Chapter 83

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"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore beamed at everyone.

Amilia cradled the sleeping Jordan to her as she sat in the corner, trying to keep out of the way. Everyone who had left for the summer had already spent time gushing over the baby. Some even brought extra little gifts, leaving Amilia very exhausted.

"I would like to welcome back, Professor Slughorn, who is resuming his position of Potions Master."

Several people exchanged confused looks.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "Severus is shifting over to Defense Against the Dark Arts. We did not have anyone apply for the position."

Again, everyone looked at each other before looking at Severus. They all knew of his past as a Death Eater, and while they had grown to be his friends throughout the years, it was hard to hide their suspicion. The narrowed eyes and pursed lips of some of them made Amilia anxious.

Amilia sighed; this school year would be difficult, and she was unsure if their little family would come out better or worse for it.

Jordan whimpered in her sleep. Amilia quickly patted her back and silenced her, trying not to interrupt the meeting.

Dumbledore chuckled before smiling at her, "All of you are aware Amilia has had her baby." He clapped for them and congratulated them. "She and Severus have been residing here this past summer so that the transition to the school year is not difficult for either of them."

"Severus?" A few muttered his name and put their heads together, whispering frantically.

"Yes, these two should also be congratulated on their marriage."

The room was silent then; all eyes were on the couple. Amilia shrank back a little; they were not as secretive as they had hoped last school year and knew that, but seeing all the staff react disheartening.

Poppy beamed and clapped, wishing them well. The others followed in line now that the shock was wearing off.

"Given this information, it is likely many students will be confused as they go through the transition with a new potions professor, Severus teaching DADA, and their marriage: I ask that you all help this go as smoothly as possible." Dumbledore stroked his beard. "Since the Ministry is aware of their marriage, Amilia will be referred to as Mrs. Snape or Professor Snape."

"What?" Amilia shifted Jordan and leaned forward, "Sir that is not necessary. Wouldn't it be better..." her words trailed off as she made eye contact with the Headmaster.

"I understand your hesitancy, for the students, but it would not be fair to the other houses if Slytherin knew and called you by Snape."

Amilia furrowed her brow as she stared at the man. He tipped his head down, looking over his half-moon glasses at her. She had seen that look many times when he had something else behind his words.

"Alright." She relaxed into the chair and patted Jordan's little butt, trying to calm the anxious knot in her stomach

"That being said," Dumbledore continued, "with how your summer had gone, having a baby and being attacked, I am reducing your work to just tutoring and substituting when necessary."

Amilia scowled, "That hardly seems fair sir, I am more than capable of handling my course work and my other duties."

Dumbledore smiled at her, "Nonesense, there is a baby in these great halls again, you should cherish every moment of it. The students will mostly likely try to distract you when teaching, and your attention could also be split as well."

Minerva rested her head on her hands, "The board was concerned that you would shirk your duties for the child."

Amilia growled under her breath. Severus turned his ear to her, looking out the corner of his eye, "We knew this was a possibility."

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