Finals Week...

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It's was Sunday morning, Zac woke up first.  He went to the bathroom to shower and did his morning routine.  He came out in a towel wrapped around his waist.. He let Fatima sleep since she looked so peaceful... he grabbed some Nike shorts, plain white tee, nike no show socks, and his nike slides.  He grabbed his laptop to start some studying since this was the last week of classes/finals.  He tried to be as quite as possible.  About and hour later Fatima woke up! She looked over to the corner and Zac was at his desk thing they both didn't play wit was those grades! They were both serious about their education.  She got up to go to the bathroom but she went over to him first! As she walked Zac turned his chair around because he knew she would straddle him..and just like he said she did exactly that.  She would always straddle him and lay her head on his chest while hugging his waist.  Zac played with her hair while saying good morning gorgeous.  She said good morning Sexyface.  Zac rubbed her back, he couldnt resist rubbing all that ass she had!!  She looked up and smiled, she gave him a kiss. She got up to shower and brush her teeth.  She grabbed a pair of Zac's sweatpants and a T-shirt! She threw on his Gucci slides because she did have clothes not shoes at his room! She made a mental note to pack a bag to keep in his room because that's where they spent most of their time.  She told Zac she would be back in an hour so they can grab breakfast before they start studying...he walked her to her truck and she left.  Zac headed back up to his room. Fatima pulled up to her dorm, she was walking towards it and seen Keyra sitting on the steps crying...Fatima said WTF Keyra.   Keyra stood up and asked Fatima could she come to her room, she need to talk to her.  They headed to Fatima's room.  When they entered Fatima said Keyra girl wtf is going on..why are you crying.  Keyra then told Fatima that her and her girlfriend got into a a real fight! Fatima said bitch i no u lying...why da fuck are y'all fighting early in the morning..Keyra said her girl woke up wit some bullshit, talking about me and you fucking and blahzay.. and that i should be real wit my feelings...she went on and on about how you being this and u think u all that and ya shot don't stink.. Fatima chuckled and said she's right, it don't!! Shit smells like strawberries.. i piss sprinkles and fart glitter, she know wtf it is.  Keyra couldn't help but laugh.  Fatima then said about this me and you fucking and feelings and all that! Let's get this shit out the way and under control before shit goes left.  Fatima said keyra i love u like a friend.  You are the only bitch i fucks wit.  The first friend i made! We are thick as thieves, wen i found out u liked girls, i didn't worry because i knew our friendship was strong and i don't judge nobody.   Keyra stopped Fatima and said look...i do have feelings for u..i do love u.. it's a many of nights/days i wanted to eat dat pussy because i no taste good..but i also put our friendship FIRST!!! I would never disrespect u in no way! I value our friendship! And that's it's!  Fatima said well I'll have a talk wit her and smooth things over and out this shit to rest..she got up and hugged Fatima and said thanks so much! I'll talk to u later friend imma go get some studying in...Fatima said ok you girl and look y'all gone be ok..don't stress!   Keyra left and went to her dorm!  Fatima got dressed and called Zac and said she was on her way back.

don't stress!   Keyra left and went to her dorm!  Fatima got dressed and called Zac and said she was on her way back

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She picked Zac up and they went to Waffle House! They pulled up to Waffle House and sat down...soon as they sat down Fatima looked up and Courtney was in the booth next to them! Fatima said under her breathe, NOT THIS is going on, on this holy Sunday! Is it fuck wit Fatima day! The devil is a liar! They order their food and ignored Courtney.  As Courtney was leaving he looked at Fatima and smiled...Zac didn't care, he had to focus on studying! But trust me he made a mental note to handle this MF'er once finals was over! Fatima paid for their breakfast and they left! Zac hated wen she paid but Fatima insisted they in this together.  So Zac let her do her thing.  They make it back to campus.. she dropped Zac off, kissed him and said she would text him wen she made it to her room.  10 minutes later she made it, texted Zac and told him she would see him later tonight! Although they had Monday and Wednesday class together they couldn't study wit each other because shit always go left wen they together! Neither can keep their hands nor mouths off each other! A few hours later they took a break from studying and face timed each other! They chatted and got back to studying.   After awhile it was dinner time.   Fatima ordered some pizza for her and Zac. She got his delivered to his room and hers delivered to her room.  They ate while on FaceTime with each other!  Fatima told Zac she was gonna head to bed and she loves him! She blew him a kiss and he blew one back! They hang up....
The next morning they texted each on the way to class.   They took their first 3 finals, then Fatima headed to basketball practice! This girl had a busy schedule...class, basketball, and Zac. But she handled it wit grace! Not saying it was easy but she made it work for her!  She was on her "A" game wen it came to all things Fatima! They finished out the week of finals! They all did good.  She hadn't talked to April in awhile so she decided to go to her room! April opens the door and they hugged each other.  Fatima looked at her and asked her why has she been MIA.....before April could say anything Micheal came out the bathroom! Fatima smiled and said bitchhhhhhhhh...come to my room once u get urself together! Oh and hey Michael how are u! They smiled at each other and TIMA left!

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