Season Opener! For the Chicago Sky!

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Both Fatima and Zac made it to Chicago...tonight is the night for the season opener.....good morning papi, good morning gorgeous! As he walks towards her to give her a kiss and a hug...he smacks her ass as she walks towards the living room....are you ready for tonight? Yes sirrrrrr!!! She responded! Zac went tot he kitchen to fix them some breakfast...he fixed eggs, bacon, and pancakes...soon as Fatima smelled the eggs she started gagging...eeewww papi are u sore those eggs are good? Yes gorgeous i just got them delivered this morning while u were still sleep. Babe, they smell awful....Zac smelled the eggs and tasted the eggs and looked at Fatima crazy! Now gorgeous they are fine..what's wrong wit u? Nuthin babe I'm ok...he smiled and sat the table...he made her plate, papi can i get apple juice instead of orange juice..Fatima rarely drinks apple juice! She loves orange juice...sure baby u can have watever u like! She ate her food and drunk 2 glasses of apple juice! Babe thanks for the breakfast imma go back a lay down. I'm still tired...he kissed her as she walked back to the bedroom...Zac let Fendi out and came back up to lay beside her...she was knocked out snoring...he just kept kissing her face and rubbing her belly...Zac knew Fatima was prego but she still didn't think so....later that night they got ready for the game...

later that night they got ready for the game

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The baddest coach in the WNBA., walks in the arena...Coach Taylor sup?? The ladies all started their warm up!!! Fatima did her thing and they won their first game. After the game Fatima wanted a mango slushy form the 7 eleven...Zac stopped by to get her one!! He just shook his head...before they can make it home she wanted to stop at IN and OUT to get a burger...Zac asked her what she wanted and she said a cheeseburger extra pickles, and extra mustard...Zac said now gorgeous come on..u never eat like this are u sure ur not prego? Fatima playfully smacked his leg..and said no papi NOT YET! I need to make my boy! Zac told her all the fuckin they be doing they should made quadruplets by now!! She just busted out laughing....they made it home. While Fatima showered Zac let Fendi out! Then he came and took his shower....Fatima laid in the bed naked...she didn't want to put any clothes on. Once Zac got out the shower as he walked to the closet he noticed Fatima sleep...SHIT!!! FUCKKKKK!!! he said to why she always sleep, I'm tryna make my princess! He got in the bed wit some boxers on and hugged her from behind!! Fatima felt him get into bed and she turned towards him. She kissed him and straddled him....kissing his neck and grinding on his manhood...she could feel him rise...she leaned over so he could pull his boxers down....she got i too back on top....Zac grabbed her legs a guided her towards his face!!! Licking his lips he tells her to take her favorite seat in the house....awwwhh shit papi!!! She grabbed the headboard and situated herself onto his face!! Zac grabbed her ass while spreading her cheeks as he licked her up and down her fold.  He stops and concentrates on her clit!! Fatima throws her head back as she continues to ride his face...within minutes she cums all down his face!   He slides her down slowly onto his she grabs his face and kiss him passionately he begins to fuck her from underneath....shiiittttt papi! Hold on.....fukkkkkk!  Zac grabs her breast and starts kissing and sucking them both...they are so sensitive..Fatima thinks it's because her period is "supposed" to be coming....unbeknownst to her she a week late...but Zac still thinks his gone plant his princess so with that on his mind he taps her ass so she can get up...he tells her to get on all 4's...FACE DOWN ASS UP!!! He pulls her to the end of the bed and slowly enters her....he starts off slowly but then gets a quick pace....he grabs her hips and thrust in and out....shiiittttt papi!!! I know u tryna make your princess BUT!!! Fukkkkkkkk....they go at it for a while!!! Zac is serious about making his princess...he smacks Fatima's ass as he came..she just fell to the bed and couldn't move.  Papi WTF are u tryna prove!! Nothing gorgeous, just tryna plant my princess...Fatima smirks and says, boy go head because my prince is already in here! 🤣....with that being said...they go shower and fall asleep. The next morning Fatima woke up and her stomach was cramping. She ran to the bathroom to check to see if she was bleeding because she knew her PERIOD should have came by now...she used the bathroom and wiped herself but no blood...SHIT! why is my stomach cramping if my period isn't here...she waited like 2 more days and still no period but the cramping had subsided. She had an away game later that night...her and the team flew to Memphis..on the plane she kept getting dizzy and nauseous..she was in the bathroom throwing up at least 3 times...dammm coach u ok?? U sure u ain't got a lil running back in that stomach...they all laughed and so did she!! They made it to the game and of course they won...the next night they flew back to Chicago...
Heyyyy papi! I'm home, walking in the door to give Zac a hug and a kiss! Congrats on the win beautiful!!! She smiled...hey babe i have something i need to tell u...Fatima told Zac that her period was late and she's been nauseous...Zac smiled!! He knew she was prego already from the food she was eating...Well gorgeous don't tell me u think ur pregnant because it's to soon to know about my princess...🤣 Fatima laughed and said boy all the fuckin we be doing no telling what's in this stomach if something is even in this stomach! Well in the morning let's go to the pharmacy..ok papi..she kissed him and went shower...she laid down thinking "what if I'm prego" she drifted off with a huge smile on her face! The next morning the wake up to go the CVS to get a pregnancy test...Zac grabs the most expensive one! Papi we don't need that one. Let's get a clear blue, we gone be fine...Zac laughed and grabbed 6 of em...they went back home and Fatima peed on the was to say if she was pregnant and the other was to say how many weeks...because it was fairly early she was scared!!! She washed her hands and waited!!! After 5 minutes her and Zac walk into the bathroom and .................

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