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Its Sunday morning and Fatima is just waking up, she grabs her phone and see a "good morning gorgeous" text from Zac.  She FaceTime him and he answered quick. "Hello Handsome" she said as he connected the video call. What's up for today he asked. She said it's Sunday, i usually relax and get ready for the upcoming week. He asked her if she wanted to come chill in his room for a bit and she said sure! She laid back down and dosed off again. I few hours have pass and it was now 2pm. She got up and showered. She dug through the closet and put together an outfit! She put her hair in a messy bun and got dressed. Her face was bare only lashes...she texted Zac and told him she was on her way!

10 minutes later she parked and Zac met her outside

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10 minutes later she parked and Zac met her outside. They hugged and he pecked her lips! They got on the elevator to head to Zac's room. They got into the room and Zac was sitting at the computer looking at shoes on stock X.. Fatima sat on the bed (Zac didn't have a roommate either) . She got the remote to see wat was on tv. After flipping through the channels they decided to watch old episodes of MARTIN...Fatima took her shoes off and got under the covers.. Zac was still on the computer! He had snacks in his room so they didn't leave out to get nuthin to eat until later that night..Around 6pm they decided to go to Fiery Crab to get some seafood. After they ate they went back to Zac's dorm room! They laid and cuddled for a bit...Zac started rubbing on Fatima and kissing all over her. She was a lil uneasy this time because in actuality Fatima was still a virgin. She didn't no how to tell Zac because she thought he would look at her differently.  After things started heating up she got up to put her shoes back on to head to her dorm. Zac sitting there looking like WTF...He jumped up and grabbed her arm and asked her was she ok.. She nodded YES, but her head was leaning down! He pulled her to him and lifted her chin to look at him..he said are u sure u are ok? Again she just nodded yes! Zac didn't no wat to do so he just walked her down to her truck. When they got to the truck he pulled her in for a hug and just hugged her for a lil while. Rubbing the back of her head while she laid her head on his chest.  He kissed her forehead and she got in the truck..He watched as she pulled off, she made it to her dorm and just sat in her truck for 15 minutes thinking of a way to tell Zac she's still a virgin and she not ready because they still haven't made things official between the two of them! Although everyone thought they was a couple they haven't put a title to it YET! She got out the truck and headed to her room. She FaceTimed him to let him know she made it to her room.  They said their good nights and hung up!

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