Chapter 108

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Amilia screamed and threw pillows and empty vials around the sitting room. Anger welled up in her and spilled over; she threw books and flipped over the table, shattering cups and plates. She had been betrayed before, but they were petty betrayals. This was different. This was a deeper cut to last a lifetime if she allowed it. She sucked in a deep breath and screamed again, allowing herself to fall to her knees on the carpet before the fireplace.

The fire before her crackled, wood popped, and the smoke swirled. The longer she stared at it, the more she thought the log looked like Severus. "That is impossible," she mumbled.

"That was quite a display."

"Severus?" Amilia looked around the room, squinting at the shadows that lurked in the corners. She scoffed, "Of course not. I am going insane."

"I assure you, you are not."

Again, Amilia looked for the voice, following the soft chuckles to the fire in front of her. "What the bloody hell?"

"Hello love."

Amilia stared at the fire, seeing that she was not just imagining his face. A sourness filled her chest, "I would rather be seeing my daughters face." She could not tell if the face in the fire looked sad or not, but it did not matter to her at the moment.

"It is time to come home."

"I am home." Amilia crossed her arms over her chest.

"You know what I mean."


"Because I miss you."

Amilia scoffed and reached for the vase on the mantle, dousing the flames. "Because I miss you. What a crock of shit." She paced in front of the empty fireplace.

Severus blinked slowly at the fireplace in his sitting room. Amilia had put out the fire, cutting off their conversation. "Well, it is up to you now I suppose." He got up from the floor and wandered through his home.

Peter had finished cleaning the kitchen and sat in the dining room watching the television that had collected dust for years. Severus had found it rather annoying and did not want it in his home, but it kept the rat out of his hair. He left the first floor and stood on the landing to the second. The doors to the rooms were closed. He opened each one. Peter's room was a disaster; clothes were thrown about, dishes were laid everywhere, and his bed was unkempt.

Severus shook his head and moved on to the next. This one had turned into a storage room; boxes and bags were placed haphazardly and smelled of stale air. He quickly closed it and moved on.

The third bedroom shared a closet with the storage room, but this one had been taken care of. During Amilia's pregnancy, Severus came home and set up this room for their child. The walls were soft lavender, and picture frames were hung up. In one were Amilia and Severus, smiling at the space. The next was a muggle photo of cute baby animals; the final one was a simple rainbow with a sun in the background saying, "You are so loved."

He sighed as he stepped into the room. The white crib sat empty on the entire wall, the matching dresser next to the closet door, and a rocking chair in the corner next to the window. He had a new carpet installed, something soft and neutral for Jordan as she grew older, but now, she may never see the room. He had hoped to surprise Amilia with it this summer, but now he felt like it would be an insult to injury. He did not know if she would even come.

Severus stepped back into the hallway and closed the door before entering his room. The large bed was empty and calling him. He had spent most of the night traveling all over to find Mundungus. He scowled. The seed was planted, and now he had to wait for his next summons to give the Dark Lord the desired information.

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