Chapter 51

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Amilia hurried about as the weather finished warming up; she had opened the windows in her classroom, the gentle breeze caused the papers on the tables to flutter, and the students had sighed happily, daydreaming of being outside. Amilia had dismissed them early and sighed happily until she heard a commotion.

She peeked into the corridor only to see students running out the front doors. "What the bloody hell is going on?" Amilia locked her door and followed the crowd.

Outside, the crowd gathered, and Amilia snuck around the side to see better. In the middle of the stone yard stood Sibyll, her luggage and books scattered about her. Umbridge stood a little ways away, a smug look on her toad-like face. "What is going on?" Amilia asked.

"Professor Trelawney is getting sacked." A student responded quickly before standing on tiptoes to see better.

"This, cannot do this. Hogwarts is my home!"

"Hmph, well, it does not matter. You are unfit to teach at this school."

Sibyll started to sob, wiping her tears away with a handkerchief.

"Well, it was your home until, oh, let's see, an hour ago, the Minister of Magic signed for your dismissal." Umbridge pulled down her jacket, looking too happy with herself.

Amilia scowled, "This is utter bullshit." The students around her gasped and stared at her, "Well it is!"

Not soon after that, the students near the doors parted, and Minerva rushed into the fray. "Come now Sibyll, you are not going to be leaving Hogwarts."

"On the contrary!" Umbridge said forcefully, "As the High Inquistor I have permission from the Ministry of Magic to dismiss any teacher that is not teaching up to the desired standards."

"However," Dumbledore's soft voice filled the area, "you do not have the right to remove them from school grounds. That power lies only with the Headmaster, which you are not."

"For now!"

"Professor McGonagall, take her back inside." Dumbledore turned away, retreating into the castle.

Umbridge turned her red face to Minerva and Sibyll, "I suppose you have something that you would like to say, hmm?"

Minerva scoffed, "Oh, I have plenty of things that I would like to say to you, Delores; however, that would be below my station and unfit for young students to hear." She turned her nose up, wrapped her arms around Professor Trelawney's shoulders, and guided her inside.

Amilia snickered; I cannot wait to hear about this on Sunday tea.

"Well, get back to class!" Umbridge shrieked, having turned another shade of red.

Students continued to loiter as they watched the now ex-Divination Professor's belongings glide into the castle's main doors. Amilia gently pushed out of the crowd so that she could be seen. "Alright everyone, that is plenty of gazing. Go on inside, supper will be served soon."

Students nodded their heads, and a soft chorus of chatter began as the crowd broke apart. Amilia clapped her hands a couple of times, catching the attention of stragglers, and pointed at the doors. She smiled softly at them as they passed her.

"I had that under control, thank you very much."

Amilia turned her eyes to the pink eyesore, "If that is what helps you sleep at night, then so be it."

Umbridge scoffed, "You are a wretched little witch, just like Minerva, always looking down on everyone and making snide remarks."

"I only look down on those who happen to actually be below my boot." Amilia snapped, "Which is very few individuals." She looked straightforward at the castle doors and ignored the woman's protests as she walked past.

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