Chapter 105

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Amilia was already sitting in the staff room when Minerva came in, followed by Hagrid crying hard, Sprout, Flitwick, and Slughorn.

"Snape! I taught him! That is not possible he couldn't have!" Slughorn protested.

Everyone stopped when they saw Amilia. She had stood up when the door opened; now she looked at them confused. "What is going on?"

The other professors looked at her, expressing confusion, anger, sadness, and hatred spreading equally between the four.

"Why is Slughorn here?"

"I am here to represent Slytherin House."

Amilia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "I am the Co-head of Slytherin House, in Severus's absence, I am the one in charge." She looked at Minerva, "What is going on?"

"Given the circumstances of your husband, and the fact he is not here, we know that you are in league with him and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." Hagrid said through his tears.

"Excuse me?" Amilia clutched her shirt tight, hoping no one saw it. "What circumstances?"

Minerva pursed her lips, "It appears that Severus...he killed Dumbledore and fled with the Death Eaters who invaded the school."

"What?" Amilia stared at the elderly witch, hoping she was feigning surprise well enough.

"There is no way that you did not know." Flitwick said quickly, his eyes flashing with anger and his wand in his hand. "You two talk about everything."

"You both sent Jordan away." Minerva said softly, "It is rather suspect."

Amilia gawked at them; this was a genuine surprise to her. Her friend, for the longest time, suspected her of knowing that the school was to be invaded and Dumbledore murdered. She could feel her heartbreaking. "No. I did not know, and sending Jordan away was Severus's idea. I did not know...until he packed her bag last night." Realization dawned on her; Severus knew everything that would happen, so he sent Jordan away and told her to stay in their quarters. Harry would not have had a reason to accuse me if I had listened. Oh, gods...what have I done? What have you done, Severus?

"You had no idea?" Minerva asked.

Amilia shook her head, "I have been dealing with why he would send her away without discussing it with me. He sprung it up on me as if it were a new spring bursting from the ground."

The Heads of Houses looked at each other, uneasy, and then at Amilia.

Minerva wrung her hands, "I think it would be best that you leave and let us discuss what needs to happen to the school."


"For now, I mean."

Again, Amilia shook her head, "I am the Co-head, my opinion is still valid and if any of you cared for me at all you would allow me this. I have done nothing and am innocent in the matter. I am just as broken up about Dumbledore as the rest of you."

"Sure don' look like it," Hagrid said gruffly, wiping his face with an already-soaked sleeve.

Amilia glared at him and snapped, "I have seen more important people to me die, forgive me if I know how to hold back my tears long enough to deal with my duties."

"Enough of this!" Minerva stood between Amilia and the rest of the group, "We can bicker later, we do not have much time before the Ministry shows up. We must close the school and send the students home."

"What?" The others in the room said in unison.

"We should also keep it closed next year."

"Minerva, are you serious?" Amilia said.

"Yes, the death of a Headmaster at the hands of one of our staff members is a serious stain on Hogwarts history and shows that the school is not safe for students to return in September."

"Dumbledore would want Hogwarts to remain open, that if even a single student wishes to return they should." Sprout said.

"Yes, but would any student want to return? Would any mother want to send their children here where it has no been proven unsafe? Wouldn't you agree Amilia?" Slughorn looked at her.

Amilia blinked, confused, "Well...if Jordan were school age I suppose I would agree with you."

"Severus would agree with me as well, given that he sent her away without even discussing it with you, or so you say," Slughorn said a bit harshly.

"Horace," Minerva said in a tone indicating a warning, "It was discussed when the Chamber of Secrets was open, but this...a full on murder on the grounds. I do not think we can wisk this under the rug neatly and hope it disappears."

"We should discuss this with the board, this is not a decision to be made lightly." Flitwick added.

Minerva stood there, contemplating, "You are right and they will want to meet as soon as possible."

"What about the students?" Amilia asked, "Once I go back to the common room, they will want to know something."

"We will be sending them home after Dumbledore's funeral. Harry insisted on that those who want to say goodbye can."

Amilia nodded, not strictly out of the agreement but out of acknowledgment. "I will let them know."

"I will." Slughorn said, "I was Head of Slytherin before I retired. I know what I am doing."

Amilia laughed darkly, "That may be but I know these students, I know how to field their questions and they respect me, even if they are children of active Death Eaters. I will do it."

Minerva pinched the bridge of her nose, "I do not care who does it, just get it done."

Everyone in the room stood quietly, waiting for more quarreling between Slughorn and Amilia, but it did not happen. Slughorn appeared to have given up. Now, they all stood there absorbing the gravity of what had just happened and allowing themselves a moment of mourning before they had to go and talk with their houses.

The bells on the clock tower chimed, echoing through the empty halls, signaling midnight. They all jumped. Amilia felt a sickness in her stomach, and the lump returned to her throat. She looked around the room and met the eyes of her dear friend, who looked apologetic and heartbroken before putting her hat on. "We have a job to do, no matter what day it is and how we feel."

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