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Everybody made it back to campus from their trip to Baton Rouge! They dropped the rental off and headed back to their dorm rooms. Fatima called Zac to make sure him and his boys made it back to campus safely. Fatima took her shower and laid down, she was tired from the ride back. About 2 hours later she got a text from Keyra saying she's on her way over, she wanted to get some studying in for the final exams that's coming up. Fatima got up and brushed her teeth. She called Zac to see if he needed any help with studying for the finals..he told her yes, she told him she would be over once her and Keyra finished. Fatima and Keyra studied for about 2 hours then Fatima headed to zacs dorm.  He had his study material out waiting for TIMA to get there.  She gave him a hug and a kiss and started to ask him some study questions. Both are serious about their education. They studying for the next 2 hours and Fatima decided they should go take a ride to kinda ease their minds and relax.

  They studying for the next 2 hours and Fatima decided they should go take a ride to kinda ease their minds and relax

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Once they got back they both headed to their dorms to prepare for the up coming week of's is now the week of finals...everyone took their exams and waited til Friday to get their the meantime the girls decided they would go out one last time because Zac and Fatima was heading home for the summer to spend time wit their families because their senior year is gonna be busy.   Fatima called Keyra and April over to her room.  They decided to go to Top Golf.. just chill and have a lil girls fun.  Fatima texted Zac and told him she was going to top golf, she asked if he wanted to come but he said no.  He told her to chill with her girls because he knows he got her all summer to himself.  Well actually Fatima and Zac was working on a project they had going on in New Orleans for the teens.  Zac hosted a football camp and Fatima hosted a basketball camp.  Which was good because it helped them spend time together along wit their families.. Fatima and the girls enjoyed their night. They had a blast!  They made it back to their rooms.  Fatima texted Zac and told him she was coming over.  She made it to his room and they got relaxed and watched a movie!!! One thing about Zac, he couldn't keep his hands and mouth off of fatima.  She kept saying papi stoppppppppp...he said u sure u want me to stop? She said "U NO WHAT I WANT".
A couple of days past by and it's now Friday! It's time for them to get their final grades.. Fatima ended up sleeping in zacs room so wen she woke up Zac was on the computer checking his grades...he asked fatima if she wanted to log in to check hers and she said sure.  Zac did good on his finals but fatima did even better...she aced all that shit...YESSSSSS YESSSSS...she jumped up!  Zac was so excited for her...he had something planned for her.   He was making plans while she was checking her grades.  Zac told her to go get ready he was bringing her out for doing so good on her finals... Fatima got up to leave, he gave her a kiss and told her he was so proud of her! He Smacked her on her ass and told her go get ready!! Once she left he started to get dressed himself.  Fatima made it back to her room..she didn't know what to wear because she didn't know where they where going.  So she kept it cute.  She texted Zac and told him she was on her way.  She opened the door and found some roses..with a note attached..
                 "Gorgeous I'm so proud of you, u are amazing, i love you with everything in me"
                                                    LOVE, papi ❤️

                  "Gorgeous I'm so proud of you, u are amazing, i love you with everything in me"                                                     LOVE, papi ❤️

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She was speechless, she had tears in her eyes..she didn't realize how much Zac loved her.  She's never met someone so thoughtful.  They are really like to peas in a pod.  As she placed them on her bed..she got on her knees to say a lil prayer before she left.  "God, i just want to thank u for everything!  U are showing up and showing out, thank you for bringing this amazing man into my life, thank u father god for allowing him to love me the way i should be loved, thank u father for allowing me to love him and see the best in him.  And last but not least PLEASE KEEP ME HUMBLED."  With that being said she got up and headed to see her papi!  She made it to Zac as he was sitting outside on the steps wit a huge smile across his face, she put the truck in park, jumped out, then jumped on him with her legs around his waist and her face buried in his neck.  Zac said gorgeous wat was that for? She said babe....u are amazing, and thank u for the roses.  I love u to the moon and back!  She just kept kissing him.  He said babe u are worth every thing and more!  Whatever i have to do to keep that smile on that gorgeous ass face of yours I'm here to do it!  U will never have a rainy day if I'm here!  I will always put u first and put u i the most highest pedestal! U deserve everything my love!  She hugged him right then got down off him and they headed to the Resturant to eat! 
It's now time to head to New Orleans for the summer break. 

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