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AHHHHHHH SHITTTTTT FUKKKKKK....im cuuumminnnn PAPIIIIIIIIII....that's it gorgeous, ride this dick babyyyy!!! It's 3am and Fatima ass can't stay off the dick...it's like it's a magnet that pulls her in all the time....Zac grabs her ass as he spreads her ass cheeks and starts pounding her from underneath.....fukkkkkkk gorgeous u so wet.  Ur dripping like a faucet...u gone make me bust...she grabs him by his neck and leans down to give him a sloppy but passionate kiss....that made her go into over drive....she switch positions and turn her body around (not letting Zac's dick slip out of her) she reverse cowboys him...she leans forward to grab his ankles...she leans up on her knees and she spreads her legs further apart!! Nuthin but ass is all Zac sees...she begins to bounce up and down...slowly at first, but then once them walls started releasing them juices it was over for Zac...he couldn't control himself....Fatima was making his ass cum within minutes...all he could do is grip her ass and hold on for dear life....Fatima just laid her body down between his legs...ass still in the air, and Zac's dick still inside her......once they both regain their breathing .....Zac snacked her ass and she jumped!! Papi that shit hurt!!! He giggles and moves her over...he gets up to start the shower...he comes back and picks her up. He carries her to the shower and they both get in!! As she's standing under the water letting it glide down her body with her eyes closed...Zac is in his thoughts...he stares at her...DAMMMM my baby is so fuckin sexy...everything about her is just mesmerizing...he looks up and makes a cross sign across his body thanking god for her and for placing her in his life...he grabs her body and hugs her!! He snuggles with her under the water letting it glide down both of them...gorgeous I LOVE YOU SO MUCH....yo ass is glowing!  It's something about my baby that's got me feeling like something is different with her....she turns to face him...I LOVE YOU MORE PAPI!! She kiss his lips....Zac starts to wash her body paying close attention to it...he gets to her stomach and pause...Fatima looks down at him and smacks him...playfully saying, boy ain't nuthin in their so u can continue! He smirks and continues to wash her body!  They get out and dry off, brush their teeth, and head to the closet to put on their robes....they change the sheets and Fatima gets in and Zac goes downstairs to the washer to wash the sheets...when he comes back up, Fatima is knocked out snoring...he lays in the bed and looks at the ceiling...he begins to talk to GOD! 

Father, i know our PAPA just made his first birthday, and i know the pregnancy test she's taken came back negative, i know she's due back to start work in Chicago in 2 weeks but i feel like she's pregnant....i know you wouldn't put more on us than we can bare. EVERYTHING about her feels different to me....i will never question you GOD.  If it's in ur will, then thy will be done...

With that he turned to kiss her cheek.  He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her...one hand on her stomach!  It's now 8am, Zac got up to let Fendi out, and check on Saint! He was tossing in his sleep so Zac picked him up and brought him downstairs.  He brought him in the changing room to give him a lil wipe down and change his clothes....he fixed him a warm milk bottle until he finished breakfast because saint was still sleepy....he laid him in his play pin and started on breakfast... he made PAPA some mini pancakes, eggs, and sausage links....for him and Fatima they had grits with CHEESE, eggs, and turkey bacon...he also cut up some fresh fruit...a few minutes later Fatima came down stairs, she went over to PAPA and kissed his cheeks...that woke him up....she picked him up and walked tot he kitchen where Zac was fixing their plates...good morning gorgeous he said as she approached him..she kissed his lips and before she could say anything else she immediately sat PAPA on the floor and ran to the bathroom...
Zac just smiled and shook his head...he looked up  and shook his finger like he was telling GOD, see i told u!!! Fatima brushed her teeth and came back in the kitchen...she picked SAINT up from the floor and went back over to Zac...good morning handsome...WTF was that he said...babe i don't no...it must be those stinky ass eggs.  Are u sure they're fresh...he looks at her and says babe, nuthin is wrong wit theses eggs...she brushed it off and they sat at the table to have breakfast.. Fatima put SAINT in his high chair.  They said grace and begin to eat...It was quite at first until Fatima looked up from her plate and noticed Zac had a big ass kool aid smile on his face..Zachary why are u smiling like that this early...because babe, i think u should schedule an appointment.  U know we leave for Chicago In a few weeks.  I start back work...i think u need to prepare urself.  Prepare myself for what Zachary???  Gorgeous don't get upset, i think ur pregnant and those at home test u took was wrong...She stops eating, drops her fork, and yells IM NOT PREGNANT!!! Then she walks off up the stairs to their bedroom.  She lays across the bed with tears in her eyes..she begins to pray, GOD please! I know we probably aren't ready for another baby so soon BUT if it's in ur will then I'm ready!  WE ARE AREADY!! I love my husband so much and i know he would move mountains for his family..i trust you, i know u got us, u wouldn't give us more than we can bare!  With that being said she starts to rub her belly....she wipes her tears and head back downstairs.....Zac was finishing the kitchen, he cleaned it up and put her food in the microwave...she immediately walks to him and grabs his face...she begins to kiss him, papi I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to yell.  I'm not angry or upset.  If i am pregnant then so be it! I know it's so soon and PAPA just made one BUT, GOD had other plans for us...we are in this together!! We can handle this...he hugs her and kisses her back...he smacks her ass and tells her to get her food out the microwave and he's gonna clean SAINT up! 

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