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As the days pass, Zac started getting his strength back.  He was able to catch up on all his class work thanks to Fatima's help.   He started going back to the gym.  Everything is going good so far. 
Zac woke up and started making plans for him and Fatima.  He knew he had to do something really special for her achievement of MVP for the season!  Zac knew Fatima was special from the day he met her.  The love he had for her felt like something out of a movie.  He couldn't explain it.  No other girl has be able to have him like Fatima have him...i mean he had girls in high school.  But it was something about Fatima.  He knew deep in his heart she was his forever.  He also knows they are young, just college freshmen.  He always told himself to take one day at a time.  To never rush things, to move at her pace.  So he feels everyday he spends with her is meaningful.  He promised to love her.  And love her is wat he did!  He started making the plans for tonight.  He remembered Kevin Gates had a concert at the center in downtown.  He knew how much TIMA loved her some GATES!  He hopped on and got them both floor seats.  He then made reservations at the GRAND HOTEL.  He booked a top floor suite for them for the whole weekend., because he knew he would cater to her every need.  He had to show her how special she was on and off the court! He made reservations for them at Desi Vegas steakhouse for Saturday night.  Them Sunday he planned to take her for a peddle boat ride at the park.   After he finished doing all those things.   He called Fatima and told her to get up because he wanted her to get her nails, toes, and hair done.  Fatima was excited because she could finally wear nails since basketball season was over.  She jumped up and got ready.  As she was on the phone wit Zac a notification came to her phone.  Zac had Zelled her some money.   She was like papi wats this for? He said for u to get pampered.  She said u didn't have to babe, he said yes i did now go..we got somewhere to go tonight.  She started smiling and told him she love him  and she gone call him once she's on her way back to campus.  Zac said love u to gorgeous... they hung up! Zac headed to the mall with one of his boys to get something to wear to the concert.  He knew Fatima had a shot load of clothes to choose from so he just brought himself something...
A few hours later she called him to tell him she made it back to her dorm.  He told her to be ready to come pick him up for 8...she said ok let me go find something to wear.  She showered and did her make up! She didn't talk to the girls all day so she don't them a message.  "Hey hoes..just saying i miss u guys and me and Zac going out tonight. I'll talk to y'all later" they both respond ok, have fun, be safe.  Fatima started to get dress, she sprayed her favorite perfume on and walked out the door.

She had no clue where they were going but she was excited

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She had no clue where they were going but she was excited.  She knew Zac didn't play behind her.  She texted Zac and told him she would be there in 5 minutes.  She pulled up and he was waiting for her.  She got out to hug him and kiss me.  As she walked towards him Zac said dammmmmmmmmmm biting his bottom lip.  She blushed and went in for a hug and a kiss.  The aroma of his cologne just makes her pussy wet every fuckin time.  Zac grabbed her ass and his manhood just swells.   He said let's go before i throw yo Ass over my shoulder and bring u up to my room.   She laughed.  He told her he wanted to drive because it was a surprise where they was going.  They got in and Zac lowered the music.  He said gorgeous this weekend is for u, i wanna show u how much i appreciate and love you! Show u how special u are, on and off the court, how proud i am of u.  She said awwwwhhh papi, i love u too!  They get to the dorm and Fatima sees that it's Kevin Gates concert.  She got so excited.  She said babe really? I tried to get us tickets but the ones i wanted was sold out! Little did Fatima know Zac knew people, Zac even knew Gates. They were cool AF.  So he was able to get floor tickets and backstage passes!   They made their way to the entrance, they get their wrist bands and head to the floor! Zac asked Fatima sis she want anything she told him she wanted a drink... he asked her if she was coming she said nah u go babe I'll wait til i get back.  Zac left and TIMA was swaying to the best of the DJ.  Some guy passed her and said dammm MAMI! U look delicious..she ignored him and continued to dance! Zac got back wit both of their drinks! 5 minutes later Kevin got on stage.  The crowd went wild...a few songs in and gates noticed Zac and Fatima.  He stopped the music and told them to come to the front of the stage! Zac knew he was talking to him but TIMA was still in shock...they made way to the front of the stage and continued the concert!  Wen the concert ended they made their way to the back stage! Zac sapped Kevin up and have Fatima a hug! She took some pictures with him and then her and Zac took a picture wit him! They chilled backstage for a bit then they left!  They headed to the hotel.  Wen they got to the suite Fatima eyes just lit up!  She said papi all this for me! He said of course my HEART! All this for u!! Fatima took her boots off and got comfortable.  He said babes I'm gonna run is a bubble bath! They laid in the tub with TIMA between his legs and her back on his chest! He just held her and kissed her neck! They then showered and got in bed!  TIMA kept telling Zac thank u so much for everything tonight.  He said of course my love, u deserve it and more! She got on top of him and straddled him... she laid her head on his chest...he rubbed her back and of course her ass..til they both went to sleep!

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