Chapter 62

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Severus woke with the sun; the gems that Amilia charmed to hover near her ceiling sparkled and cast rainbows all over the room. Severus scoffed as he gently rolled out of bed, trying not to wake his wife. He tiptoed out of the room and silenced the door so that he could close it before scurrying towards his chambers.

There, he showered, the warm water cascading down his chest and arms. He stared at them listlessly; it had been weeks since he had been able to hold Amilia in his arms. The hospital would not allow him to share her bed for fear that she would fall out of it. Which was reasonable, but it still irked him to no end.

He sighed as he toweled off and dressed. In his office, vials from the practical O.W.L's waited for him to examine, and a half stack of parchment was waiting to be graded, but he did not want to do them. He wanted to spend time with Amilia. However, he could not because he still had a job that needed his attention. Severus was torn. What should he do?

Breakfast: We should have a small breakfast together if she does not want to go to the Great Hall. Severus grinned; it was a brilliant idea. He did not have any exams to administer today, so he could get his grading done and still be nearby if Amilia needed him, but a small meal together first would benefit them both.

In the kitchens, the House-elves were busy and annoyed with Severus's appearance. The one in charge huffed. "What does Sir Snape need?"

"I just want a small meal made for myself and Professor Hubbard."

The House-elf rolled his eyes, "We are gladdened to hear of her safe return but we are busy."

"Then allow me to make it."

"Sirs would be in the way."

Severus glared at the creature, "I will not be long. I just need some eggs and fruit."

The two stared at each other for some time before the elf let Severus near the food. Severus carefully seasoned the eggs as he scrambled them, added some milk to make them a little fluffier, and then continuously stirred once he put them in the pan. Once he was done with those, after cautiously looking to see if the House-elves were watching him, he toasted some bread and swiped a few strips of bacon off of a nearby plate. He put a lid over the tray and pocketed some oranges and apples before carrying them to his office.

Amilia was woken with soft kisses on her cheek. She groaned and tried to roll over but found it challenging. Amilia huffed and opened a single eye. "The Minister had better be dead."

She could hear Severus chuckle softly, "I brought you some breakfast."

Slowly she opened her other eye and blinked in the light, "I thought I was still at St. Mungo's."

"No, love, you are home. You both are." Severus laid his hand on her belly and jerked back quickly. "What was that?"

Amilia laughed, "That was the baby saying good morning."

"It kicked me."

"Get used to it." Amilia glared.

Severus shook his head, "I brought you some breakfast."

"I will be there in a minute. I have to use the restroom."

After Amilia cleaned up and changed, she walked into her sitting room to find minus one Severus and a breakfast. She scowled as she surveyed the room. Nothing was out of place, no note sitting on the mantle, and Edgar slept peacefully on his perch. It wasn't until she saw that the passageway between their rooms was open that she realized she was getting irritated over nothing.

Amilia peeked her head inside, "Is this where we are eating?"

Severus looked up from his desk, "Yes, I am sorry. I should have told you."

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