20 minutes later they made it to the hospital! Fatima went to the desk and ask about Zackary Taylor.  The nurse asked who she was and she told them she was his sister!  The nurse told her to take a sit the doctor will be out shorty!  The doctor came out and asked for the family of Zackary Taylor..TIMA and the girls all stood up.   He started by saying, Zac will be fine.  He's a bit beat up! He was brought in by ambulance.  A witness said they saw him fighting wit a couple of guys a few blocks from his dorm.  The witness believe they was tryna rob him.  The witness then said she saw the guys hold a gun to his head! Fatima just dropped wen she heard that! Keyra grabbed her...then the doctor said but he wasn't shot.  He's awake but he's out of it due to the meds for his pain.  She asked can she see him.  Doctor told her of course let me take u back.  She was shaking as she entered the room.  Zac was bandaged up wit the IV machine hooked to him.  He had tubes in his arms... fluids so he won't dehydrate, pain meds, and antibiotics so he won't get an infection from his cuts and bruises!  Fatima sat in the chair next to his bed.  She grabbed his hand and held it tight.  She felt Zac squeezing her hand.  She leaned over to rub the side of his the tears rolled down her face she mustard up some energy to talk.  She whispered to him "papi i no your in pain so please don't try to speak.  I'm here now.  I'm not leaving u here...I'll be here for as long as i have to! I will help you get through this, everything is gonna be ok papi i promise! We will find out who did this and they will have hell to pay! I have family that i can call to help! Just promise me you will do wat i have to do to get better.  I love you my Sexyface".  She then gently kiss him on the lips!!! 
Fatima whispered in his ear that she would be back she was bringing Keyra and April back to campus.  Fatima and the girls left! The ride home was silent! Fatima eyes were red from crying so much and because she was mad! She knew she had to do something! The girls went to their rooms.  They told Fatima to be careful and to call them if she needed them.  She called her cousin who lived in Baton Rouge.  Heyyyyyyy my Angel, trigger spoke through the phone.  She wats ups cuz how u been.  He said fine, but cut the bullshit Fatima i know something is wrong k can tell in your voice! Who da fukkkkkkk do i need to kill.  She started laughing because she knew trigger didn't play behind her! Nobody fucked wit his Angel.  Fatima had her cousin heart.  He did everything to protect her.   Trigger was her dads nephew and his right hand man to the streets of BR.   (Remember i told y'all her dad was a pharmacist BOTH legally and illegally)...well trigger ran shit in BR... Fatima told him what happened to Zac.  He asked Fatima who was Zac and how much did he mean to her.  Fatima said, trigg that's my boyfriend, my heart, my Sexyface, my everything! He said nuff said!!! I'll get on it as soon as k can and I'll keep u updated!  TIMA told trigg thank you and to not tell her dad about wat happened.   He said u got it my Angel it stays between me and you!  Now go back to taking care of ur man I'll handle it!! Fatima and trigg hung up.  Trigg made a few calls to see if anybody knew anything! Trigg had guys everywhere so he was bound to find out some shit!  Fatima got to her room took her shower and got dressed to head back to the hospital. 

She made it back to the hospital

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She made it back to the hospital.  Wen she walked in the room Zac was woke but drowsy... he had a slight smile on his face.  She hurried over to him and kissed him all over his face GENTLY because of the bruising...she was whispering "papi papi I'm here" he reached out his hand to grab her ass as she leaned over him!  He kissed her back...she told him to get some rest she's not going anywhere.  She sat in the chair and held his hand. She put her head on the small space on side of his leg! She didn't wanna lay on him because he was in so much pain from the beating! After about an hour she fell sleep!

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