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Fatima took a long pause before she started to tell Zac wat happened. She starts off by saying Zac, babe don't get upset and listen to the whole story. Zac told her ok gorgeous I'm listen. Fatima starts to tell him what happened. Before Zac could say anything she said I'm got sick of her shit, i understand I'm on scholarship but i also no my parents have money! I love playing basketball that's wat I'm good at..so before u judge me think about wat u did to Nate and ur situation also! Zac said gorgeous i could never judge you, u did what u felt was necessary and i did also! We both were emotional, we both are territorial wen it comes to US. So I'm never gonna judge u or get mad at u! Fatima biting down on her lip said thanks bae u just made me WET! Licking his lips Zac said come on over i can take care of that! She started blushing and said nahhhhh imma get back to studying ...I'll see ya later!

Next morning Fatima leaves for class and runs into April and her friends

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Next morning Fatima leaves for class and runs into April and her friends. They all just stare at her. She looks over to them with a smirk on her face and walks out the door. She meet Keyra as they walk to class, they started talking about the holidays.. Fatima told Keyra she was going home for thanksgiving but she had something special planned for her and Zac for Christmas/Winter break! Keyra was like okkkk bihhhh i see u.. They  went to class, after class they met in the union.  Fatima met Zac and Keyra met her "friend".  Keyra never make any female her girlfriend because she's secretly in love wit Fatima but she also knows Fatima don't rock like that.  And she never wanna lose her friendship so she doesn't try nuthin wit Fatima.  Fatima sees Zac and goes up to him to hug and kiss him.  Zac goes to get him and Fatima some food, they sit and start talking. Fatima asked Zac wat he was doing for thanksgiving and Zac said he was going home.  Fatima said good that's what she had planned to do to! They made plans to go home together.  Because Zac didn't have a car and Fatima did, they would just take the greyhound bus together because didn't wanna drive.  She could of let Zac drive but she wanted to be all under him on the bus...they finished eating and Fatima gave Zac a kiss because she had practice to get to.  They separated and headed their separate ways.  Zac ran into April outside the union.. April had a hoodie and sunglasses on, Zac knew she was fucked up!  She grabbed his arm and told him she needed to talk him please! Zac knew wat happened so he said ok....April begins by apologizing to Zac. She said I'm sorry, i didn't mean for it to get this far.  Ok..But u actually meant for it to get further. Not knowing my girl don't play behind me and because she was on scholarship for basketball u thought i had the upper hand...she don't care about all that shit! It's about respect for her!  She wasn't worried about it at first until this duck ass nigga sent her a video of us talking wen u showed up to my dorm! April said that's why she beat my ass like that...but it's cool, I'll see her around! Zac said u would wanna see her and apologize to her also! And not try nothing else! She smacked her teeth and asked zac do he accept her apology.  Zac said it's all good April just stay in ya lane and we good!  April walked off and went inside the union. 

Later that evening, Zac knew Fatima was finished with practice so he texted her and told her to be ready at 8pm they going out for dinner.  Fatima got the message and smiled.. soon as she mad wit to her room she looked through her closet to find something to wear.  After she called Keyra and chatted wit her for a bit.  Fatima and Keyra really became close friends like BEST FRIENDS! Fatima don't fuck wit nobody else on campus like she does wit Keyra... and Keyra knew that that's why she kept her feelings for Fatima to herself! After they got off the phone. Fatima took her shower, got dressed and texted Zac and told him she's on her way!  Zac said ok babe I'll be downstairs waiting..

Zac outfit

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Zac outfit

Fatima's outfit

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Fatima's outfit

They made it to Cheesecake Factory to eat.. they chilled and had small talk! Fatima told Zac for Christmas/winter break she wants to take them on a trip to Angels Fire Resort in New Mexico.. Zac said are u sure? She said yes I'm sure! Everything is all booked and paid for because i knew you would agree. Zac said dam right shit I'm ready know! They finish their food and head back to campus! Fatima drops Zac off back to his dorm and made her way back to her dorm! Wen she got their April was sitting outside on the steps.  Fatima walked passed her and rolled her eyes.  April got up and said Fatima can i please talk to u?  Fatima stopped and turned and said "girl WTF u want now". April said i just wanna apologize.  Fatima smacked her teeth..April said look I'm sorry ok, i really am. I see that both of u guys love each other very much! And I'm super sorry for tryna get in between y'all! I don't want no beef wit you Fatima I'm truly sorry!  Fatima looked at April and said I'm glad u gm finally got the message and it's all good i accept ur apology.  Just don't try me wit nothing or nobody else!  April said u got it and again I'm sorry! Fatima said cool and walked off!

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