Chapter 32

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Amilia had already put on her cloak, and her hand was already reaching for the door when Severus showed up at the cottage.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"We still have a couple of hours."

"Yes but we need to go to Black's house. I have something to take care of first."

Amilia rolled her eyes and took his outstretched hand.

When she opened her eyes again, they were in that small dark, musty, smelly alleyway. The road was free of passersby, but they could hear laughter from the homes and smell reheated leftovers as they walked up to the Black residence.

Slowly the home appeared, and Severus knocked on the door. It opened, and Molly Weasley stared at them. "Why are you here?"

"I have a few things to address."

"Can it not wait? It is the last remaining days of the holiday break with the children."

Severus stared at her. Amilia could feel his irritation, so she stepped closer, "We would not be here if it were not necessary."

Molly eyed her before allowing them to enter and ushered them down the hallway to the kitchen.

A few members of the Order sat around the table; Lupin likely lived there. He smiled widely at Amilia, "Happy holidays."

"Yes you too. Do you need more of the potion?"

Remus's face fell slightly, "I hate to be a bother."

"It is no trouble at all." Amilia sat down as Severus asked and answered questions.

Amilia saw Molly hovering by the kitchen door, "How is your husband?"

"He is sleeping."

"I am glad he survived."

Molly fidgeted with her apron, "So am I. The wonderful healer found an antidote for the venom. Once those nasty bites were healed he came home."

Amilia smiled and looked away. Nagini is venomous?

"I need to speak with Potter." Severus said as he straightened his robes.

Molly huffed but went and got the boy. Sirius followed him, which Severus snapped at him for. Amilia watched, though bored of their constant bickering, squabbling back and forth before getting to the point.

After Harry left, angry and annoyed, Severus stood and glided to the door. Sirius stopped him. "I do a lot for the Order."

"Yes, opening your home up as headquarters and babysitting the werewolf." Severus sneered, "How frustrating it must be to be locked away here in a place you dispise the most."

"Severus, stop it." Amilia warned as she walked over to him.

Sirius glared at Severus, "You had better listen to the little witch. No need for your secret to get out before it's time."

"What secret?" Severus crossed his arms over his chest.

"That little surprise in her belly."

"What?" Amilia and Severus said quickly.

"Remus could tell. He said you smelled different. A perk I suppose of his curse." Sirius grinned as if he had won.

"We are leaving." Severus snatched Amilia's hand and practically dragged her out of the house and to the alley. He embraced her and held her tight as they returned to Hogsmead.

Footsteps echoed up the Astronomy tower steps. Dumbledore stood near the railing with Minerva and Poppy at his side. Severus and Amilia finally emerged from the darkness and stopped before them.

Amilia turned her eyes to the sky momentarily, trying to calm her racing heart. Above them, the stars glimmered in the h sky, and clouds hovered, threatening to send them into darkness as they danced with the moon.

Gently, they took each other's hands and faced each other. Severus smiled softly, "Let's try this again, shall we?"

Amilia nodded.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "As you both already know, I can preform marriage ceremonies; however I know you both and opted to use the contract version to protect yourselves."

Severus and Amilia nodded.

"However, I can preform the ceremony now and you can still use that. Would that be alright?"

Again the couple nodded.

"Here, on January eleventh, Severus Snape and Amilia Hubbard are joining together in matrimony. Do both parties agree?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

"Do both of the witnesses agree and understand?"

"Yes we do." Minerva chirped as she tightened her scarf.

"Do you Severus, take Amilia as your wife? For better or worse, sicker or health, and for richer or poorer?"

Severus nodded and grinned, "yes, I do."

"Are you one hundred percent sure!?" Poppy asked quickly.

"Yes!" Severus snapped.

"Good. We do not want a repeat of last time."

Dumbledore shot the school matron a warning glance before asking Amilia the same thing.

Amilia took a moment to answer; she was choked up from trying not to laugh at Poppy's interjection and trying not to cry from this intense ball of emotions in her belly. The joy, relief, anger, sadness, and fear constantly churned like butter in her. Finally, after making sure she would not cry, she answered. "I do."

"Good." Dumbledore tapped his wand on their joined hands, "The magical cord binding you has been set. Do you have rings?"

Amilia pointed at the one she was already wearing, "This is perfect. I have been wearing it for some time so nothing will be suspected."

"I have one that I grabbed for this." Severus fished the ring out of his pocket and handed it to her. Amilia quickly slipped it on his ring finger.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." Dumbledore said cheerfully.

Poppy and Minerva clapped and hugged each other.

"You may now kiss the bride." Dumbledore added quickly before making his grand escape down the staircase.

Severus brushed some of Amilia's hair out of her face and wrapped his arm around her waist. In one swift movement, he dipped her and kissed her softly. When he right her, Amilia laid her head on his chest. "Well one adventure down, another in progress." She took his hand and carefully laid it on her belly as they gazed at the Black Lake reflecting the stars.

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