The beginning of the wedding planning/getting the girls ready for a vacation!

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The first year had gone by so fast for BOTH, Fatima and Zac.  They both put up good numbers doing the playoffs and came short of a championship.  They both were missing their parents, and of course TIMA was missing Zac's lil sisters..."hey babe" Zac said. Hey Sexyface what u doing? Well gorgeous i was thinking we should go home for a couple of days and see our parents then bring the girls on a trip to wherever they wanna go.  OMG papi that sounds like a good idea.  Maybe we should bring them to New York.  It was winter time and TIMA knew the girls would love to play in snow.  Zac said sure babe, let me get the okay from momma and we can get this trip booked. Ok papi! Oh and another thing ask your mom to make sure the girls have their passports by their birthdays i have somewhere i wanna take them.  Ok gorgeous let me call her now to let her know we flying in tomorrow and about the passports. 
After Zac got off the phone with his mom Fatima called her parents to see what they were up to.  She told them that they would be flying out tomorrow and to expecting them.  Her mom said ok I'll see you guys when y'all get here. Fatima also wanted to talk to her mom about the wedding. Although her and Zac never "official" set a date... as Fatima was laying back on the bed wit her back up to the head board...zac came climb in the bed, in between her legs and laid on her stomach...Fatima started rubbing his waves on his head as he rubbed on her thighs...papi wen are we gonna set a date for the wedding? Do u know where u wanna get married? Do u no the colors? So u want a destination wedding..Zac raised his head and said gorgeous it ALL on u! I'm happy wit whatever you choose. All i know is i will be there! They talked for a lil while longer and then fell asleep laying on each other .  The next morning they both got up and showered and got dressed to head to the airport..
They finally made it to NOLA., the car service was waiting for them wen they arrived.  They got dropped off to a car storage on St. Charles Ave.  where Zac had a car for him and Fatima stored for when they came to New Orleans they had something to ride in.  They both got in their cars and made way to zac parents house.  They pulled up and walked inside.  Zac's lil sisters came running to the front door...they was always happy to see Zac and Fatima. His mom was home but his dad was at a meeting.  Fatima gave his momma hug and she also gave the girls a hug.  Zac sat on the sofa wit TIMA and the girls.  He asked his mom about the passports and she said she would go to the post office and apply for them tomorrow.  Zac asked his mom what she was cooking and she said red beans, fried chicken wings, and corn bread.  It's almost done if u guys wanna eat.  Zac and Fatima both said sure.  As they were playing with the girls Fatima phone kept ringing.  Zac was looking at her like babe, u not gone answer.  She said hold on babe i will, let me get it.  She got up and walked away to answer.  It was the board of directors for the Chicago sky saying they had an emergency meeting that she needed to attend.  She told them she was is New Orleans and she's just arrived.  Had they warned her she would have stayed.  Everyone was getting frustrated.  Fatima said "look guys i can zoom call u guys for the time of the meeting" let's not get stressed out about this".  Everything will work itself out.  One of the guys let's put a huge sigh and Fatima gets pissed.. look here Jim.  I said we got this and we gone do this so chill with all that ok.  Jim said sure Fatima i trust you we got this.  TIMA said I'm good now I'll talk to u guys around 7 wen i log on for our meeting.. see u guys then and be cool we gone be alright.  She hangs up
and go back to the room.  Zac grabs her and ask her is she ok! She said yes that it was an emergency meeting that she would have to zoom later.  He said ok cool.  She gave the girls a hug and told Zac she was headed by her parents and she would call him later.  Fatima leaves and goes home.  When she gets home her mom is there but her dad is out of town at a pharmaceutical convention.  TIMA and her mom sit  at the kitchen island to talk and eat some fruit and cheese and drink some wine.  Well princess did you and Zachary discuss anything about the wedding? She said mom he says it's watever i want.  Well baby do u no what u want? Well i was thinking a winter wonderland wedding.  Only 2 of my friends and Zac's lil sisters.  Well baby, i have a wedding planner i can get in contact with and start the planning. If you are fine with that i can start tomorrow.  Did u guys pick a date? Yes i choose Dec. 16.  Ok princess let's get this ball on a roll.  After a few hours on the phone wit the wedding planner, it was time for Fatima to join the zoom call with the board.  She ran up stairs to her room and got in the computer.  They discuss a lawsuit that has come forth about alleged sexual harassment.  It was against the coach by a player that just joined the team.  Fatima mouth just dropped! She was like WTF!!! Are u serious? Is there any proof? Well yes and no.  Fatima asked wat u mean by that.  They discussed further and Fatima told them to contact the team lawyers and she would revisit this situation once she make it back in a few days.  After she finished with the call she facetimed Zac.  Hey papi wyd? Nothin waiting on u..i miss u.. papi really? I'm right her I'm not going no where.   He laughed and said "oh i no yo Ass not". Well with that being said i want to get a room at the FOUR SEASONS on me there in about and hour.  Ok gorgeous u got it!  Fatima went in her other room and grabbed something sexy to put on right quick and headed out the door.  She stopped at rouses to get some wine for her and some henny for Zac..she checked in the hotel and took a shower. She texted Zac and told him a key was waiting for him at the front desk.  30 minutes later Zac made it...Fatima was leaning in the wall waiting for him to open!

Fatima was leaning in the wall waiting for him to open!

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Dammmmmmmmm!!!! Fuckkkkk gorgeous u look amazing...biting his bottoms lip.  He dropped his keys and walked over to her and grabbed her and started giving her a passionate kiss.  She pulled back and said papiiiiii chill
Let's have a drink and sit a talk! Zac laughed and said oh i see u tryna tease me huh? Nooooo papi let's drink and get a vibe going.  Fatima fixed Zac a henny straight and her a glass of wine.  They talked then Fatima noticed Zac couldn't take it anymore.  His dick looked like it was about to jump out his pants!! He had already showered so he was ready ready!!  He got up and walked towards fatima..he bent down to kiss her..she started giggling because she knew wtf she was doing! She was really tryna tease that man.  But Zac wasn't playing wit her ass.  He grabbed her by the neck gently and said STOP IT GORGEOUS NOW!!! Wat wat am i doing!! He said u know so come bring yo ass to this bed and sit on ur favorite spot! She giggled and said WHICH ONE, he said take ur pick! She said  nahhhhh I'm sitting on both!!  That face and that dick!! He smacked her ass and they continued to the bed. 
The next morning they both woke up dizzy from drinking and vibing.. fatima got up first and headed to the bathroom she took her shower and did her morning routine then checked her emails.  She ordered them some breakfast from room service!! Zac got up and took his shower and did his morning routine.  They ate breakfast and then they talked about the trip to New York with the girls.. it's a surprise for them they won't know until they get there.  The booked the trip and then got dressed to head to the girls.  Fatima called her mom and checked in on the wedding ..Fatima didn't really tell Zac anything about the wedding.  She had some surprises for him and she knew he would care.   They made it to the house and Fatima told the girls to get ready they were going to the mall.  Zac stood back at home while the girls and TIMA headed to lakeside mall...Fatima got the girls 2 pair of uggs a piece and some winter coats and more clothes, undies, and under shirts, and socks.  I don't know what it is about black people but everytime they go on a trip they have to get brand new underwear, socks, and under shirts 🤣...after leaving the mall they went to fiery crab and got some seafood.  They girls were tired at this point.  They went back to the house and Zac came to the car to help get them inside! They both had fell asleep.  He put them in their beds and got the bags!! Fatima was tied too so she laid across the zacs bed.  After about 2 hours everybody woke up.  The girls was putting their thing together and showing their parents what Fatima brought for them.  Fatima decide it was now time to discuss the wedding.  Well, papi i think we should have a winter wonderland wedding, and the date should be Dec. 16.  What do u think? Gorgeous i told u I'm cool with whatever.  Well my mom got a planner on it know so she's gonna get in touch with us so we can meet her before we go back to LA.  Ok baby that's not a problem I'm cool wit it.  Fatima smiled and kissed Zac. 

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