Chapter 33

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The following Monday, Severus, and Amilia took their seats at the staff table, the food had already been set, and the students had begun to eat. Minerva smiled at them sleepily, Poppy waved from her seat, and Dumbledore avoided eye contact with them. That made Amilia a little nervous, but she understood; he had to keep a distance, or else Umbridge would swoop in on them, which she did anyway.

"I noticed that you two came down from the Astronomy Tower at a very late time last night."

"I needed fresh air." Severus drawled.

Amilia kept her eyes on her plate as she devoured the breakfast potatoes and sausage.

"And you, Amilia?" Umbridge leaned over to see Amilia's face, her pink scarf almost falling into the jam in front of her.

Amilia peered over at her, "I was charting the stars."

"Whatever for?"

"Preparing lessons for both Divination and Astronomy." Amilia shrugged. It was not wrong. She had done the work earlier in the week while waiting for Severus to return to the cottage.

"I see." Umbridge sat back in her chair, "Well, I had a wonderful holiday. i got to see everyone's happy faces at the Ministry."

Amilia rolled her eyes, "I am sure everyone here had a wonderful holiday."

Umbridge laughed, "Yes, I suppose some of you did." She looked at Amilia again, "Though most of the staff have family to go home to."

Severus stopped chewing and looked at his wife from the corner of his eye.

Amilia slowly put her fork down, "What are you implying?"

A wicked grin spread across Umbridge's face, "Oh, nothing dear. I just know that you have no family to go home to." Umbridge picked up the teacup before her and sipped slowly, "It must have been so lonely in that little cottage."

Severus opened his mouth, ready to defend Amilia, when she stood up. "I will have you know, that I was not lonely, I may not have any living family anymore but I do have friends. They are my chosen family and that is more than you can say!"

The usual roar of the Great Hall had all but nearly stopped. Severus sat between the two women. Amilia appeared as calm as ever, but the murderous vibes from her sent chills up his spine.

"Well, yes of course dear, however, it is not the same. I am surprised you are not married by this point." Umbridge looked at Severus before turning her frog-like face back to Amilia, "Well, I suppose you may not want to get married after the fiasco so many years ago. Yet, marrying anyone at this point would certainly be benificial. At least then you would not have to visit your friends so often."

"Amilia." Severus said softly as he watched her fists clench.

"Still on first names?" Umbridge sneered, "I am surprised that you do not have a pet name for her yet."

"Enough." Amilia snapped. "I do not know what you are implying, but insiuating that I have no family because my brother and parents are dead is down right insulting."

"Is it?" Umbridge sipped her tea. "Do you even know if the remaining relatives of yours are alive?"

"Shut it." Amilia growled.

"Delores, that is enough. Stop patronizing and trying to get a rise out of your colleagues." Dumbledore's soft voice floated over to them.

Umbridge's face turned purple, "It is my job as High Inquisitor to know everything that happens at Hogwarts."

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