Chapter 1

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*This is a fanfiction; all parts relating to or from the Harry Potter Series belong to J.K Rowling. I did create the female lead and her story, along with her adventures with the Potions Master and a few side characters. This work is non-profit. Please do not lift passages from this book.

Amilia unpacked her clothes, carefully putting them away in the dresser. Edgar nestled into the perch she brought from her quarters at Hogwarts. This was her third summer in the same cottage, and it felt like home, though she wondered if it would stay this way. Severus was adamant about setting up protections; he wanted to be the only one who could come by unannounced. She understood why; however, it would mean locking Poppy and Minerva out, and they would need each other with everything happening in the world.

Amilia sighed as she shoved her suitcase under the bed. What is going to happen now? She wandered into the kitchen. It was fully stocked and waiting for her to begin cooking. "I should make something. Just in case he comes tonight. He will be hungry." She pulled out some pork and began separating it to keep her worries quiet.

Severus approached the cottage at dusk. He could smell food, cooking and music filtered from the open window. He touched the gate and was disappointed that it did not zap him. He scowled; Amilia had not taken the time to protect herself. Carefully he turned the doorknob and walked in.

Amilia looked up from the newspaper, her face full of relief. "I am so glad you are here!" She threw down the paper as she ran to embrace him.

He wrapped his arms around her and resisted the urge to chastise her for the lack of protection around the cottage. "This summer is going to be very busy, I hope you know that."

Amilia nodded, "I had hoped to go places with you but I suppose that is out of the question."

Severus tensed up, "Most likely. Although, once he realizes that you are alive and a professor, I will probably be tasked with recruiting you back."

Amilia pulled away and stared at him, "What? Severus I cannot go back. You know that."

He snagged her arm, pulling her back to him, "I know," He stroked her hair, "however, you knew that was a possibility."

She pursed her lips and buried her face in his chest, "Lucius is going to tell him about us, isn't he."

"Only if Draco told him."

"I doubt the boy has said anything but it would be best if you did not go to Malfoy Manor anymore."

Amilia let go of him and walked away, "Why? Is Voldemort staying there?"

"Do not," Severus held his hand, "say his name."

Amilia produced a heavy sigh, "Why not? No one should fear the name of a madman."

Severus took her hand, pulled her to sit next to him on the couch, and sternly said, "Do not say his name. That is final."

"Do not take that tone with me, Severus; you are not my father. Now, tell me why I should not say his name.

"He can use it to track you down. It will break protections and you will be hunted down. It was something that he used the first time he was in power." Severus watched as the realization of horror spread across Amilia's face; she covered her mouth with her hand and tried to stand up. He pulled her back down. "That is why you are not going to say the Dark Lord's name."

"I need to go see Kylie."


"What? Why not?"

Severus cupped her cheek, "We do not need to start a panic. She works at the Ministry."

"Exactly!" Amilia jerked away from him, "I can promise you that her father is a Death Eater, or at least a supporter." She paced the small living room, "She is married to a Muggle! She is seen as a blood traitor! Severus," Amilia stopped before him, her hand resting on her stomach, "her children are Half-bloods, they will be targeted!"

"No they won't, not at this moment."

Amilia sat down, "What?"

"He is not going to start attacking anyone at this time. They will be fine. The moment that I know, I will tell you."

"You mean after you tell Dumbledore." She said sourly.

Severus nodded sadly, "I know how much you care about them. If she contacts you asking you out right, then tell her, but until then, let's not make her work life any more difficult than it already is."

Again, she sighed; this time, she rose from the sofa and disappeared into the kitchen. Severus could hear something stirring and the clatter of dishes as she set them on the little table. He chewed his lip as he pondered if telling her all this was the right choice, but he needed to. There could be moments he could not see her for weeks at a time this summer, and he did not want her last thoughts of him to be a lie, but he tried to protect her.

"The food is ready. Please come eat."

"Let me wash up." He went into the tiny bathroom and splashed water on his face. He leaned against the sink and stared into the black pits that were his eyes. His hair, greasy as always, hung in his face, dark circles under his eyes, and deep grief clenched his chin. I thought this was over. It was over the moment Lily died, and Harry survived. Yet, here we are again, a woman I love in danger and the boy the target. How can I protect both of them?

Severus watched from the window as Amilia set up protections around the cottage. When she finished, she came back inside, "You are the only one who should be able to come in unannounced."


"How am I to contact you when you are at home."

"I created a spell."

Amilia sat down at the little table. "You did what?"

"If you write what you want and say the spell over the parchment, it will hide the message. This is for us only though."

"Show me." She shoved a pen and paper at him.

Severus scribbled something on the paper, "Our secrets are our own." He slid the paper across the table.

Amilia looked at it, patrols at midnight. "How?"

He nodded at the paper, "Secret reveal." The letters fluttered like petals in the wind revealing three small words. I love you.

Amilia's breath hitched, "That is amazing."

"The spell or the note." Severus said disappointedly.

She grinned at him, "Both." Amilia got up, taking his hand in hers, "We should get some sleep, we do not know when we will see each other again." Severus followed behind her, his lips thinner and thinner as time passed when she did not return the words.

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