Chapter 40

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"So you do know each other!" Lord Voldemort said, unsurprised.

"Yes." Severus said blandly, "Mister Clearwater was a student of mine."

"Now, let's not pretend that's all it was!" Ritchie snapped.

"Yes, Severus," Bellatrix grinned; she patted the young man's arm, "don't pretend. Go one, tell everyone what else." She urged Ritchie.

Everyone, including Voldemort, was looking at them expectantly.

"Severus Snape, was fucking the love of my life."

A gasp and a murmur fell upon the table.

"What do you have to say about this Severus?" Bellatrix looked at him, her fingers laced together before her face.

"He had better admit that he stole her from me." Ritchie yelled. "She wanted nothing to do with me because you ensared her somehow. We were going to be so happy together."

"Using the Cruciatus Curse on someone is hardly love." Severus drawled, knowing exactly where this was leading.

"Did he now?" Lord Voldemort perked up,

"Yes," Severus sneered, "and trying to use Amorentia on someone you think you loved is hardly a happy life together."

The table looked between the young man and Severus. Lucius and Narcissa, who were seated near Bellatrix, watched Severus anxiously. Being on the school board and knowing the woman in question could make them targets.

"What is this woman's name?" Lord Voldemort asked.

"Amilia Hubbard," Ritchie grinned. Severus stared at him intently, daring to look into his mind.

Severus saw Amilia sitting near the front of his potions class; her hair pulled into a ponytail as she brewed a potion. He saw the smile on her face as she laughed with friends in the Great Hall. The fear in her eyes as she fled from him. Her blood was spilling into the snow, and the ravenous feeling deep in his gut as he stared at her bare chest, her purple cloak in shreds. These were legitimate memories.

From there, Severus dived deeper; he saw the longing in Amilia's eyes as she looked at Ritchie, the playful looks over her shoulder on Valentine's day. The imagined scenario of his escape running towards Amilia, who had outstretched arms, the sex they would have in the grass on the castle grounds as Hogwarts burned behind them. The Dark Marks on their arms, black as night, as they swore their love to each other in front of the Dark Lord.

Severus withdrew quickly and looked at Lord Voldemort, who was deep in thought. "Peter!"

Shit. Severus watched as Peter Pettigrew emerged from the shadows, "Yes, my lord."

"What was the name of that woman who was in Severus's home?"

Peter looked at Severus with a look of fear in his eyes, "It was Amilia Hubbard my lord."

"Is that so." Lord Voldemort turned back to the table. "Well, Severus, I have been meaning to ask you about that."

"About what, my lord?"

"About the woman. What is her purpose? She is a professor at Hogwarts, correct? Or is Peter here wrong."

"Pettigrew is not wrong." Severus said, trying to slow down the beating of his heart.

"And what is her purpose?"

"I am unsure as to what you mean."

Voldemort leaned closer to Severus, "Why was she in your home? Peter said she appeared a little too dressed up to be coming by for a work visit."

Severus chuckled, "I am a man, with desire's and needs."

Voldemort laughed, as did many others at the table, "I suppose that is true, and a woman you work with would be easiest to acquire. However, that name is familiar; why is it familiar?"

The table fell silent. Severus looked around at everyone; Lucius and Narcissa did not make eye contact.

"Does no one know? Pity." Lord Voldemort reclined in his chair, stroking the snake's head. "So why do you want to join our forces?"

Ritchie looked at the Dark Lord, "I had a lot of time to think while I was locked away. The ones who threw me in there, even my own parents, thought I was some monster because I used an Unforgivable Curse on a classmate. I was angry and hurt that she lied and stood me up." He shrugged, "So, if people think I am a monster, why not join the others they call monsters. At least then I will have a purpose."

Bellatrix's chest swelled with pride. Lord Voldemort considered Ritchie's words, "I need to think about this. Severus, in the mean time, he will stay with you."

Severus raised an eyebrow; Ritchie looked murderous.

"My lord, if I may," Lucius interrupted, "since the young man harbors some animosity towards Severus I do not think that is wise. Mister Clearwater may attack our only insider which would be a great loss to us."

"You have a good point," Lord Voldemort said, "and I suppose that if Severus is still using this Amilia Hubbard for his whims that would create another problem and I do not like it when you all fight with each other."

"I will not harm Professor Snape, as long as he leaves me Amilia." Ritchie made direct eye contact, "She and I were destined to be together after all."

"No." Voldemort hissed.


Bellatrix grabbed Ritchie's arm, silencing him. "He can stay with me my lord, I can teach him our ways!"

Severus sat back, watching, unsure how this would work; indeed, Bellatrix would be staying with her sister. Lord Voldemort pondered this momentarily, "That is fine; I will have my answer at our next meeting. You both may leave."

Bellatrix gaped at him, clearly surprised that she could not stay any further. Severus looked at her, "Perhaps this is so you can get some well deserved rest. I am sure that Azkaban did not allow you to sleep very long." She glared at him but pushed the chair back, took Ritchie by the arm, and disapparated.

Severus relaxed a little in his chair before he realized he was being stared at. Lord Voldemort squinted his eyes at him, "Peter told me about the woman weeks ago, he said you knew."

"Yes, I knew, my lord."

"And you did not come to me to combat the fact that he said something?"


"Why not?"

Severus wanted to look away but did not dare to, "I saw no reason to. I knew that if you wanted to discuss the information, you would have sought me out; besides, you are a very busy man my lord."

Voldemort laughed, a sound that reminded Severus of a donkey, "You are correct. He told me that there is a long history with this woman, I do hope that any daliances you have with her will not interfere with our work."

"Of course not," Severus said.

"Good." Voldemort leaned back in his chair again, "Can anyone tell me why that name is familiar? Amilia Hubbard."

Severus looked down at the table, locking eyes with Narcissa, who gripped her husband's shoulder. Lucius sighed, "She is a professor at Hogwarts. Miss Hubbard is also the Co-head of Slytherin House and a former Death Eater."

Voldemort looked at Lucius, pleased, "I see." He looked at Severus, contemplating the options, "You all are dismissed."

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