Chapter 58

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Severus ran for the hospital wing, practically shoving students and creatures out of his way. Draco followed behind quickly, constantly asking what was happening and if there was something he could help with.

They both came to a halt in front of a small crowd in front of the hospital wing. "Get to class or detentions for a week!" Severus barked. The crowd dispersed quickly and with a whole lot of whispering.

Severus took a deep and opened the door. Madam Hooch stood outside Poppy's office; she turned to him as the door opened. "I was prepared to give detentions to the next student who was not injured." Her yellow eyes turned to Draco.

"Go." Severus said to the boy.



Draco huffed and stomped out of the doors. Severus could hear a chair being dragged over.

"What is going on?"

"I only helped her here but I don't think it's good with how quickly Poppy dropped those." Hooch pointed at the pieces of glass on the floor.

Severus eyed them and rushed over to the office doors. He could hear Poppy's panicked voice muffled through the wood. The door was yanked open, "Thank heavens you are here!" Poppy grabbed his jacket and pulled him inside. "You may leave. Keep the children out."

"I can do that." Madam Hooch nodded.

"In there." Poppy pointed at the door for the private room. Severus inched forward, afraid of what he might see. He could hear low moaning from the other side of the door.

"Go on." Poppy pushed Severus forward, the urgency in her voice anchoring his feet to the floor. Cautiously he put his hand on the doorknob and turned it. The door swung open, and Poppy slid past him with rags in her hands.

There, leaning against the edge of the bed, was Amilia. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun, and she rocked gently on her heels.

"What is happening?" Severus choked out.

"It looks like she is having some contractions. There has been no change in her cervix though, which is a good sign."


Amilia groaned and tossed her head back.

"Get over there and help her." Poppy hissed as she dipped the rag in a bowl of water.

"It is too early."

"No shit!" Amilia snapped as she began rocking again.

Severus moved on autopilot. He sat on the bed, and Amilia grabbed his legs, causing him to wince. "What do you need?"

"I need you to not move." Amilia moaned again.

Poppy wiped her brow, and she looked up at him, a look of worry settling into her brow.

"It's only April. It's too soon."

Amilia laid her head on Severus's knees. "Shut up please."

"Your husband is allowed to express his concerns." Poppy said, "Take a breath, I am going to check you." She squatted behind Amilia.

"No. Wait." Amilia whimpered. Her fingers dug into Severus's thighs as a whimper escaped her lips. "Okay, now."

Severus watched earnestly as Poppy's hands disappeared and then reappeared, "One centimeter, I think." She left the room, and Severus could hear water running.

"What happened?" Severus asked as she returned.

"I fell." Amilia moaned, once again rocking.

"When?" Severus could not help but keep the horrified, worrisome sound out of his voice.

Poppy huffed, "When the Weasley twins set off that blasted swamp!"

"Swamp? What swamp?" Severus asked, looking between the two women.

"It is over by the DADA corridor." Amilia looked up, sweat beading on her brow, "Are you happy?"

"What?" Severus brushed little flyaways out of her face, "Why would I be happy?"

Amilia growled, "Everyone has been a coddling mess, worried I would go into labor early. Well guess what? It fucking happened."

Poppy shook her head, "Why would anyone be happy about that?"

Amilia snarled and laid her head on Severus's shoulder, breathing deeply.

"What do we do?" Severus asked.

"I gave her a potion but I do not think it is going to help."

Severus tried to rub Amilia's back, but she hissed at him. He froze, unsure of what to do, then let his hand fall to his side. "What was the potion supposed to do?"

"It was supposed to stop contractions if something like this happened. I wonder if I did not have the right dosage." Poppy paced behind Amilia in Severus's line of sight. "Ideally we do not want the baby to come right now."

"Why? What will happen if it does?"

Poppy stopped at stared at Severus, chewing on her thumbnail. "Complications. The babies lungs could be underdeveloped. It may not survive. So many things could go wrong."

Severus stiffened; he looked down at his wife, who was doing her best to breathe through the pain. He could see her face scrunch when a contraction hit her, and relief flooded through her.

"On the other hand," Poppy drew his attention, "The baby would make it but would have to stay at a Muggle hospital for sometime."

"No!" Amilia yelled. "No fucking Muggles!"

Poppy gently touched her shoulder, "If that is needed..."

Severus froze in fear at the glare that Amilia gave her friend. "No Muggles." She said through gritted teeth.

Poppy sighed, "I will be right back."

Severus watched helplessly as Amilia rocked and gripped his thighs. She did not want him to touch her back, let alone any part of her that she did not ask for. He tried his damndest to keep his fear from her, but he knew it was seeping through. It permeated the room, and the crackling fire only added to the thick atmosphere.

Poppy returned, a male healer following closely.

Severus felt his heart clench.

"Good afternoon, I am healer Pearson, I understand that it is too soon to have a baby?"

"No bloody shit." Amilia grumbled loudly.

"Amilia..." Severus started.

"No, it's alright. I hear things like this more often than you think. Madam Pomfrey has told me of the situation." Pearson put his bag and wand on the table beside the bed.

"Yes." Severus and Amilia said together.

"Well, if you have the baby now, it would have to stay with us at St. Mungo's so that we can monitor it, but there is always a risk.

"I know." Amilia groaned as she began to rock again. "Make it stop."

"What?" Severus said, looking down at his wife, confused.

The healer looked at Severus apologetically before getting down to Amilia's level, "I need you to clarify. We can continue with these contractions and see if they stop on their own or have the baby. The other option is that you can come with me to St. Mungo's and we put a stop to it there and keep you monitored for some time."

"Take me."

The healer nodded and said, "I will go to St. Mungo's and get some extra hands. Judging by the look on her face, I do not think she should walk very far. I will be right back."

"Thank you," Poppy said, grasping his hand tightly. The fireplace in her office flashed that bright shade of green.

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