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Fatima looked Zac in his eyes and softly said "I'm a virgin" then leaned her head down. Zac lifted her chin and told her that's most definitely not something to be shame of. You made all the way to college and your still a virgin. That's is awesome. He smiled at her and kissed her. Zac told Fatima thanks for telling me. That's let's me know that you are even more special than i already thought you were! He also told her he's in no hurry and if she wanna slow things down he more than willing to do so. But nothing will stop him from loving her. She looked at him with a confused face. She thought she heard Zac say he loves her but then she thought she heard him say something else! Anyways they finished eating and drove back to the dorms. They always go to Zac's room. Fatima feels more comfortable in his room. They both smelled like seafood so Fatima decided to take a shower. She didn't have any clothes over at his room so she put on a pair of his boxers and one of his T-shirts! After she finished then he went took a shower and came back in just some boxers. They laid in the bed and starting watching movies. They watched their favorite movie which was LOVE AND BASKETBALL....he cuddled Fatima as they watched the movie! The movie wasn't half way through wen she turned and faced him. She started rubbing on his face and pecking his lips! She raised her legs to where one of them was on top of his and one of his was between her legs! She grabbed his face rubbing his ears and licked his lips! She started with slow licks. She started kissing him and he opened his mouth to let her tongue in! Their tongues was twirling and the kiss intensified. Zac started rubbing on Fatima's ass. He had one hand rubbing her back and the other hand rubbing her thighs. Fatima raised up and pushed Zac on his back, she straddled him and went back down for more kisses! Their movement with each other was so sensual. As she straddled him he was rubbing her and Fatima felt his DIZAC getting hard! As he miss her he slips his hand in his boxers that she had on! He's rubbing her ass and up and down her back! He stops and ask her is she sure this is wat she wants. Fatima nodded YES, but Zac was a lil hesitant. He didn't want to make her feel like she had to give it up because he made it official with them being a couple. So he stopped. She had a WTF look on her face before he said "take those boxers off and get up here". She looking like UP WHERE??? He said i wanna taste u, i want u to come sit on my face! Never having that done before she didn't know wat to expect. At first she couldn't get her legs right because she had no clue on wat she was doing! Zac grabbed her back and said baby relax. I promise u gone love it! She crawled to the top and got squared down! She was on her feet NOT her knees! She was holding onto the head board for balance! Zac put his arms around her thighs pulling her down. At this point she's literally sitting on his chest! Zac takes his hands and brings them to the front and spread her puss lips apart. He lifts her a lil and takes a lonnggggggg lick! From her opening to her clit! He started twirling his tongue in her clit and she lets out a soft moan. He continues to twirl his tongue in her clit then he moves down to her opening, he sticks his tongue inside her opening. He starts to tongue fuck her while his thumb is rubbing her clit! Fatima head leans back and her legs start to shake. She's in a trans, her mouth is open but no words were coming out. She's biting on her bottom lip.. she reaches under her T-shirt and strata playing wit her breast! Zac is going to town on that puss! Sucking and slurping.. he started to concentrate in her clit!! Slightly biting and sucking hard! Flicking his tongue...Fatima body starts to convulse and Zac grabs her legs tighter not letting her move! Her juices start to flow down Zac chin! He's taking it all in..Zac keeps flicking and slurping up all her juices! Fatima comes out of her trans and says softly ZAC WTF WAS THAT.. he pulls her down and kisses her, letting her taste all her juices! He grabs her face and say tells her "I JUST HIT U WITH THAT Z-Blizzy"!! They both laughed and cuddled and fell asleep!

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