Chapter 84

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Amilia sat in her classroom; Jordan was lying on a blanket in her office, playing in the sunlight. The doctors told Amilia to make sure she was out of the dungeons getting plenty of light, and while the castle was accommodating of windows, there was only so much natural light they could get in their rooms.

Sighing, Amilia thought of how things changed in their rooms once Severus took up the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. Slughorn had the classroom, and what was Severus's private office now was no longer attached to the potions classroom. Instead, it was changed to be an expansion of their sitting room. Together, they had taken a day to rearrange the bookshelves and clear out part of the private storeroom there, much to his dismay.

Amilia was saddened by it, but it was unnecessary, seeing as he no longer needed access. The door switched positions, and the items that Severus had bought for personal use were then taken to Spinner's End, where he would most likely do most of his private brewing, which she was not allowed to join in on since the rat was still staying there.

She sighed again, she knew this year would be different, but she thought she would have more time. Jordan cooed, calling for her attention. Amilia peeked in from the chair; Jordan blinked at her and wiggled around on the little blanket. Amilia smiled, "Are you having fun little one?" She reached for her baby and picked her up, "Let's see what is happening in the hall."

They both peered out the window into the hall; students walked around chatting and looking at schedules with their peers. The first years were getting directions and looking somewhat lost. Amilia pressed her lips together, creating a thin line; typically, she would be out there helping direct them or speaking with the Heads of Houses about what classes the sixth and seventh years would be taking related to their career choices; now, she felt utterly useless.

"No, not useless," Amilia muttered, glancing at her daughter, who looked out the window, "just doing something else this year. Besides, you still get to tutor after school hours." She turned from the window and wandered into her office, her desk still sat in the room along with her bookshelf, but it felt different. "It is about time for you to eat and nap then; perhaps I can organize my yarn stash."

Severus stood in his new classroom, his chest swelling with pride. Finally, something that he had wanted for so long was now his. A few things he wanted were now his; a wife, a child, this content area; nothing could make this day go bad. He picked up his class list and scanned the names, including one that made his lip curl, Harry Potter. "Of course." There it was, that boy, the one thing that could turn anything sour.

Severus set the list down and took in three deep, calming breaths. He would not let an annoying lout of a child ruin his day; he did not want it to set the tone or affect him when he returned to his private chambers. Severus closed his eyes, thinking of his wife and daughter waiting for him to come home; he felt calmer, but then a sense of dread and pity came over him for a moment. He wondered if Amilia was having a good time or attempting not to wallow in her sadness that she had essentially been stripped of her job.

He shook his head; no, I cannot think of that right now. I must stay in the proper mindset for teaching this subject. He straightened his jacket and strolled over to the door, opening it and peering at the students who had gathered, "Inside, now."

"Put your books away; I wish to speak to all of you." Severus put his hands behind his back and gave the students a minute to follow his instructions. While they did so, he scanned their faces; Granger was disappointed. On the other hand, others were confused; Potter just stared at him in distaste and distrust. Severus did not blame him one bit.

He quietly cleared his throat, "Over the past five years, you have not had one consistent instructor; I am to change that." He watched as several students rolled their eyes, the rumor of a curse against the position was one he had heard many times, but he wanted to believe he would have to position the following year. "The Dark Arts is varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting those who employ these is like fighting a hydra; when one is gone, another emerges."

Severus began to walk around the room, commanding their attention. "With each new one, they become even feircer and cleverer. You are fighting what is constantly mutating and indestructable."

"Sir, if they are indestructable, then what is the point?" A student asked.

"The point is that we maintain order and secrecy," hissed a young girl, "with each Dark Wizard, our world is threatened by exposure, Muggles do not like things that are different. They barely like someone who doesn't have the same skin color or language, what makes you think they will accept magic with open arms?"

Severus let her continue for a moment because she had a point. He took that moment to look around the room, filtering through the countless thoughts he had heard. Harry's, in particular, were rather loud, chastising him for speaking of the Dark Arts with a loving caress in his voice. Severus scoffed if only the child knew how much the Dark Arts fueled their world. Most charms were created to counter the curses and jinxes that were made. Without one, there could not be the other.

"Your defenses," Severus continued, drawing attention back to himself, "must be as flexible and, dare I say it, creative and inventive as the arts you seek to undo." He paused, looking each of the students in the eye. He intended to have many essays on curses and countercurses, discussing how and why, and when it was created. He wanted to drive the point home that they did not have to rely on what was in the textbooks and that they could find their way to counter something, but he could not tell them that outright.

Severus pointed at the pictures he had requested to be hung on the wall, gruesome images of what had happened to witches and wizards that suffered under specific curses and creatures. Some of the students whispered amongst themselves, their voices fearful. "The Dark Lord even used creatures in the past, so it is safe to assume he will do so again." He walked around to the front of the room, where he had a podium, "I believe most of you are novices at nonverbal magic; does everyone know what that is?" He watched as several students nodded, and Granger shot her hand up. "Yes, Granger?" Severus drawled.

"Professor Hubbard...Snape, I mean, she imploys nonverbal magic quite often correct?"

"Yes," Severus raised an eyebrow at her, curious why she was asking a question instead of spewing information at him. "Since you have raised your hand, what is the advantage of nonverbal spells?"

Granger wiggled in her seat, "It gives the witch or wizard an advantage against the other since there is not warning as to what kind of magic they are about to preform."

"That is correct." Severus paused for a second, considering the points he should give her.

"We witnessed Professor Snape use nonverbal magic against you in a duel, during our second year when Lockheart was our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, correct?"

Severus pressed his lips together, annoyance creeping in, "Yes, Miss Granger, that is correct."

"Will she help us learn how to use nonverbal magic?"

Now, Severus found himself scowling, "No." He tried his best to hide the bitter tone in his voice, but it did not escape some of the student's notice.

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