Preparing for Baby Taylor #2

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Shiiiitttttt, PAPI!!! Wwwwait u too deep!! Fatima says as Zac is pounding her from the back! He has one hand around her neck while the other grips her waist!!! Zac is Deep stroking Fatima, gorgeous ur so wet...fukkkkkkkk this pussy feels so good! 💦💦💦....papiiiiiiiii shittttt I'm about to cummmmm!!! Me to gorgeous, me too! With that they both came at the same time!!! Fatima rolled over so she can take a shower!! She heads to the shower and Zac lets her go first because he knows if he goes in there he's gonna have her ass pinned up against that wall!   30 minutes later she exit the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her...then Zac heads to shower!  He gets out the shower and sees Fatima sitting up in the bed rubbing her stomach and singing....

then Zac heads to shower!  He gets out the shower and sees Fatima sitting up in the bed rubbing her stomach and singing

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A LOT HAS HAPPENED!  Fatima is now 8 months prego...She still doesn't know the sex...only Zac knows the sex....because he wanted to fix the baby room up so he can surprise Fatima once they make it back to LA....
Zac has been going back and forth from Chicago to LA...getting things situated for the baby!! He takes Saint with him everytime he goes back to LA so Keyra and Desmond can spend time with him while him and the contractors work on the baby room!  All that is left is for the furniture to be delivered and set up! Which should be tomorrow.
Fatima just finished the season and they made the playoffs!! They won all the games, and the championship game is tonight!! She was beyond excited because she was named COACH OF THE YEAR! Of course she was...fresh from sabbatical and she and her team did that shit!!
Fatima at home getting ready for the game just as Zac and Saint walks in!!! They were already dressed to leave because he knew he was cutting it short once they arrived back....Keyra and Desmond also fly in to surprise her!   OMGGGGGG, Fatima says as she runs to Keyra to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek..heyyyy my sweets, Keyra says as she rubs Fatima's's my lil munchkin doing? Him/her is doing fine! I can't wait to get back home to see the new room Zac got made for the baby!! Keyra told Fatima that she's gonna love it....😉...she then grabs saint from Zac and smothered him in kisses!! My papa bear!!! 😘😘😘😘 they headed to the arena.....

she then grabs saint from Zac and smothered him in kisses!! My papa bear!!! 😘😘😘😘 they headed to the arena

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Fatima is in her element...doing her thing!   It's the fourth quarter and the score is Sky up by 6.....with 2 minutes left....Fatima decides to call a full court press to try to run the clock down...1:30 left, Sky got the ball...they pass around the ball til one of the girls take it to the basket!! Yessssss Fatima yells!!! Ending the game with a final score of 98-90....OUR CHAMPIONS FOR THE SECOND TIME YOUR CHICAGO SKY!!!!! Both times Fatima was the coach!! They celebrated with the team, then headed back to the condo to get ready to head back to the morning!!!

They make it to LA, and Fatima is exhausted!! She puts Saint down for a nap after she fed him! Zac left to go get Fendi from the doggy camp! When he got back she went check on Saint, then Fatima! She was sitting in the window bay holding her belly!

She couldn't believe she was about to have her baby with in next month!  Zac told her to not look into the room just yet as he wanted to do it once she was rested up!  Fatima lays across the bed to nap, while she napped, Zac ordered some Uber eats...

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She couldn't believe she was about to have her baby with in next month!  Zac told her to not look into the room just yet as he wanted to do it once she was rested up!  Fatima lays across the bed to nap, while she napped, Zac ordered some Uber eats from this Mexican restaurants that Fatima
loves so much!  He goes to wake her and let her know that the food is here!! She gets up to do her routine in the bathroom...she goes downstairs and sees Zac feeding Saint ...Fendi runs to Fatima and she bends down to lick her up!!! Fendi is so excited to see Fatima!!! As Fatima sits at the table, Fendi lays across her lap because she doesn't want to get down!  Zac brings Fatima her food and kisses her lips!! After he finshes with Saint he puts him down to play while him and Fatima talk!  Gorgeous, i love you!! She smiles and says i love u more papi!! Looking in eyes!! So are you ready to see the room? Fatima says no not yet, we can wait a lil while longer!  Zac says fine!  If that's what u want! She smiles and gets up.  She puts Fendi down and goes to sit on Zac's lap!! She straddles him..HUSBAND, i just want u to know that I'm so grateful and blessed to have you! U are an amazing husband, father, and MAN!! She kisses him!!! Well gorgeous, thank you! BUT you and my babies, there is nothing i wouldn't do! I love y'all more than life itself!!

Fatima has been going to the doctor while she was in Chicago but she's now going back to Dr. Jackie in LA....this morning Zac didn't go with her to the doctor because he's been making money moves while his on his off season...he always feels like anything can happen at any moment so he wanna stay prepared for the enviable. Fatima kisses his lips and heads to her appointment! Once she gets there and gets to the back she will FaceTime Zac....
Zac got Saint up and fed him some breakfast! He gave him a nice hot bath and put some clothes on him so they can take a quick walk around the neighborhood while letting Fendi out ...

Zac got Saint up and fed him some breakfast! He gave him a nice hot bath and put some clothes on him so they can take a quick walk around the neighborhood while letting Fendi out

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Poor Zac can't comb Saints hair so he just leaves it!! 🤣🤣 the time they made it back to the house Fatima was FaceTiming Zac....she had tears in her pa pa papiiiiiii, Dr. Jackie is requesting that i meet her at the hospital to check in...She said my blood pressure is sky high and she will induce me....shes crying hysterically and Zac is trying to calm her down....i know papi but the baby is not ready yet!! Gorgeous listen to me...i love you and we are on our way! Let me get your bag out the closet, and pack me and saint a bag ..and i promise I'll be there in a few!! Okkkkk babyyy love you see u in a bit. Fatima left the office and walked across the street to the hospital...she went to labor and delivery to check in. They took her to the back to her room...
Back at the house, Zac packed everything up including the baby's care seat....he strapped the car seat in and strapped Saint into his car seat! He dropped fendi off at the Bow Wow doggy camp...then after about an hour and a half he made it to the hospital...him and Saint made it upstairs along with Fatima and the baby's bags, good thing Saint can walk because he put the car seat in a box so Fatima wouldn't see it the desk in labor and delivery....he asks for Fatima Taylor's room and was escorted by a nurse!! He rushes to Fatima who is know hooked to the machines....the nurse had already started the Pitocin ...Fatima didn't want an epidural so now it's a waiting game! He sits the bags and big ass box down.. then kisses her and sits Saint on the bed with her.....papa bearrrrrr!! He hugs his mommy .....and kisses her face!!

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