Last weekend before finals...

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The next morning the girls got up to go eat breakfast! Before Fatima made it to the bathroom she texted Zac "good morning Sexyface".  He texted her back "good morning gorgeous, how was your night?" Fatima said it was fun.  She told Zac she would call him once she finish getting herself together.  They decided they would go eat at IHOP...they all did their morning routines, got dressed, and headed out the room.  Once they got into Fatima's truck, she called Zac and told him they was leaving...he said ok luv y'all be safe and I'll see u wen u wen u get back.. the girls leave and head to IHOP! While they are waiting to be seated, Fatima looks up and sees Courtney! He smiled and walked towards them.  Keyra said hey Courtney wats up? He smiled and said hey ladies how y'all doing?  Fatima rolled her eyes at him and said we good! He said i can tell u looking all good and shit! Fatima said NIGGAAAAA....he just laughed...he kept tryna talk to Fatima but the waitress came to seat them at their table.  She huffed "thank god" they walked towards their seat Courtney grabbed Fatima's arm and said I'll see you around...Fatima gave him a look, like bihhhh if u don't get the fuck away from me. Keyra was laughing because she knows Fatima not wit the shits!! She grabbed Fatima and said come on girl don't let him upset u! They ate their food and headed back to the dorm...soon as they made it to Fatima's room she called Zac and let him know wat happens wit Courtney at ihop! She told Zac don't worry about it and that she will handle it later! He said ok luv, i trust u and i agree.  She told Zac "i swear i love you more and more everyday". Zac said oh really?? Then come show me! She said I'll be over in a few!

They girl sat on the bed to discuss what they Wer getting into this weekend to unwind because finals is all next week....Shaw also asked them wat they planned for the Christmas break! They all said they was going home.  Fatima said that's good, she looked at April and said i know you're happy to be going home. April said yes i am, i can't wait! Thanks to yo ass i couldn't go for thanksgiving.. and she laughed! Fatima said , no seriously April I'm sorry i really am! April said TIMA it's cool, I'm happy we got past that, u really are a cool ass chic! And I'm happy we became friends! Fatima said awwwhhhhh and got up and hugged her.  They girls chatted some more. They decided they would go to the party the Sigma's was having on campus tonight, then clubbing on Saturday...Keyra said she was heading to her room because she wanted to go spend time wit her girlfriend before tonight. She gave Fatima a hug and left.  April told Fatima she gone see her later on, gave her a hug and left also!  Fatima called Zac and told him she was headed by him.  He said ok cool, see ya sexy ass wen u get here! Fatima just chuckled and hung up! Fatima gets to Zac's dorm and he was standing outside like he always is!! They hug and she pecks him on the lips.  They head to the room.  Soon as they get in the room Zac grabs Fatima and pulls her to him with his hands gripping her ass! He kisses her deep, squeezing her ass tight!! Fatima let out a soft moan! And deepens the kiss! They go at it for like 5 minutes.  Fatima pulls back and says GOD DAMMZZ Sexyface, u tryna start some shit i see!  Zac smiled and said well u already no i bout watever! It's always gonna be on ur first move tho! Fatima smiled and said boy come on sit down! They sit in the bed and Fatima sits on zacs lap! She starts kissing his neck and rubbing his chest! She licks his ear and softly moans in his ear! She can feel his dick start to rise....she gets up stands in front him and looks him in his eyes! She knows she still not ready because she wants their first time to be special and she have plans already for wen that's gonna happen!! She says to herself, BUT i can't keep letting him wait! I have to give him something to hold him she bends front him on her knees! She starts to pull his Nike shorts down!! Zac licking his lips knows where this is going so he is ready! If he didn't know anything he knew Fatima had a fiya ass mouth game!! Fatima told him to lay back on the bed and she got the rest! Zac laid back on the bed...Fatima softly grab his dick, licking it from the balls to the tip...she slowly teased the tip..moving her tongue in a circular motion! She then slowly slides her mouth down on his dick! Going up and down while twisting her hand! She lifts her mouth from his dick and spits on it!! Letting it roll down his dick, she starts twisting wit her hands giving him a hand job! She sucking on his balls SOFTLY...then she goes back to sucking...she knows he's about to cum so she goes faster and sloppier....Zac grabs her head helping her bob her head up and down!! Before u know it all Zac's lil swigglies slides down Fatima's throat! She gets up and wipes her mouth! And sit on the bed! She looks over at Zac and he's stuck! She smiles and give him a kiss on the cheek!

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