Chapter 10

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Amilia approached the main entrance to Hogwarts. Her emerald robes billowed in the gentle wind, and the first years huddled together. "I will take you through these doors and into the main hall where you will meet the Deputy Headmistress."

"What will happen after that?" A timid brunette girl asked.

"I do not want to give everything away now," Amilia grinned, "but it will be magical." She ordered them to file into two lines and to follow her.

Minerva was waiting at the top of the steps, a scroll in her hands. She smiled at Amilia, "I see that no one is dripping wet."

"No one fell in this year if that is what you are asking."

"Good. Go take your seat."

Amilia turned to the first years and winked at them before disappearing into the shadows.

In the Great Hall, Severus sat in his spot. The two seats on his right were empty, and the one on his left was taken by a toad-like woman wearing nothing but pink. Behind him, he heard the door open and close, and Amilia dropped into the chair next to him.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"I would say smoothly but the merfolk were watching this time. Scared a few of the kids."

"Even they know something is happening." He whispered.

Amilia glanced over his shoulder and spotted the pink atrocity. Her face scrunched as she tried to remember who the woman was, but the double doors opened, and Minerva paraded the first years in.

The sorting ceremony was quick. Minerva took her seat, casting a dark but curious look at the woman in pink. "I think that is the one from the Ministry."

"I wonder how long she will last." Amilia snorted.

Severus glanced at the two women, his face stern as if he had heard something he should not have, and perhaps he did.

Amilia smiled brightly before turning back to Minerva, "What was with the hat? He seemed...grumpier and darker than usual."

Minerva sighed, "He typically does not give warnings like that unless there is unrest in the world."

"He has done this before?"

"Yes," she tossed a look down the table, the woman in pink looking intently at Dumbledore, "when HE was last in power."

Amilia scowled, lovely.

Dumbledore took the podium, stating the usual off-limits areas and the consequences should students ignore them. Then, he took a moment to introduce Professor Grubby-Plank, who would be substituting for Hagrid. There was a mixed commotion among the students; some were excited, and others were disappointed. Dumbledore calmed the room with a simple raise of his hand, "Next, teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dolores Umbridge." Quickly he changed the subject so that everyone could get to eating, but he was interrupted.

Amilia, Severus, and Minerva's heads snapped around to look at Umbridge; she had a smug grin on her face and stood up, walked over to stand in front of the podium, and began to speak. "I am so sure that we will all be fast and great friends."

Amilia scoffed, her eyes rolling as far back in her head as possible. Severus elbowed her and whispered in her ear, "The thoughts she has had is very serious and could ruin Dumbledore. Try to keep yourself in check."

Amilia scowled, "Of course, she was sent here by the Ministry."

Severus pressed his lips thin, his eyes following the pink toad back to her seat. He clapped along with everyone else; Amilia did hers sarcastically and turned her attention back to her Headmaster.

After the feast, Amilia and Severus followed their students back to the common room. "Draco will make a wonderful Prefect." Amilia mused.

"As long as he does not let the power get to his head." Severus said softly, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation.

She scowled, "I would like to think that he was raised better than that."

"By Narcissa, yes, Lucius...questionable."

Amilia huffed but agreed; this would be more on her plate; she could feel it in her gut. She just hoped she would not have to reprimand him more than once.

"Professor Hubbard, do you have anything to say before the students go to bed?" Severus asked.

"Huh?" Amilia blinked quickly, realizing she had lost focus, "Oh, uh, I am sure that Professor Snape has stated that we are happy to have you in this House, but I feel the need to say it anyway. Do not be afraid to ask me for any assistance, I am more than happy to help." She beamed at the students and waited until they scampered down the steps toward the dormitories.

"What had you distracted?" Severus asked.

"I was thinking about Draco."

He nodded, "Would you like to have some tea before we retire?" He pointed at the portrait.

"Uh, no, no. I am rather tired."

"Well, at least may I accompany you to your quarters?"

"Afraid that someone is going to jump out at me from a dark corner?" Amilia chided playfully.

"No, but should I be?" Severus raised an eyebrow at her.

She shook her head, rolling her eyes, "Let's go."

Severus stood outside her door as Amilia stepped inside, "Goodnight."

Amilia peered down both ways of the corridor and grabbed his collar, jerking him inside, her arms wrapping around his neck. She pressed her lips against his and winked at him after she let him go.

Severus licked his lips and closed her door, and quickly began to remove his robes and jacket. "I thought you said you were tired."

Amilia smirked at him from over her shoulder, "Students."


She unbuttoned her blouse, "A couple seventh-years were lurking at the top of the stairs."

Severus paused, "Oh. Was this what was really on your mind?"

"No, I was actually thinking about Draco."

Severus stripped his trousers off and walked over to her, quickly taking her in his arms, his lips trailing her jaw. "He will be fine. You are a wonderful influence."

Amilia giggled, trying to take off her skirt. "I hope that I have been."

Severus pulled back, staring into her chestnut eyes, "You are an amazing woman and teacher. I know that you will make an excellent mother."

"I...thank you?"

"N...not that I am saying right now of course but in the future if you still wanted to." He added quickly.

Amilia tilted her head, "One moment." She wrestled herself from his grasp, making a mad dash for the bathroom. She grumbled as she tore through the basket of vials and tins, finally resting her hand on the thin vial. Oh, thank the gods. She quickly touched the tops of them, counting, two, I have two left. I need to brew more.

Severus knocked on the door, "Is everything all right?"

"Yes, yes." Amilia glanced at him, relieved. "Where were we?"

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