Chapter 42

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Educational Decree #26: Teachers are banned from providing students with any information unrelated to the subjects they are paid to teach.

Amilia stared at the parchment tacked up to the board in the common room, "What a load of shit." She grumbled.

Draco stood next to her, "I think that is good."

"Oh really?" She peered at him; he was as taller than she was now.

"Yes, no need for teachers to not be focused on their jobs. There's a whole lot of bullocks being spread around." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"What are you implying?" Amilia raised an eyebrow at him.

Draco lowered his eyes to the floor, "You were seen consoling Longbottom."


"You consoled him but seemed to have forsaken your own house!" Draco spat before stomping away.

Amilia growled and followed him, snatching his arm before entering the dormitories. "What does that mean!?"

"Did you even think to see how I was doing!?"

Amilia was taken aback, "" She hung her head in shame.

"That's what I thought!" Draco snapped as he tried to walk away again.

"You are not leaving." Amilia grabbed his cloak, "I have been busy, and it is not like I sought Longbottom out to comfort him, he showed up in my office."

"She is living at my home." Draco whispered.

"What?" Amilia furrowed her eyebrows, "How do you know?"

"My mother sent me a letter this morning. Apparently a young man is staying there as well."

"I see. How does this make you feel?"

"Like it matters to you." Draco's grey eyes locked with her chestnut ones.

"On the contrary, you are one of the most important people in my life, but I cannot hover over you every waking moment." Amilia checked to see if they were being listened to, "You are growing into a young man and your choices are your own, but should you ever need advice, my door is always open for you."

"Do you promise?"

Amilia smiled at Draco sweetly, "Of course love."

Amilia wandered into the Great Hall for breakfast; no one looked at her. They were all distracted by their meals. She worked her way up to the head table, her stomach growling. I should not have ignored meals; the House-elves were unhappy to see me these past few days.

The teachers were quietly eating, tossing disgusted looks down the table. Severus looked irritated. Amilia sighed and went to her seat. "Good morning."

"Good morning, wonderful to see you today." Minerva said with false positivity. "Are you feeling better now?"

"For the most part." Amilia said; she turned to Severus, "How are you?"

"Hmm, better I suppose." He flicked open the paper.

"Did you see my new decree this morning, Amilia?"

"It is Professor Hubbard," Amilia said sharply, "and yes, I did. Though I wonder how that applies to my classroom."

"What ever do you mean?" Umbridge chirped.

Amilia buttered a piece of toast, placed a slice of ham on it, and drowned it in honey before folding it in half, "Well, I teach all of the subjects. I am the Remedial Instructor. So, does this mean that Educational Decree Number Twenty-six does not apply to me?"

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