Holidays Cont.......

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The next day they woke up...Zac had a Fatima decided to call Keyra over to set some stuff up...after 40 minutes..she wanted to have a dinner with Keyra and Desmond but also wanted to go out with her husband. Fatima and Zac haven't been out in a while... Fatima gets Saint up and gets him ready...also she lets Fendi out the house...about 2 hours later Keyra comes..they sit on the sofa and chat a lil bit. They talked about Fatima going to NOLA for the holidays and Keyra said her and Desmond decided to go to his parents for the holidays...Keyra caught Fatima up on her appointments she's been having...everything is looking good as far as getting's now a waiting game...they chat a lil more.  Fatima asked Keyra if she could keep an eye on Saint tonight because she wanted to go out to dinner with Zac before they leave for New Orleans ....of course Keyra said yes.  But unbeknownst to Keyra Fatima had something up her sleeves....they hugged and she told Keyra she would see her around 6ish....kiss kiss on the cheeks and Keyra left!
Zac walks through the door a few hours later.  He gives her and Saint a kiss and heads straight to the bathroom to shower!  Fatima puts Saint down for a nap then she prepares to decorate the dining area for her, Zac, Keyra, and Desmond...after she finishes, she tells Zac about what she wanted to do for Keyra and Desmond and that after she has a surprise for him...Fatima went to her closet to pick out something wear...she wanted to be cute but not too cute...IF THATS even POSSIBLE...
Around 6:15 Keyra and Desmond pulled up...they made way to the dining area....

they made way to the dining area

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Fatima looks at them and says...y'all me and Zac appreciate you both so much we just wanted to tell you guys WE LOVE YOU, WE THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO AND MERRY CHRISTMAS! After about an hour Zac and Fatima leave to go to her surprise, but little did she knew Zac had a surprise for her....she opens her car door and saw this!!

she opens her car door and saw this!!

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Papiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....u didn't have to! It's not like i don't have a shit load of things under the tree already....he grabs her by her waist and pulls her in...Gorgeous it's NEVER gone be enough wen it comes to you! I'll make sure that beautiful smile stays on your face! He kiss her and get in the car and leave....

Gorgeous it's NEVER gone be enough wen it comes to you! I'll make sure that beautiful smile stays on your face!  He kiss her and get in the car and leave

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They get to the restaurant...Fatima wanted to have a night out with her love because she knows she needs to leave to go to NOLA and he was going to meet them a couple days later...within 15 minutes they arrive....they take their seats and begin to order drinks....they eat and have good conversations....they order some more drinks and Fatima ass done got tipsy....she gives Zac her card to pay because this dinner was on her...he smiles and sneakly uses his own card...she doesn't notice she thinks she paid for the dinner! He walks her to the car and tries to strap her seat belt but as he bend over her she grabs his face and starts tonguing him down....sexyfaceeeeeee as she's grabbing his neck and licking all over...gorgeoussssss wait wait we gotta get home....but papiiiii NO!!! I want you u NOW!!! Fatima spread her legs as she takes Zac's hand and places it in between her legs...*NOPE SHE DOES NOT HAVE PANTIES ON*!! Zac can feel how wet she is....noooo gorgeous we have to get home!! But papiiiiii, NOOOOOO! Gorgeous let's go!!! She rolls her eyes as he straps her seat belt and go over to the driver side....he looks over at her and Fatima is pouting,.....he smirks and begins to drive home...within 20 minutes they make it home!!! Zac opens her door and carries her inside...he brings her to their bedroom....he goes to look for Keyra and Desmond. He sees them in the guest room with Saint...Keyra can tell his mood so she told Zac they gonna spend the night and to go handle his business....
Zac walks back to their bedroom and Fatima is butt ass naked!!! She's laying in the middle of the bed..she sees Zac walk in and starts to undress...seductively she says...BRING THAT DICK HERE!!! He smiles as he continues to undress....she spread her legs, and begins to play wit her sweetness, moaning out his name....papiiiiii, come NOW!! as Zac starts to climb in the bed, he goes head first!! Picking her legs up and spreading them wide....He begins to lick, suck, and slurp all over Fatima's sweetness! Shiiittttt babe! Right there don't stop!! He wraps his arms around her legs, taking one head to spread her sweet lips and the other to insert 2 fingers while he flicks his tongue against her clit!!! Fukkkkkkkkkk!!!! Uummmhhh biting her bottom lip. Come for papi gorgeous...within seconds Fatima flooded his face. He licks up her body and kisses her...she licks his face so she can taste herself...he slowly start to grind inside of her...taking his time stroke by stroke!!! Dammmm gorgeous u always so tight and wet fukkkk u gone make me bust!!! Fatima is kissing all over his shoulders and lightly biting his cummm...shit babe!!!! Is all she could say! Zac buries his face in her neck as he begins to go to pound town..her legs are getting weak, and shaking!!! Zac flips them over and now she on top!!! Fatima is working them hips, riding the fuck outta papiiiii's dick!!! He squeezes her ass wit one hand as he licking and sucking her breast wit the other!!! Fukkkkk gorgeous I'm bout cummmm....get up!!! Fatima pulls him to lean up some...she wraps her legs around his waist tight, and her arms around his neck. Not wanting to let go!! She whispers in his ear...CUM IN UR PUSSY PAPI, that sent Zac into overdrive...he grabbed her ass and bounced it up and down as he released inside of her...😳! They both just pass out.....
Next morning they get up to shower..Fatima has a headache!!! They both do their morning routines and get dressed....its time to head to the airport so they can leave for NOLA...Keyra and Desmond had got saint together and fed him, the also let Fendi out....they said their good byes and Zac loaded the car so he can drop them off. On the way to the airport the ride was silent...Zac runs Fatima leg and asks her wats wrong because he sees a worried look on her face....she says let me ask u something, DID U CUM INSIDE ME LAST NIGHT? Zac looks at her confused, well gorgeous u told me to and yo ass had me in a head lock and leg lock...she smirks...because she vaguely remembers...yes i did didn't i....Zac smiles...Fatima definitely wasn't taking no plan B because she's on that whatever happens happen type shit but at the same time praying to GOD , his lil swigglies didn't swiggle they asses up the stream🤣!!! They get to the airport and Zac walks them in!! He helps them get situated...he kisses her and Saint and rubs Fendi...gorgeous I'll see u guys in 3 days at the most!! Okkk babe and they leave!!

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