Spring Semester

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As the semester went along, April never heard from Micheal again.  She blocked his number, all social media, and got rid of any and everything that reminded her of him!  Fatima was there for her like a friend should be! Fatima let her cry on her shoulder and even sleep in her room!  Friday came and they girls got together for lunch.  None of them had classes on fridays so they chilled wit each other the majority of the day until Fatima had to go get ready for her last home game of the season.   She called Zac to see what he was doing he said nothing much just hanging out wit his boys....she asked him if he was coming to the pep rally they was having before the game.  He told her yea he gone be there!  Fatima said ok papi see u later, love u! They hung up.   Fatima started getting her self together for the pep rally and the game! She curled her hair and put it in a high ponytail...truth be told Fatima was the only one on the team that was "GIRLY"....she had mad basketball skills, she didn't look tomboyish at all...she got dressed and made way to the gym to meet her team!  About 30 minutes later everybody started filling the gym.  Fatima saw Zac and ran up to him to hug and kiss him! Then she saw Keyra and April come through the door.  Keyra and April made some matching shirts with Fatima's name and number on the back and BESTIE on the front in the school colors!   Fatima ran to them and hugged them.. she was happy about the shirts! She said y'all so crazy but i love them! They said and we love you bestie!  After the pep rally the game started.   Fatima was balling, wen i tell u ballin i mean BALLIN!  She was hitting 3's like it wasn't nuthin!  They won the game and she scored 32 points that game! 
After the game Keyra and April waited for Fatima to come out the locker room! Wen she came out she had a plaque in her hand.  She received the coaches award for "MVP" of the season! A few of the girls on the team didn't congratulate her because they was hating because not only was Fatima a freshman she was the 1st freshman to every get MVP.   She felt a lil down, Keyra and April noticed!  They asked her wat was wrong, she told them and Keyra said don't trip let's go get dressed and head to that KAPPA party in the cafeteria! TIMA said ok but she wanted to call Zac first to see if he was going.  On her way back to her dorm she called Zac and he didn't answer.  She texted and he didn't respond!  She got mad!! She decided to go take a shower and find something to wear.  She did her make up and put her hair up in a messy bun! She checked her phone but still no respond from Zac.  She texted and Keyra and April. She said meet in front in 10 minutes! Both texted back cool!

 She said meet in front in 10 minutes! Both texted back cool!

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As they walked to the cafeteria she decided to call Zac again.  He didn't answer! She shit him a text "papi where are you I'm worried, why aren't you answering ur phone or texting me back".  The girls noticed and Fatima told them she was fine! They get to the party and their having fun.  Fatima sees Zac's boys but she doesn't see him.  She told the girls she be right back.  She walked up to his boys and asked them where was Zac? They all nodded and said he wasn't with them! Fatima said WTF!! She went back to April and Keyra and told them she was going ride to zacs dorm because he's not at the party and he's not texting her back or answering her calls!  The girls told Fatima that she want leaving without them! They all hauled ass to Zac's dorm! She ran to his room.  She knocked and no answer! She knocked some more and no answer! Fatima eyes started filling wit tears because she knows this is not like him!  She was lost and confused! She didn't know wat to do!  She started screaming ZACCCCC OPEN THE DOOR IF UR IN THERE PLEASEEEEE PAPI!! Still no answer.  It was at this point she broke down! Keyra caught her and held her!! Rubbing her back she said it's gone be ok TIMA.  We gone find out where he is and wat happened!  Fatima just cried her eyes out because nobody knew where Zac was!!

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