Bae Day/Girls Night

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It's the last few weeks of the semester. Everyone was preparing for their exams! Keyra, Fatima, and April had their lil study sessions. And Zac and Fatima had theirs! Today was the actual last day of classes before finals start! The all met in the union to have lunch. After lunch Fatima still had basketball practice because the season wasn't quite over yet! So she headed to practice while. Keyra and April chilled a lil while longer getting to know each other more.. Zac went sat wit his boys once Fatima left.

Later on that evening after Fatima finished with practice all 3 girls met in Fatima's room since hers was the biggest. They went to the cafeteria to have diner.. Zac had met Fatima there and Keyra's girlfriend met her there! They all
sat at the same table..April was there too! They ate and clowned around for about another hour. Zac and his boys walked Fatima and April to their dorm and Keyra and her girlfriend walked to her dorm...Fatima gave Zac a hug and kiss and told him to call her wen he make it to his room! Fatima and April walked inside. April went to Fatima's room and they facetimed keyra. They was on the phone and decided to have girls night.. tomorrow night. and a lil sleepover! They talked about the games they wanted to play and the things they wer gonna do..they hung up and went to sleep!

The next morning, Fatima called Zac because she wanted to spend time wit him before her and her girls have their girls night! Zac answered the phone and Fatima told him to get dressed she's on her way!

The next morning, Fatima called Zac because she wanted to spend time wit him before her and her girls have their girls night! Zac answered the phone and Fatima told him to get dressed she's on her way!

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Fatima pulls up to Zac's dorm and he was waiting outside

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Fatima pulls up to Zac's dorm and he was waiting outside...he ran to her side of the truck as she opened the door he grabbed her and kiss her! Deepening the miss because she missed him she started rubbing his dick..she smiled and told him come on boy get in! They drove to get breakfast at THE BREAKFAST CLUB.  After eating breakfast they went to the park.. they walked around the park talking and holding hands! Fatima walked towards the swings and got on! Zac started pushing her so she can go higher. They laughed and had a great time! After the park they headed back to the dorms! They went to zacs room to unwind and take a nap!  Fatima takes her shoes off and gets in the bed.  Zac gets behind her to cuddle her...he had one hand around her waist and the other resting on one of her breast! They feel asleep and woke up about 2 hours later! They decided to order some food and watch movies! They ordered door dash from MANCHINNOS...their food came, they ate, then watched movies. After Fatima got up to go pee. When she came back she sat on zacs lap and kissed him! Zac had a basketball goal on his door she he asked if she wanted to play! Fatima asked him wat they playing for and he said "clothes". They played and Fatima was winning, Zac was ass naked wen Fatima finished wit him! 🤣 Fatima thinking he wanted her to win! She was only in her bra and lace thong! She threw Zac on the bed and straddled him! They started kissing and and Zac started rubbing her ass! He's licking and sucking all over her neck! Fatima is enjoying every bit of it but she pulled back! She told Zac as bad as she wanted this she wanted their first time to be special! Zac agreed! He lifted her up of him to get dressed...Fatima was standing wit her head hung down...after he got dressed he grabbed her and hugged her so tight! He said "babe don't beat urself up" I'm not rushing you, i don't want i to do anything u don't wanna do! Although this shit is hard as fuck, I'm wit u for u not for ur body! I love u gorgeous and I'll wait on u...we in this together!! Its US....she looked at Zac and grabbed his face to kiss him!! She got dressed and they headed to Dave's and Busters..Fatima meant she was spending the day wit her love! They headed to Dave's and busters! They stayed for about 2 hours then they headed back to campus! She dropped Zac off to get ready for the girls night!

Fatima made it back to her room and called April. April met her in her room, they left to go pick up Keyra to get some snacks and drinks for tonight! They went to Piggly Wiggly...they got some snacks and some chichi's (margaritas) ...and headed back! While Fatima was in the shower the other girls was setting her room up! Wen TIMA got out the shower it was Keyra's turn to shower! Them April went! They all wer in there matching PJ's...they played UNO, and Truth  or Dare! ...they danced and just had fun!! These girls have gotten close and nobody can come between them 3....they all didn't play about each other but Keyra ain't play wen it came to Fatima! She was really in love wit her! She wanted to tell her but she couldn't risk the friendship! She would do anything for Fatima.. so she wasn't tryna cross that line! But she wanted Fatima so bad!

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