Chapter 110

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Severus held Amilia's hand longer than necessary after arriving outside Malfoy Manor's gates. She wiggled free and pulled out the mask that Severus had created. She hesitantly held it, "Do I need to put it on now?"

Severus pressed his lips thin, "Have it ready just in case." He sighed, "Just in case we get raided, I want your face to be covered as you escape."


"The possibility is always there. The Ministry is not under his control."

Amilia scowled but put it in the pocket of her robes. Severus watched her as she fiddled with the buttons and hood. "I do not want to be here."

"Shh." Severus silenced her as he looked over her shoulder. Amilia turned to look as well when another form emerged from the darkness.


"The best." Severus drawled, carefully and out of view of the other person, placing his hand on Amilia's lower back.

"I thought I was going to be late. Looks like all of us will be." The man looked down at Amilia, giving her a crooked smile. "Who is this?"

"My wife." Severus said bluntly.

"Ahh, so the Misses finally shows her face."

Amilia did not say anything.

"We must not keep the Dark Lord waiting, Yaxley."

Yaxley turned his nose up and entered the gates with Severus and Amilia. The walk up the pathway was silent save for the calls of Lucius's peacocks. Amilia snickered when Yaxley jumped, ready to deal with the threat, only for him to swear and put his wand away.

Inside the Manor, Severus held Amilia back while Yaxley walked ahead. He lowered his head to her ear and whispered, "I do not know what is going to be behind those doors. Harden your face and thoughts now because you are as much a part of this now as I have always been. Anything can happen."

"I do not want to be here." She whispered back.

Severus laid his head on top of hers, "I know but neither of us have a choice in that matter now." He straightened himself and walked up to the now-closed doors. Amilia followed closely behind. Severus pushed them open and ushered his wife to walk ahead of him. "Wait next to me until you are told where you will sit."

As the pair walked into the grand dining room, they saw a woman upside down in the air, slowly spinning around as if her feet were held together by an invisible rope. Severus could not see the woman's face, but he could feel the tension from several of the room's occupants.

"You two are almost late." Lord Voldemort said from his spot next to the fireplace. He looked as if he was warming himself. "Yaxley, you know where to sit. Severus, there." A chair pulled out on what would be Voldemort's right hand.

"My Lord." Severus said, not moving to the chair just yet.

Lord Voldemort turned his head from the fire, showing his face. Severus felt Amilia stiffen next to him. "You brought your wife." Voldemort took a few steps away, observing the table. "I had not anticipated her arrival or else there would be a chair next to you."

Bellatrix snorted and sneered, "Why should she get a spot next to you? She has been running from our cause for some time now."

"My wife has her concerns that the Ministry would squash our efforts but she has since realized that we are about to reach our fullest potential." Severus said quickly.

Voldemort looked between the two, "I am glad you have come to your senses. Be seated next to Draco."

Severus left Amilia's side and took his seat; he watched her earnestly as she glanced around the room before setting her jaw and walking over to the boy.

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