Let the night begin!!!

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It was now time to get ready for the party.  The girls made it to there bathroom and got dressed. 

Cute lil outfit

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Cute lil outfit.. not too much.  They all started walking towards the villa where the party was being held! They can hear the music and see the large crowd.  As they made it closer they spot the guys standing outside.  Deuce walked up to Fatima and gave her a hug.  They all walked in the party.  They guys asked if the ladies wanted to do shots and of course they all said yes!  They followed Deuce to the bar.  He asked if he can get 6 shots of casamigos.  They all take the shots to the head!  Fatima then asked for a rum punch.. They all standing up dancing and vibing.  Just chillin really.   Keyra and April wasn't really feeling their guys but Fatima was kinda feeling Deuce.  They all took a few more shots, at this point they all a lil tipsy.  Deuce grabs Fatima by the waist and starts dancing wit her.  He's grinding in her ass and she's throwing it back.  He's breathing in her neck giving her smalls pecks.  She's pushes off him because she was getting hot!  Pussy started throbbing. She's tipsy, she's missing Zac.  She don't know wat to do! Deep down she knows her and Zac will get back together it's just a matter of time.  So she didn't wanna don't wanna do nuthin that she would end up regretting. 
As the night went along they all danced and just had a great time.  Keyra and April got so drunk them hoes started throwing up on the dance floor.  Fatima said that's it time for us to head back.  The guys walked them back to there AIRBNB.  Fatima was tipsy but not as drunk as Keyra and April.  She did manage to fall down i. The bushes tho!  Deuce let her fall too, he thought that shit was funny AF..they made it to the AIRBNB.  The girls went in and the guys left.  Deuce tried to kiss fatima but she backed away.  She told him she would meet him at the pool tomorrow around 2pm. 
Back at campus kimmie saw Zac, she tried to talk to him but he's wasn't tryna hear that shit.  She said "oh so u still acting like that even though yo girl in another fucking country doing lord knows wat"? Zac said wat are u talking about? Yea i heard the bitch and her hoe ass friends went to Jamaica.  Zac said how do u no that? She said she heard it through the grapevine!  Zac just huffed and puffed and went on about his business.  He's thinking "ohhhhh ok she wanna do that shit, i got something for that ass". He went to his room hopped on his laptop and booked a flight to Jamaica.  He didn't have a clue where she was but she surely was gonna find her.  He had 2 hours to make it to the airport and on that flight.  Zac did t pack much of nuthin he didn't care. All he know his he going get his girl back!  After about 1 and 1/2 hours he made it to the airport just in time. He hopped on that flight ✈️.  Nervous as fuck!!
A few hours pass and he landed. He asked the driver who drove him to his hotel if he seen 3 beautiful black American queens? The driver said i see beautiful black women all day everyday.  Zac showed him a picture of Fatima.  A big ass smile came across his face.  He said yesss she is here and u are right they are truly 3 beautiful black queens.. the driver told Zac that if he would go to this place called "THE POOL" he should run into them.  Zac said thanks and tipped the driver very well. 
It's now around 12:43 and the girls just waking up.  They all take a shower and some Tylenol!  Fatima said let's get ready to head to the pool, I'm hungry and thirsty.  But no alcohol. 

Fatima got dressed

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Fatima got dressed...and they made their way to the pool.  Wen they got there they noticed the 3 guys.  Keyra was like uuugggghhhh NOT TADAY! I need me some pussy! They all started laughing.  April said yea he gotta go, i ain't feeling him.  Fatima said well that's on u guys cuz Deuce ain't going no where!  🤣...Fatima walked up to and deuce gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek! They go to the food area to get some food! All 6 of them get some food and drinks.  They sitting chatting and chillin.  Keyra spotted a fine ass yella bone.  So she got up to go talk to her.  April was just sitting and drinking.. all the while Fatima and Deuce ass all giggles and shit in the corner of the booth!  April and Fatima get up to go sit and out their feet in the pool.  Deuce sits next to Fatima.. after a while they all get up to jump in the pool.  They running and jumping, just having a good ole time!  Deuce grabs Fatima and jumps in the water while holding her! They come up and he starts hugging her from the back...wen she turns around she looks up and sees Zac looking dead in her face! He was sitting at the bar having a drink.  Fatima said to herself  "i no this nigga ain't fly his stupid ass all the way out here".  Zac got up and walked over to her as she was getting out the pool.  He looked her dead in her eyes and said "SO THIS WAT WE DOING"? huh Fatima.  Fatima was stuck she didn't know wat to say or do! April and Keyra looking at her like Fatima WTF! Deuce just standing there wit a dick look on his face.  Fatima told the girls to come on let's go!  Zac said nahhh y'all stay in going! Zac went back to his hotel room. He laid across the bed thinking I LOST HER, I LOST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, what am i supposed to do now! Tears just rolling down his face. 
Back at the AIRBNB, Fatima was quite she didn't know wat to say to the girls.  She was feeling deuce she really was BUT she knows Zac have her heart.  She was confused.  She could tell he was hurt.  But she didn't care, she wanted him to feel her pain.  She went in the bathroom and turned the shower on.  She got in and let the shower just run over her body!!  All she could think about was Zac and if he was ok.  She couldn't help it.  She said PAPI came all the way over here for me.  I gotta go find him.. with that thought she hopped out the shower quick.  She put something on comfy and left.  She didn't have clue where she was going but she knew she was gonna go find her PAPI!

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